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Modern weights and measurements on wild tigers

Roflcopters Offline
Modern Tiger Expert
( This post was last modified: 07-22-2022, 01:06 PM by Roflcopters )


I think Green has fair points though, i can respect that. also i forgot MT3 weighed 243kg and 192kg during his death and his sister T106 weighed 130kg as a 23 month old cub as well.

both were fathered by (T39/Noor and T57/Aurangzeb)

abhisingh7 Offline
Regular Member

(07-22-2022, 12:38 PM)Roflcopters Wrote: @abhisingh7 

that’s thunder male of Dudhwa, last year when he was found with a snare around his neck. he was captured by the forest department and the snare was removed from his neck.

is thunder male really 345 as said by wasif or few people on wildfact  . i wanted paper on that or word from vet .people should try to contact the vet or team that captured him .

Romania GreenForest Offline

@Roflcopters We can take the weight as reliable if it was published in a forest department report or in government journal. We can't simply assume a photographer might have heard correct weight and conveyed it correctly. That would be nothing but conjecture. As for local newspaper saying T24's weight is above 215kg, it simply implies the weight is somewhere around 215kg. No other interpretation can be taken. If he indeed weighed way above that, they would have mentioned it. Stomach food content is absolutely important. Tigers can roam with 30-50kg of meal anytime. That can skew their actual weight. We should strive to convey true scientific weights, not hearsays.
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abhisingh7 Offline
Regular Member

(07-22-2022, 03:29 PM)GreenForest Wrote: @Roflcopters We can take the weight as reliable if it was published in a forest department report or in government journal. We can't simply assume a photographer might have heard correct weight and conveyed it correctly. That would be nothing but conjecture. As for local newspaper saying T24's weight is above 215kg, it simply implies the weight is somewhere around 215kg. No other interpretation can be taken. If he indeed weighed way above that, they would have mentioned it. Stomach food content is absolutely important. Tigers can roam with 30-50kg of meal anytime. That can skew their actual weight. We should strive to convey true scientific weights, not hearsays. indian express is one of india's top newspaper may be 1000 times or 10k times bigger than that local newspaper in publications . it have ustaad aroud 250kg at the tym of final capture . now ustaad have big body dimensions than that 215kg corbett male translocated to rajaji  or these 227-228kg panna tigers .usttad weight at age 3.5 is given as 240 by habib (generally vet gives weight after deduction as per their observation), so it is more wise to consider 258 .

Romania GreenForest Offline

@abhisingh7 The weight referred in indianexpress is rounded off weight of past weight (240kg, unadjusted). Not the weight at the time of relocation. Local newspaper reported it correctly. Once tiger was shifted, it weighed less than 200kg in few days. It makes sense for tigers to drop 15kg in matter of few days. On any day, local newspapers are more reliable than national newspaper for local news.
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abhisingh7 Offline
Regular Member

(07-22-2022, 04:50 PM)GreenForest Wrote: @abhisingh7 The weight referred in indianexpress is rounded off weight of past weight (240kg, unadjusted). Not the weight at the time of relocation. Local newspaper reported it correctly. Once tiger was shifted, it weighed less than 200kg in few days. It makes sense for tigers to drop 15kg in matter of few days. On any day, local newspapers are more reliable than national newspaper for local news.

so ranthambhore every tiger is unadjusted like st1 , mt3 or usttad at age 3.5 . visit ranthambhore and see t101 . but i think u know ustaad could be 258 .u are just saying these things for fun .i will  contact that photographer or ranthambhore authorities .
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Roflcopters Offline
Modern Tiger Expert
( This post was last modified: 07-22-2022, 08:00 PM by Roflcopters )

Quote:We can take the weight as reliable if it was published in a forest department report or in government journal. We can't simply assume a photographer might have heard correct weight and conveyed it correctly. That would be nothing but conjecture.

I think you’re lost, there is no such thing as government journal and forest department report in 2022. you gotta transition with time or you get left behind. a lot of things have changed over the years. those old ways are outdated and they get us nowhere. we have reported several weights via private messages with people in the field, conversations with experts and forest department people as well as news articles. if the sources make sense. so does the weight. Indianexpress did their due diligence to bring forward a report and everyone in the report narrated their story of T24/Ustaad. i find it funny how you look down on the press-release and assume that they just made up a bunch of crap for the news. you’re hilarious. also what photographer are you talking about? photographers don’t do news reporting for Indianexpress, perhaps you know better than me.  Grin

Quote:As for local newspaper saying T24's weight is above 215kg, it simply implies the weight is somewhere around 215kg. No other interpretation can be taken. If he indeed weighed way above that, they would have mentioned it.

you misquoted this same newspaper earlier, i don’t understand what you’re saying. nowhere does it imply that he weighed close to 215kg or ball park around there. it just states that he was over 215kg. 

Quote:Stomach food content is absolutely important. Tigers can roam with 30-50kg of meal anytime. That can skew their actual weight. We should strive to convey true scientific weights, not hearsays.

30-50kg is a ridiculously high number for stomach food content and pretty uncommon. also you are going nowhere with this. as i mentioned earlier. if you have proof, there was stomach food content. we can discuss, don’t bring up the stomach content argument if you aren’t even sure. it just doesn’t make any sense to me. 

