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--- Peter Broekhuijsen ---

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Lions of Tanzania (Serengeti, Ngorongoro and others)

United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

The big boys!
Snyggve and Tryggve (aka Bob Jr and Marley) a few days ago on Namiri Plains. Really thrilled to see them again as we saw them originally as young nomads in 2016, and then Snyggve in 2018, as well. These boys are sons of the famous C-Boy/Hildur coalition in the eastern Serengeti and have been dominant over prides for almost 6 years now. Look at their amazing black manes!
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Italy Gabriele Offline
Regular Member

C-Boy, a huge Serengeti lion. But how big was this lion?
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Italy Pinto Bean Offline
New Member

Hi guys, i want to ask about lion named Earless, he is from Maasai Mara, but one guy said to me that he is crossed to Serengeti. Does anyone know some information about Earless, he is still alive?

LandSeaLion Offline

(04-17-2022, 02:43 AM)Pinto Bean Wrote: Hi guys, i want to ask about lion named Earless, he is from Maasai Mara, but one guy said to me that he is crossed to Serengeti. Does anyone know some information about Earless, he is still alive?

The last sighting I’m aware of was in late August 2021 - he was in the Masai Mara and in good health:

I’m not sure if he’s been spotted since then.

BigLion39 Offline
Senior Member

Yes last sighting that was posted was in summer of 2021 in the Mara but on the border of Serehnghetti. He was on the trail of a lioness. Most likely crossed back into Tanzania.

United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Crater Male
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Jerricson Offline

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Jerricson Offline


*This image is copyright of its original author
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Leo Aslan Offline

For me the biggest lions in Africa, powerful, handsome and breathtaking. New coalitions are entering the Ngorongoro Crater, the 5 Lake Quintet males are under attack. How long will they rule and survive?

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Leo Aslan Offline

Snyggve & Tryggve - The Undisputed Kings Of Eastern Serengeti

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BigLion39 Offline
Senior Member

(06-26-2022, 07:07 PM)Leo Aslan Wrote: HE KILLERS ✯ Gang Of 4 Brothers Terrorizes The Iconic Serengeti

Great video!
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Leo Aslan Offline

Re-upload. The previous video was deleted. 

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Czech Republic Spalea Online
Wildanimal Lover

Badass beasts' story In the Serengeti. Very well filmed.

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France Mwarcaar Offline

(07-22-2022, 12:58 AM)Spalea Wrote: Badass beasts' story In the Serengeti. Very well filmed.

These are not serengeti lions
Mabula game lodge is located in south africa

Czech Republic Spalea Online
Wildanimal Lover


About #377: yes, it seems you're right. I believed having heard at 0mn:21 sec. the narrator saying to be in the Serengeti. But yes the Mabula district is located in South Africa.
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