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Shishangaan Male Lions

lionuk Offline

Credit: brancalion

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Czech Republic Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

A lone hyena in front of Gasper and its fellows...

" Hyena got the surprise of his life when he casually stroll down the road only to encounter Casper The White Lion and his Brothers coming from the opposite direction. "
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Poland Potato Offline

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Canada Mdz123 Offline

(02-09-2022, 02:09 PM)Potato Wrote:

We can expcet new pale/white cubs soon!

Brahim Online

Young Shishangaans!
Credit: Licinia Photography

Attached Files Image(s)
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Poland Potato Offline

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lionuk Offline
( This post was last modified: 02-13-2022, 11:16 PM by lionuk )

Can someone kindly categorise these 3 males, apart from Casper?

#2 The biggest of the four
#3 Mohawk

to those names: Footloose, Casanova and Mfowethu

For identifications purposes. 

I think Mfowethu is the leader 

lionuk Offline
( This post was last modified: 02-13-2022, 11:31 PM by lionuk )

About Semana Pride, that word "Semana" in Spanish means week in English. Just saying. 
Why there are some guides saying that "Semana Pride" doesn't exist? 

Today is "Domingo".

Brahim Online
( This post was last modified: 02-13-2022, 11:37 PM by Brahim )

We don't know what Semana means probably wasn't taken from the Spanish word anyway. That's the guy on youtube saying that.  No guides are saying that just the youtube guy. I spoke to the youtube guy the other day he got all rude saying half the guys working at singita are Spanish foreigners and would not send him pics of the lioness. Though not sure what good it would do when he couldn't tell the difference between nsemani , nwanetsi and semana pride for months even though they are located in different places. Apparently he knows better than Singita and he won't talk to uninformed people he said even though he is using my texts in many of his video descriptions. It ridiculous he won't use a name by Singita but expects people to use Footloose and stupid names he makes.
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lionuk Offline
( This post was last modified: 02-15-2022, 01:59 AM by lionuk Edit Reason: incomplete )

(02-13-2022, 11:32 PM)Brahimlegend Wrote: We don't know what Semana means probably wasn't taken from the Spanish word anyway. That's the guy on youtube saying that.  No guides are saying that just the youtube guy. I spoke to the youtube guy the other day he got all rude saying half the guys working at singita are Spanish foreigners and would not send him pics of the lioness. Though not sure what good it would do when he couldn't tell the difference between nsemani nwanetsi and semana pride for months even though they are located in different place. Apparently he knows better than Singita and he won't talk to uninformed people he said even though he is using my texts in many of his video descriptions. It ridiculous he won't use a name by Singita but expects people to use Footloose and stupid names he makes.

Ah, gotcha. I even don't like that word "Footloose" anyway.
He wasn't happy when I told him that Casper wasn't "missing" and even told me to apologise for spreading "false information". What a ridiculous guy he is!
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Brahim Online

I mean anyone is welcome to call them whatever they want, but its just the fact he thinks he owns the rights and everyone else is wrong if you don't follow what he says.
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South Africa Wyld@Heart Offline
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 02-14-2022, 12:31 AM by Wyld@Heart Edit Reason: Incomplete )

I do have to say this; I was a very regular visitor to the Kruger till about 2014 and then went through a bit of difficult time and could not visit until last July. I love the Satara area and it was my camp of choice during that time and have seen the pride around Satara on many occasions in that time, especially between 2011 and 2014. 2012 in particular was a year that saw many visits. Now what dynamics went on in the intervening seven years, I cannot say but during my stays there but on game drives from Satara camp itself during that time, the guides always referred to the pride immediately around Satara as the Satara pride. They also mentioned that it was always a relatively small pride in a fairly narrow territory not really stretching any major distance east or west. Like I said this was 7 years ago and I did not see the lionesses in July or speak to any guides about them so it's possible it's not the same pride descendents, or surviving lionesses, that are there now. 

I also cannot really recall seeing Singita vehicles that far west of their concession doing active game drives so while they obviously keep track of lion in their general area, are they actually doing any detailed viewing of that particular part of Kruger or just getting viewing reports? I do find that a bit strange to be completely honest. I'd really like clarification from the guides at Satara themselves. Do agree that the YouTube guy is taking it a bit far, though.

Edit: Semana is probably Shangaan but I do not know the word. Singita's usage of it might very well be taken from Spanish. After all, Satara is Hindi and not any local language at all.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor
( This post was last modified: 02-14-2022, 02:48 AM by Tr1x24 )

Anyone can call any lions how they want, if you dont like it, just dont use those names, even if rangers/lodges name them, there is no "rule" that we need to use those names as someone might think those names are stupid also.

So no need to bashing that guy, his videos are actually pure "treasue" as he is bringing us Casper and his brothers on regular basis which is very rare. 

It would be great we have more youtubers like him to bring us closely to some Kruger coalitions.

So if you dont like names, just dont use it and get over it..
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Brahim Online
( This post was last modified: 02-14-2022, 08:10 AM by Brahim )

@Tr1x24 Bashing the guy? She asked about the name, I'm just stating what happaned the other day. Not going to be nice when he comments on my post calling the guides foreigners who don't know the lioness and saying people who don't know the lions are naming them and then calls me uninformed, even though he's the one who confused the community on calling that pride nsemani and then nwanetsi and now satara. Casper and brothers are seen daily by many, join sanparks group or any Facebook group they are spammed 24/7 he isn't doing anything special. Anyway let's move on.
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Brahim Online
( This post was last modified: 02-14-2022, 06:29 AM by Brahim )

@Wyld@Heart Not sure but it isn't strange for these places to go out of their concession. Plus Casper is famous and grew up on their concession so they must keep up with him. Singita know more about their surrounding area than we do or a youtuber anyway. And it isn't unusual for them to talk about lions that aren't on their general concession anyway similar to the northern pride which they constantly give updates about or the southern pride, but both don't fall onto their concession. Either way their reports are great for details.
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