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N'waswitshaka males

Poland Potato Offline

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T I N O Offline

(09-08-2020, 06:26 PM)Potato Wrote:
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They're looking handsome.
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Poland Potato Offline

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T I N O Offline

The four N'waswitshaka males seen recently at Sabi Sabi Private Game Reserve, roaring constantly.
We stopped at a watering hole to view some birds when we heard lions calling in the distance. We followed the sounds and came across their tracks perfectly clear in the sand. After hearing elephants and zebra vocalising in an uneasy manner, we made our way towards them and found the four N’waswishaka males resting. Soon after they got up and continued on their morning patrol.
Sabi Sabi PGR,Posted: Sept 11.,2020.
Photo credit to: (1,2,3,4) to: Erin  Herbst & (5,6,7) to: Marco Vietti

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T I N O Offline
( This post was last modified: 09-14-2020, 03:35 AM by BA0701 )

The N'waswitshaka coalition at Kirkman's Kamp 
Warning: Graphic Content.

As humans we have an innate tendency to bring emotion into the mix when viewing animals in their natural habitat, behaving the way animals should. This is of course, one of the many traits which make us human. However, at times this can lead us astray when interpreting things within the context of nature.

Watching these male lions feeding on the remains of a Rhinoceros was certainly conflicting, but it is natural. There were no signs of anthropogenic interference, meaning the Rhinoceros died of natural causes and was not a victim of poaching.

We will never know if the lions actually caught it, or if it was mortally wounded by an interaction with another Rhinoceros. Nonetheless, sightings like this remind us that this is the wilderness, and animals do what they must to survive.

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Cath2020 Offline
Regular Member

Brutal. N'was males taking out 2 wild dog pups!!!!
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Hairy tummy Offline
Senior Member

Thats nature for u
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(09-14-2020, 04:43 PM)Cath2020 Wrote: Brutal. N'was males taking out 2 wild dog pups!!!!

Sad, but wild dogs would do the same to lion cubs, thats nature..

That was Orange Eyes, he seems to be most agressive of the 4... interesting that in those big coalitions usually the smallest and youngest males are the most agressive and with most lion heart in them..
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Poland Potato Offline

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Cath2020 Offline
Regular Member

I just read bad news about the N'was.  One lost an eye and another is possibly dead from his injuries.  The report did not give a lot of details about which coalition they fought with.  Could be Avocas or Delaportes....  I hope that all of them are still alive somehow until we get confirmation. They are young and just started fathering cubs.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(09-26-2020, 03:39 PM)Cath2020 Wrote: I just read bad news about the N'was.  One lost an eye and another is possibly dead from his injuries.  The report did not give a lot of details about which coalition they fought with.  Could be Avocas or Delaportes....  I hope that all of them are still alive somehow until we get confirmation. They are young and just started fathering cubs.

Where did you read this??
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Cath2020 Offline
Regular Member

We'll wait for confirmation by rangers.  This is one report I actually hope is false.  

There are many fan pages and followers now, so if this is misleading, I won't trust any of them again without confirmation from official sites. 

Plus, I thought that one of the Tumbelas lost an eye, or at least injured it?!  Anyway, lions can lose eyes or teeth... It's not uncommon.  

Still, not much news about the N'was Coalition recently. They must be very mobile and patrolling I reckon. They were seen on the run separately in one video.  (All 4 not together, basically) Wishing for the best, but expecting anything....

These males, no matter, should try to avoid coalitions in their prime, like the 7-8 year old Delaportes or Avocas. They are not quite there yet, and lack some experience.
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Brahim Online
( This post was last modified: 09-26-2020, 04:47 PM by Brahim )

It is true two rangers have told me .couple days ago nwaswitshaka got into a fight with two unknown males. One nwaswitshaka lost an eye the other is badly injured calling for his brothers. One ranger said he could be dead already the other said he could survive. They will release pictures later today. Because it was at night they don’t know who they fought. They said they are checking Southern Avocas later . They don’t think it was de Laporte . It wasn’t bboys they both look great today with their pride .
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Brahim Online

One the four N'waswishaka males lost one eye, and the other might now be dead from his bad injuries . The other two seem to be fine
A fight that took place two nights ago, against unknown males.  Pictures will come later.

Lion Sands , 
Thomas More 
September 26.  2020
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor
( This post was last modified: 09-26-2020, 05:32 PM by Tr1x24 )

(09-26-2020, 04:46 PM)Brahimlegend Wrote: It is true two rangers have told me .couple days ago nwaswitshaka got into a fight with two unknown males. One nwaswitshaka lost an eye the other is badly injured calling for his brothers. One ranger said he could be dead already the other said he could survive. They will release pictures later today. Because it was at night they don’t know who they fought. They said they are checking Southern Avocas later . They don’t think it was de Laporte . It wasn’t bboys they both look great today with their pride .

Hmm, if this was in Lion Sands, its most likely DeLaportes then S. Avocas..

Any idea which 2 N'ws where in the fight??

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