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--- Peter Broekhuijsen ---

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Majingilane Coalition Male Lineage

Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

Three Tooth Tsalala male with his deLaporte coalition :

*This image is copyright of its original author

He's been in some scraps lately, some cuts around the eye:

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*This image is copyright of its original author

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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
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Poland Potato Offline

In the low light, a last few golden rays of light struck this male lion’s face as he lifted his head to see what remained of the wildebeest the rest of the Mhangeni pride were feeding on a few meters away.

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Mohawk4 Offline
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Poland Potato Offline

Update on Mhangeni male

Sabi Sand Notice: Mhangeni Male (Big Boy) Mortality – Northern Lion

It has come to the attention of the Sabi Sand Wildtuin (SSW) that there have been some concerns regarding one of the Mhangeni male lions, Big Boy; that was sadly found deceased on the 29th November 2019, in the northern section of the Sabi Sand Game Reserve.
The SSW responded immediately once alerted about the incident and conducted a full field inspection. Furthermore, in conjunction with the Mpumalanga State Veterinary Department, a comprehensive post-mortem was conducted at SSW Head Quarters. The overall feedback from the State Veterinary Department is that the male lion died of natural causes, with evidence of an internal infection which may have been caused by the external fighting wounds present on the male. There was no evidence of any human-related link to the loss of the lion.
It is always very sad and traumatic to see a wild animal suffer as a result of sickness/disease, territorial fighting, and other natural causes. According to research, only one in eight male lions are estimated to survive to adulthood, and thereafter still face many survival challenges. (Main, Douglas, 2013)
Let us take this time to commemorate Big Boy and honour the beauty and reminders of life that Nature displays to us daily. Kindly share this message with the following hashtag as a way of celebrating Big Boy and his long-lasting legacy - #BigBoyMhangeniLion
SSW Management, in conjunction with the commercial lodges will continue to monitor the situation and any other lion mortalities – and keep our members and interested parties well informed. Should you require any further information, please direct your question to Iain Olivier via email at [email protected]
Kind regards,

SSW Management
Works Cited
Main, Douglas, 2013. Becoming King: Why So Few Male Lions Survive to Adulthood. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 17 December 2019].

Images soucre: safariLIVE


Poland Potato Offline

James Hanry has mentioned that he had puncture wound close to his spine.

Mohawk4 Offline
Regular Member

Othawa male

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Poland Potato Offline

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Blondemane Offline
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Othawa Male, 2020 

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Blondemane Offline
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Othawa/Nguvu Male, photo by: Cecile Rothschild 2020

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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor
( This post was last modified: 01-06-2020, 03:05 AM by Tr1x24 )

2 Mhangeni boys (born 2013, brothers of Kambulas) in Kruger (its unknown if Talamati male are still with them) :

*This image is copyright of its original author

I dont know if this is recent photo of them, because in this sighting in last year, they had much bigger manes, especially if you look at the top, idk :

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Poland Potato Offline

I am pretty sure older Mhangeni were full maned already long time ago. Are you sure those are them?

Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(01-06-2020, 03:08 AM)Potato Wrote: I am pretty sure older Mhangeni were full maned already long time ago. Are you sure those are them?

This is them, photo is posted today on Facebook, but i think is some archive photo from few years back, not recent. 

On this photos they still have mohawks like some 4 yrs old males, they are almost 7 yrs old, no way this is recent. This is prob from around 2017 by my judge.

T I N O Offline

(01-06-2020, 03:15 AM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(01-06-2020, 03:08 AM)Patata Wrote: Estoy bastante seguro de mayor Mhangeni se llena ya maned hace mucho tiempo. ¿Seguro de los ellos son?

Esto les es, la foto se publica hoy en Facebook, pero creo que es un poco de foto de archivo de unos años, no es reciente. 

En esta fotos que todavía tienen mohawks como algunos viejos machos 4 años, que son casi 7 años de edad, de ninguna manera esto es reciente. Esta es prob de 2017 por mi juez.

La foto fue tomada en septiembre del 2019, creo que el macho en la parte posterior es el macho Mangheni, los machos  pierden melena  debido al estrés, y el socio bigotes son casi los mismos

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