Roflcopters Offline
Modern Tiger Expert
( This post was last modified: 07-22-2022, 08:21 PM by Roflcopters )


not the present day Thunder male, the old Thunder male weighed that apparently. @Pckts contacted Wasif Jamshed. maybe check with him. 

strongmanw7 Offline
New Member

(07-22-2022, 12:38 PM)Roflcopters Wrote: @abhisingh7 

that’s thunder male of Dudhwa, last year when he was found with a snare around his neck. he was captured by the forest department and the snare was removed from his neck.

this dudhwa male thunder skull looks 30-40% larger than that 250kg plus male . this looks like a monster of a tiger . u people must get info. on this .
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Romania GreenForest Offline

@abhisingh7 It is true none of the tiger weights from ranthambore or any other park in india is adjusted for stomach food. A 200kg tiger can weigh 240-250kg on full belly. It is important to get food content subtracted for accurate weight. T24 can weigh 250kg on full belly. But, at empty belly, I very much doubt that weight. He can be 200-220kg at empty.
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Roflcopters Offline
Modern Tiger Expert
( This post was last modified: 07-22-2022, 11:06 PM by Roflcopters )


that’s because he is a massive tiger for sure. he rules all the former territories of the previous thunder male that weighed over 300kg+ from the same area.

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

where he comes from, there’s many more with huge skulls. 

*This image is copyright of its original author

Charger male of Dudhwa with an enormous skull. pictures can sometimes be deceiving so let’s try this again from a far distance.

*This image is copyright of its original author

Charger male from far away, you will immediately notice the size of his skull. 

*This image is copyright of its original author

Charger male again, you can’t miss this. his skull size is unreal. 

*This image is copyright of its original author

Charger male 

*This image is copyright of its original author

here’s Bhavani male, check the skull size of his head. 

*This image is copyright of its original author

Bankati male from far distance (brother of Sathiana male) even from a far shot, you can’t unsee this.

*This image is copyright of its original author

lets try a real closer 

*This image is copyright of its original author

check the size of his head. 

*This image is copyright of its original author

Gulrighat - check the size of his head

*This image is copyright of its original author

further distance

*This image is copyright of its original author

old charger male (the original one)
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Ashutosh Offline

@GreenForest, there is no way a tiger weighing 200 kilos will weigh 240-250 kilo after stomach content. Yes, they have large appetites and can eat 12-15% of their body weights, but that still doesn’t translate into a 200 kilo tiger weighing 240-250 kilos.

A tiger weighing 250 kilos with maximum stomach content is most likely a male that weighs 220-230 kilos empty depending on when he has eaten.

That percentage is the maximum an individual eats and that figure is only correctly assumed as the tiger has just finished eating (and most likely drinking). The further you go away from this moment, the stomach content is expelled pretty rapidly in large cats as their digestive system is very short which therefore reduces stomach content.
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abhisingh7 Offline
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 07-23-2022, 03:17 PM by abhisingh7 )

(07-23-2022, 11:24 AM)Ashutosh Wrote: @GreenForest, there is no way a tiger weighing 200 kilos will weigh 240-250 kilo after stomach content. Yes, they have large appetites and can eat 12-15% of their body weights, but that still doesn’t translate into a 200 kilo tiger weighing 240-250 kilos.

A tiger weighing 250 kilos with maximum stomach content is most likely a male that weighs 220-230 kilos empty depending on when he has eaten.

That percentage is the maximum an individual eats and that figure is only correctly assumed as the tiger has just finished eating (and most likely drinking). The further you go away from this moment, the stomach content is expelled pretty rapidly in large cats as their digestive system is very short which therefore reduces stomach content.
i quote again "indian express said ustaad as a 250kg approx male tiger " , not said he is 250 when full , or always walks at 250 with full belly . weighted 240kg at age 3.5 . there is no information about content .ustaad body looks 200cm long with 140cm approx girth and is very tall tiger , that dimension would lead to approx 250-260 weight. these peoplel like " gree forest" are troll who will repeat again the same things around 1000 times to have fun.
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

(07-23-2022, 12:29 PM)abhisingh7 Wrote:
(07-23-2022, 11:24 AM)Ashutosh Wrote: @GreenForest, there is no way a tiger weighing 200 kilos will weigh 240-250 kilo after stomach content. Yes, they have large appetites and can eat 12-15% of their body weights, but that still doesn’t translate into a 200 kilo tiger weighing 240-250 kilos.

A tiger weighing 250 kilos with maximum stomach content is most likely a male that weighs 220-230 kilos empty depending on when he has eaten.

That percentage is the maximum an individual eats and that figure is only correctly assumed as the tiger has just finished eating (and most likely drinking). The further you go away from this moment, the stomach content is expelled pretty rapidly in large cats as their digestive system is very short which therefore reduces stomach content.
i quote again "indian express said ustaad as a 250kg approx male tiger " , not said he is 250 when full , or always walks at 250 with full belly . weighted 240kg at age 3.5 . there is no information about content .ustaad body looks 200cm long with 140cm approx girth and is very tall tiger , that dimension would lead to approx 250-260 weight. these peoplel like " gree forest" are troll who will repeat again the same things around 1000 times to have fun.

You’re too harsh, he’s raising legitimate concerns. To my knowledge we never got confirmation from Bilal for Ustaads weight claim. If we did that would certainly be good enough but I don’t remember that being the case. It was years ago though so it’s possible.
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Czech Republic Charger01 Offline
Animal admirer & Vegan
( This post was last modified: 07-23-2022, 09:31 PM by Charger01 )

Is this all because I said I wouldn't mention the name of the sources? I have very strong reasons to do so, recently I've seen too many people get spammed in emails and DMs regarding the same lion/tiger in discussion. So excuse me if I don't give their names to you, it's not happening, unless I myself choose to tell them. Just so you know, I did tell some people here along screenshots of emails/DMs confirming these tiger weights but these are the people I trust. You can choose to disregard these weights but know that except for the 250 kg Valmiki Tiger (picked from a newspaper) and 258 kg Ustad (confirmation from a filmmaker), all others are 100% verified by contacting the vets/researchers directly involved in the process, some even verified twice.
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