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Lions of Timbavati

United States Fredymrt Offline
Senior Member

The Sumatra males looking absolutely fantastic .. These boys are definitely stamping their authority on the area.

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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

Credits to Tintswalo.

Yesterday afternoon, Skorro and one of the Mbiri lionesses was found close to Zebra pan. They eventually settled at Konkoni quarry. 

This morning was ridiculous. Skorro was found roaring at the airstrip.

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*This image is copyright of its original author

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Mexico Gamiz Offline
Lion Enthusiast

Beautiful Ross Males roared the nights silence away !!!
Credits to Joe van Zyl

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United States Fredymrt Offline
Senior Member

Duma,kuduela,tin tin,sonof

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AN OLD FRIEND RETURNS : The entire camp was woken at 4h40 this morning by the roar of male lion very close to camp . Kevin , Themba and our guests headed out in search of the big cat and to our astonishment it was Sonof the dominant male of the Takazile pride . Sonof disappeared from our area about 8 months ago and we feared that we would never see him again . There were some reports of sightings of Sonof as far as the Klaserie Game Reserve about 60km away from us , and we assumed that he has established himself with a new pride there . Needless to say , everyone on Balule is abuzz from excitement that this beautiful animal has returned . As we speak , he is resting right in front of Sausage Tree Welcome home Sonof ! Photos by Eswe
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United States Fredymrt Offline
Senior Member

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Simbavati Guests at Machaton had the privilege of spending time with these 2 young male lions.
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Mexico Gamiz Offline
Lion Enthusiast

The Skorro Thanda Impi male Lion yesterday afternoon, staying close to and protecting the Mbiri pride.
Credits to Darren Donovan 

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Mexico Gamiz Offline
Lion Enthusiast

One of the Ross males on a buff kill next to the lodge. 
Credits to Makanyi Lodge 

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United States vinodkumarn Offline
Vinod Lion Enthusiast

Hey all! I'm in SE sector of Balule these days. Not far from Jejane. Kinda wondering if anyone knows the prides and males of this section, and what their names are. Let me start with the coalition of 4 males that we practically hear every night and see at least one day out of two. Please see the individual images for a description of each of these 4 males.
Credits: Jochan Van de Perre

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The first lion has a lot of cuts on his face. The ones close to his nostrils are unmistakeable. Bottom left canine is broken.

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The 2nd male looks youngish (bit of pink in the nose), but seems to be a fighter as well, jusging by all the scratches on his face. The cut above his right nostril is the easiest way of recognising him.

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Coalition member no 3 is a pretty boy with just one S-curved cut on his nose.

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Number 4 looks like the oldest gang member. Four horizontal parallel short scratches between his eyes. Has an ingrown toenail front left, and was limping badly putting almost no weight on back left left (although the next day it seemed better). From his protruding hip bones it looks like he's not doing too well. However, he roars as load as a F1 engine.

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United States Fredymrt Offline
Senior Member

Photo and text by:
Karl van der Westhuizen

The big Mohlabetsi Male works hard , he has the right to yawn like that ! The broken canine is also a new addition to his many scars and is testament to his many recent battles . at Mohlabetsi Safari Lodge
*This image is copyright of its original author
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Mexico Gamiz Offline
Lion Enthusiast

Thanda Impi Male Skorro 2016.Thanda Impi males now control about a third of the Manyeleti,with 2 prides under their protection-Mbiri and Nharhu aka Breakaway Birmingham Pride.They now have 20 cubs, that they’ve sired, and both made their way to this point the hard way. Hard lessons learnt have made them hard warriors.They have proved to be very successful coalition of 2 males 

Photo by:Ínigo Fadrique

*This image is copyright of its original author
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United States NCAT33 Offline
Regular Member

What's the size difference between the Thanda Impi males and the Matimba's? Are they heading toward a confrontation?
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United States Fredymrt Offline
Senior Member

Credits to: Vantage Private Guided Safaris.

1 of the 4 impressive Shishangeni males who delighted us with a memorable sighting last week , this male has an old injury to the cornea in his left eye it just gives him more character ! These big guys are pushing further from their core territory at the moment and searching for more lionesses
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Completely focused on his brothers contact call ! This was taken during a really sighting of the 4 Shishangenį males while they were scent marking and vocalising close to Crocodile Bridge Timeline Photos Feb 14,2017
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Mexico Gamiz Offline
Lion Enthusiast

A young Mohlabetsi coalition male. The biggest of the four youngsters, and quickly becoming one of my favorites. What an impressive creature he's becoming. What a nice sighting to end off this guiding cycle with, and what a photo opportunity.
Credits to Karl Van der Westhuizen 

*This image is copyright of its original author
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United States vinodkumarn Offline
Vinod Lion Enthusiast

We located the one giraffe female with 2 young cubs. Then the white female made an appearance not long after and in the end we located 8 members of the Giraffe pride
Photo Credit: JJ Oosthuizen

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Mexico Gamiz Offline
Lion Enthusiast

Saw these guys yesterday in northern Thornybush. Any ID? Pics not great, male lying down had a slightly discoloured right eye. They came in from the east, Hermansburg farm. This morning their tracks were heading back toward the Timbavati, not sure if they were seen again.
Credits to Tom Coetzee

Mazopa males 

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