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Lions of Timbavati

Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

After it, the peace. Credits to Pondoro Game Lodge.

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Mexico Gamiz Offline
Lion Enthusiast

From Baobab Ridge Game Lodge 
A few photo's from the past few days at Baobab Ridge, Klaserie. It has been action packed. 

Photo's courtesy of Brett Craig

Mazopa males 

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Mexico Gamiz Offline
Lion Enthusiast

Good day

Some great sightings lately with a beautiful female leopard and the two Mapoza male lions who have been entering into the heart of the Giraffe pride and Trilogy males territory, and the Giraffe pride with the white lion females taking down buffalo far in the west.

Kind regards
Kambaku Rangers

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*This image is copyright of its original author

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Mexico Gamiz Offline
Lion Enthusiast

From Pondoro Game Lodge 

Young male of the Mohlabetsi coalition enjoying the last rays of the sun while contemplating whether he should get up to have a feed on yet another buffalo kill.
*This image is copyright of its original author

From Kings Camp Lodge
Little confused, who are you boys now? Two males turned up in our Southern traversing, killed a buffalo but only one of them was semi relaxed with the vehicle, the other turned tail and hide himself in a thicket a way off. Have to love the unexpectedness of an open system.

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War zone!
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Mexico Gamiz Offline
Lion Enthusiast

From Sun Destinations
The stern beauty of the young Mapoza male lion keeping an eye on his adoring fans.
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Mexico Gamiz Offline
Lion Enthusiast

From Nthambo Tree Camp 
Two of the 3 male lions belonging to the ferocious Hercules Pride lionesses. These youngster are about 22 months old now and are growing into handsome kings of the bushveld!

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Mexico Gamiz Offline
Lion Enthusiast

Sumatra males 

From Kings Camp Lodge

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Mexico Gamiz Offline
Lion Enthusiast

From Nthambo Tree Camp 
The Mapoza males having a night in! We've got a few snaps of the boys relaxing in the darkness after a big meal and were even treated to the sight of them drinking side by side, illuminated by the spotlight.

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Mexico Gamiz Offline
Lion Enthusiast

From Ezulwini Game Lodge 
We recently reported the wild card antics from the power hungry Mohlabetsi boys enforcing their dominance over the prides within the Balule. But now it’s time to focus on two other prominent prides on the Ezulwini Traverse – Duma’s Pride and the River Pride. Over the past few days we've two lions from the River Pride, Duma's full pride - minus him; and the sub-adult males from the River Pride cruising in the darkness. Read here to find out more:

Balule Lion Catch-up : The Boys, the Prides, the DramaDrama
We recently reported the wild card antics from the power hungry Mohlabetsi boys enforcing their dominance over the prides within the Balule. But now it’s time to focus on two other prominent prides on the Ezulwini Traverse – Duma’s Pride and the River Pride.

Quote:Before we tell you about our recent sightings from the past five days, here’s a brief background and quick catch-up from the past 10 days:
  • The Mohlabetsi males are a coalition of 4 lions, with Duma’s brother at the forefront of the group.
  • The coalition appears to rule over the Impalabos Pride, River Pride and the Mohlabetsi Pride.
  • The River Pride is often seen in various sub-groups and split offs. It’s a pride of 13, so we’re not surprised.
  • Duma’s Pride seems to avoid the coalition of four.
  • It is speculated that Duma fled to the neighbouring Klaserie Private Nature Reserve, but has recently returned. Duma’s brother appeared to have a scuffle a few days ago and rangers are wondering if it wasn’t perhaps a showdown between him and his brother.

A couple of days ago a lone female was seen casually cruising on a pathway leading from the waterhole back into the thickets. With a full belly and fur looking bedraggled from devouring a meal, it was clear she was going to return to the kill site. The game viewer followed the lioness from a safe distance as she headed west.

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The lioness from the River Pride eventually led everyone to an open area where a young male was waiting close to a recent giraffe kill. The two lions relaxed together close to the kill. The young male lion is rumoured to be about 5 years old and is one of the youngsters from the River Pride.
Thus far, the Mohlabetsi crew have not sought any type of showdown or fight with this male and have let him stay within the pride.
However, he is at the age where he is reaching sexual maturity and will seek to dominate. Jochen questions the situation wondering why these two lions were without the pride.
Questions are:
  • Have the coalition decided that the male is now a huge threat and kicked him out?
  • Did the lone lioness follow this male in his quest for a new life?
  • Was it the lionesses in the pride that ouster him in order for him to seek his own pride and territory?
  • Because of the drought conditions, has the weather had an adverse effect on the pride functioning together? Have they split off?

Within the next year, as the youngsters grow, the dynamics will shift. Young males are always challenging the status quo!
 So, that’s the update about the River Pride of lions.

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After indulging in a few sundowner drinks during a spectacular golden hour in the Balule, guide Jochen decided to return to the area where the lioness and lone male were fraternizing. In the area, a further three sub-adult males from the River Pride were spotted hovering in the wings. They seemed quite timid and wary of approaching the immediate area because of the presence of the older male.  The three young boys were probably wanting some form of a meal but had to get past the two lion guards first!

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The following morning Duma’s Pride was spotted on the move but they were strolling around looking for an area to sleep. Lions sleep for up to 20 hours a day to conserve their energy for patrolling and hunting during the night.

The pride eventually lay down and sprawled out everywhere. In total, there were 3 lionesses and 6 sub-adults dotted among the shrubbery! There was no sign of the dominant king, Duma, because they were deep in the heart of the Mohlabetsi pride territory.

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Mexico Gamiz Offline
Lion Enthusiast

Random big boy pulled into the area for a couple of days and helped himself to a buffalo.
Credits to Edrich Schafer

Duma is now in Timbavati 

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Mexico Gamiz Offline
Lion Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 09-22-2016, 11:19 AM by Gamiz )

From Motswari Private Game Reserve 
The last few days have been dominated by sightings of a host of male lions! We have had an old male lion in the riverbed on a buffalo kill about 200m west of the lodge (the hyenas didn't let us get much sleep last night), another large unknown male lion was found with a buffalo kill close to Giraffe's Nest this morning, and if that wasn't enough, two massive, unknown males were found in the east a couple of days back which will surely make for some interesting lion dynamics over the coming months!

Old male

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One of a coalition of two gorgeous males

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Unknown male (Duma) that we found this morning with a buffalo kill close to Giraffe's nest.

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Mexico Gamiz Offline
Lion Enthusiast

Thanda Impi male Skorro 
Photo by :Edward Bos 
Photo Taken: Unknown

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Mexico Gamiz Offline
Lion Enthusiast

A pic from a little while ago. One of the Avoca male Lions advertising his dominance over the north. He really put a lot of effort into his roaring, as you can see.
Credits to Darren Donovan Wildlife Photography

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Mexico Gamiz Offline
Lion Enthusiast

From Kambaku Lodges
Good morning

The young white female lion mating with the Mapoza males on Kambaku River Sands with no sign of the Trilogy males . No signs of the Trilogy males.

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Mexico Gamiz Offline
Lion Enthusiast

Hi there. Does anyone know these males. 3 young males about 3-4 years old. Came in from the Timbavati into the Manyeleti.

Avoca males! 

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