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Lions of Sabi Sands

Netherlands Duco Ndona Offline

(03-01-2025, 09:10 PM)Mapokser Wrote: @Vengeous it's interesting that something similar to what you theorize may have happened before with the PCM.

While I wouldn't describe it so logically as "PCM saw the cubs alive, thought it was weird the other coalition couldn't kill the cubs and then killed them themselves thinking the cubs belonged to the other lions".

But one of the Ximungwe litters sired by PCM, Tumbela and/or Nkuhuma, had a similar situation going on.

Cubs were in the den and PCM found Tumbela close by, they chased him off, had a commotion with the females and the mothers left the den to never visit it again ( it was how a guise described at the time ).

It could be that if Tumbela had never been seen close to the den, PCM would have accepted the cubs, but by seeing him their instinct that the cubs were from some other males kicked in and they killed the cubs.

I doubt the cubs were even present at that sighting. Lionesses dont hang out around eachothers densites, least off all the males. Conciderable efford is taken by a denning lioness to ensure the others dont find it. 

However lions when threatened do shelter in bushes and other densite like spaces as the lack of space makes fights impossible.

Netherlands Duco Ndona Offline

(03-01-2025, 09:52 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote: Can we pls stop with narrative that PCMs are killing their own cubs because these cubs disappeared without clue?

Theres literally 0 evidence that PCMs did such thing..

They are a suspect and not just by us but by the reserves aswell.

I dont think we can just declare them innocent becouse we dont like the idea of fathers killing their own offspring
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Singapore Vengeous Offline

Well, @Tr1x24 has a point though - the prevailing narrative is that they killed their offspring, even though there's scant evidence that they did. We've already seen that the previous account doesn't match with the general timeline of the PCMs interacting with their cubs, and frankly it's pretty lazy thinking to assume and continuously discuss a dramatic version of events without having sufficient evidence to support such a position. I myself am at fault for pushing a theory earlier about the situation, because there isn't really enough to back it up.
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Netherlands Duco Ndona Offline

Currently there is no evidence for any of the theories, so as things are right now the idea that the PCmales did it is just as viable as the the idea that the Ximhungwes or Southern Avoca did it. The issue is that there is no evidence against them either and ruling out suspects is just as important as finding them

Some present the idea that the PCmales are the fathers as evidence that they cannot have done it, and that is something we can challenge.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

@Duco Ndona 

By that logic, we can speculate that every missing cub is potentially killed by their fathers, but guess what, we dont speculate that for none other coalition, only for PCMs for some strange reason, because some people miss judge the situations and started this buzz.

Cubs can be killed by many things, being killed by their fathers, or even mothers is least likely and very rare.

Its far more likely these cubs got killed by other lions, leopards, hyenas, wild dogs etc., which very likely happen in these cases aswell.
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Poland NLAL11 Offline
Senior Member

(03-01-2025, 11:10 PM)FACR2212 Wrote:
(02-27-2025, 06:17 AM)Mwk85 Wrote: Tsalala lioness 

@NLAL11 In this video of 2 days ago she didnt seem to be pregnant, moreover, I can see a slight back limp.

Of course it's always possible that she didn't fall pregnant, but then we likely would have seen them mating again since that time three months ago, as she would have come back into oestrus at some point. Additionally, we don't know when that footage was filmed, and animals, but particularly cats, don't tend to 'show' their pregnancy until they're quite close to giving birth. It's a common occurance for house cats to give birth when their owners didn't even know they were pregnant. If the gestation period is 100-110 days, then she's still got 1-3 weeks left, and that's from today, not when that video was taken. Plus, none of us are wildlife experts, so I don't think we can look at a photo or video and determine 100% whether a lioness is pregnant or not. So maybe (hopefully) she'll have some more cubs this month, but maybe she won't. We'll have to see.
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Chile FACR2212 Offline

(03-02-2025, 04:22 PM)NLAL11 Wrote:
(03-01-2025, 11:10 PM)FACR2212 Wrote:
(02-27-2025, 06:17 AM)Mwk85 Wrote: Tsalala lioness 

@NLAL11 In this video of 2 days ago she didnt seem to be pregnant, moreover, I can see a slight back limp.

Of course it's always possible that she didn't fall pregnant, but then we likely would have seen them mating again since that time three months ago, as she would have come back into oestrus at some point. Additionally, we don't know when that footage was filmed, and animals, but particularly cats, don't tend to 'show' their pregnancy until they're quite close to giving birth. It's a common occurance for house cats to give birth when their owners didn't even know they were pregnant. If the gestation period is 100-110 days, then she's still got 1-3 weeks left, and that's from today, not when that video was taken. Plus, none of us are wildlife experts, so I don't think we can look at a photo or video and determine 100% whether a lioness is pregnant or not. So maybe (hopefully) she'll have some more cubs this month, but maybe she won't. We'll have to see.

It's ok, I agree with you that we can't know if she will give birth soon.

I was just pointing out an opinion.
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United States Cath2020 Offline
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: Yesterday, 01:55 AM by Cath2020 )

There is an account from a Ms. Antell.  In a nutshell, it describes an encounter with the Tsalala Lioness with one of the PC Males just a few weeks before her cubs disappeared, indicating that the lioness was trying to hide the 3 cubs from him.  He was sticking his nose in areas, trying to sniff them out while Tsalala watched from afar as the cubs stayed in hiding.  She had urged them up into the craggy rocky koppies and put herself defensively between her cubs and the male.  He eventually gave up after awhile and had a nap, still in the area.  Shortly afterwards, they started to go missing.

She posted a detailed account with pictures on the Londolozi Private Game Reserve FB page where she located herself.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor
( This post was last modified: 10 hours ago by Tr1x24 )

(Yesterday, 01:55 AM)Cath2020 Wrote: There is an account from a Ms. Antell.  In a nutshell, it describes an encounter with the Tsalala Lioness with one of the PC Males just a few weeks before her cubs disappeared, indicating that the lioness was trying to hide the 3 cubs from him.  He was sticking his nose in areas, trying to sniff them out while Tsalala watched from afar as the cubs stayed in hiding.  She had urged them up into the craggy rocky koppies and put herself defensively between her cubs and the male.  He eventually gave up after awhile and had a nap, still in the area.  Shortly afterwards, they started to go missing.

She posted a detailed account with pictures on the Londolozi Private Game Reserve FB page where she located herself.

Thats posted 2 pages back.

That was first encounter between Tsalala cubs and smaller PCM, after that they where seen in company of each others numerous times, totally relaxed and playing with each others.
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Panama Mapokser Offline

Better leave this thing be for now. Londolozi said they have evidence and would write an article on it in their blog, if they do we can talk about it again, for now there's nothing else on who may have killed the cubs.
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