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--- Peter Broekhuijsen ---

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Nkuhlu males

Brazil Ngonya Offline

Snip Tail a few days ago at the sand river in Tengile

*This image is copyright of its original author

by Paulina Garcia Robles & Chema Aja
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Brazil Ngonya Offline
( This post was last modified: 03-27-2025, 11:56 PM by Ngonya )

Nkuhlu pride at Kruger National Park years ago
The oldest Nkuhlu, Smudge, when he was just a subadult young male. Here along with one of his brothers and a Nkuhlu pride lioness

*This image is copyright of its original author

The youngest Nkuhlu, the pale looking brother, also just a subadult at that time

*This image is copyright of its original author

by Anyah Hattingh
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Brazil Ngonya Offline

Smudge Nkuhlu babysitting the Sand River pride cubs at MalaMala this afternoon

by Deon Kelbrick
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Chile FACR2212 Offline
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: Yesterday, 03:55 AM by FACR2212 )

(03-28-2025, 11:47 PM)Ngonya Wrote: Smudge Nkuhlu babysitting the Sand River pride cubs at MalaMala this afternoon

by Deon Kelbrick

Do you think that Smudge and Snip Tail are the most likely fathers of the cubs?

or could be any of the five brothers? I think those 2 boys do the hard work, they deserve to be the fathers.
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Brazil Ngonya Offline

(Yesterday, 03:54 AM)FACR2212 Wrote: Do you think that Smudge and Snip Tail are the most likely fathers of the cubs?

or could be any of the five brothers? I think those 2 boys do the hard work, they deserve to be the fathers.
Any of the males can be fathers to those cubs, all mated with Sand River females. Honestly all deserve to be fathers. Snip Tail and Smudge are the most active and bold thanks to their good health, the others struggle with condition but still do what is within their reach.

I do hope some of the cubs could've been sired by the Nkuhlu that vanished around late 2024 (October), taking into account the date the cubs were born (January-February 2025) it is not impossible i think, althought unlikely.
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