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--- Peter Broekhuijsen ---

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Matimba Coalition Male Lineage

Panama Mapokser Offline

One of the Mayambula males seen with a brother near Orpen, credits to Colby:

*This image is copyright of its original author

Shaka's son?
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Canada Mdz123 Offline

Shaka himself

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Panama Mapokser Offline
( This post was last modified: 11-09-2024, 10:04 AM by Mapokser )

Mbiri male and lioness yesterday:

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

Hopefully he wasn't attacking her for real, credits to Jandiwade.
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criollo2mil Offline

(06-05-2023, 03:46 AM)Mapokser Wrote: Mbiri male and lioness yesterday:

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

Hopefully he wasn't attacking her for reason, credits to Jandiwade.

they were mating. zz style lol
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Canada Robot00 Offline
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 06-07-2023, 06:13 AM by Robot00 )

(06-06-2023, 09:04 PM)criollo2mil Wrote:
(06-05-2023, 03:46 AM)Mapokser Wrote: Mbiri male and lioness yesterday:

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

Hopefully he wasn't attacking her for reason, credits to Jandiwade.

they were mating.   zz style    lol
That's some rough mating if you ask me, bondage style. lolz

Pakistan Asif Ali Offline

These Two Males were expanding their claimed territory, moving across all the Ngala Private Game Reserve. We got lucky to find them a couple of times. Hearing them roar is quite special, but when they walk less than a meter from you, man that is petrifying.

Credits: Danigalobardes

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Pakistan Asif Ali Offline

Mbiri Males

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Pakistan Asif Ali Offline

Mbiri males 

cr: @Danigalobardes

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Panama Mapokser Offline

/\ Some of the photos:

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Pakistan Asif Ali Offline

One of the 6 young Matimba Male known as also Sava Males.

Richard Miller Photography

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Pakistan Asif Ali Offline

    Nduna Matimba. Richard Millar reportedly call him a big and Huge Male Lion in his posts from 2010.
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Panama Mapokser Offline
( This post was last modified: 07-12-2023, 09:22 AM by Mapokser )

Shaka after killing a hyena in Ngala, by Amy Palmer:

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Panama Mapokser Offline

1/6 Maymbula male, credits in the photo:

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Mwk85 Offline
Senior Member

Shaka Mbiri. I read elsewhere that he was in Manyeleti and that Mandevu was possibly on his trail. Something definitely got his attention, but can't say for certain as to what exactly it was.

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Panama Mapokser Offline

Mandevu got a beating from RR recently, it'd be better for him to not try his luck against an arguably even fiercer opponent, especially because Mbiris won't truly try to take over.

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