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--- Peter Broekhuijsen ---

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Matimba Coalition Male Lineage

criollo2mil Offline
( This post was last modified: 02-26-2022, 09:45 PM by criollo2mil )

(02-26-2022, 09:44 PM)criollo2mil Wrote: Here is the photo seen at Orpen 

CreditWhistleeb cam at orpen

Shaka’s mane has grown substantially….can’t recognize him now.  Hehehe
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(02-26-2022, 09:44 PM)criollo2mil Wrote: Here is the photo seen at Orpen 

CreditWhistleeb cam at orpen

It's great news.... 

Hope we got more update on skorro pride. Still we don't know exactly how many sons these two boys have in skorro pride??
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United States kobe8jf1234 Offline
Regular Member

i want to see a pic of his jaw i hope he regain his strength great that he found his bro
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BigLion39 Offline
Senior Member

Great news! These 2 are so impressive! Shaka is turning around 180* with his mane growing longer and in great shape! Zig Zag , thank the Lord he has recovered!
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Hairy tummy Offline
Senior Member

So happy the mbiri boys look to be doing great
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Poland Potato Offline

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Great news. 
Older Mbiri males have became grandfathers. 
The two younger matimbas girls ( daughter of older mbiris) have new cubs sired by skorro males. 
It's the fourth generation of matimbas.

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Poland Potato Offline
( This post was last modified: 03-09-2022, 10:07 PM by Potato )

Myambula cubs, all looking healty. There is so far 8 cubs from 3 lionesses and other 4 lionesses are yet to give birth. Myambula pride is soon gonna be massive pride of around 25 individuals.

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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor

Senior Mbiri/Nsemani male, late 2016, near Nsemani Dam, new dominant males in that area :

Photo Credits : Mohamed Varachia

*This image is copyright of its original author
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lionuk Offline
( This post was last modified: 03-16-2022, 10:16 PM by lionuk )

Zigzag. He's looking better, though he's still limping. 
Credit: WE

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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lionuk Offline

The Mbiri males

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Poland Potato Offline

(03-16-2022, 11:47 PM)lionuk Wrote: The Mbiri males

Nice to see Scar recovered from his injurys and Mbiris back in terrytorial activitis. They for a quite a while did not patrol estern Ngala and northern Manyeleti and now revovered they are back. Also it is nice to hear guide's opinion on the size of Mbiri males and the Northern Matimba males.
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Poland Potato Offline

During the early hours of Monday morning, we were so lucky to find the cubs with the lionesses at a natural pan settling in for a drink. Fortunately, one of the Skorro males was trailing the pride and used the time to quench his own thirst. After the drink, they moved into the Machaton river for the day!

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Hairy tummy Offline
Senior Member

Any news on what actually happened to zig zag?
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lionuk Offline

Torchwood male, son of the Southern Matimba males
Credit: Franscois Swart

*This image is copyright of its original author
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