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Lions of Sabi Sands

Croatia Tr1x24 Offline

(03-09-2022, 12:17 AM)Duco Ndona Wrote: Its just based on what we know already. 
The group went into Kruger with 4 lions.
Jr, Gingerella and 2 smaller unnamed younger male lions.
A while later Gingerella and one of those younger males returned to the western sector. Where that male lion disappeared.soon afterwards.

Gingerella currently is still nomadic in western sector.
Jr and one of his brothers are currently likely somewhere in Kruger as a coalition of 2. The third male that returned with Gingerella is likely death, as he disapeared in a well covered area, known to be occupied by rival lions. And likely would have sticked with Gingerella if alive. 

I dont think any sightings of Jr were good enough to conclude his partner died.

Well, thats just speculations, lions (especially nomads) missing doesnt mean they are dead, we actually dont know, Kruger is big. 

Good examples is Long Mane Styx male, he was not seen for 3 yrs in Kruger, Talamati DeLaporte also was not seen for 2-3 yrs, Skorro Thanda Impi was missing for almost 2 yrs and then he emerged in late 2019, and he was just near by Manyeleti, current s79 (Mazithi) males where not seen for 5 yrs, etc.
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Netherlands Duco Ndona Offline

I am not basing this on the time since the last sighting though. Its primarily the circumstances around his disappearance that are very worrisome. 
If nothing happened, he would very likely have kept hanging out with Gingerella.

In any case, the chance that they are the mystery 3 males are quite low.

Croatia Tr1x24 Offline

(03-09-2022, 01:45 AM)Duco Ndona Wrote: If nothing happened, he would very likely have kept hanging out with Gingerella.

Theres no guarantee for that, especially as we know he had 2 more brothers in Kruger.. These 2 came unnoticed to western sector, so why wouldn't he move unnoticed back into Kruger again in search for brothers? Especially as he was prob again chased by Tumbela males and his mothers.. Gingerella staying is normal, "ousted" / breakeaway females stay near their natal area, unlike males.

Netherlands Duco Ndona Offline
( This post was last modified: 03-09-2022, 02:41 AM by Duco Ndona )

Why would he though? 

Gingerella is still nomadic and thus free for him to hang out with. He already followed her home from all the way from Kruger so their bond was at the time was clearly still strong.
The Tumbellas could have just as easily killed him rather than just chasing him off. Or he could have fallen victim to all the other dangers in the wild. Lots of young nomadic lions never make it afteral.

Tonpa Offline

Silvereye, with Talamati/NotTalamati Male 

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Sweden Edvin Offline

Could the 3 males be the fourways sub males or the nkuhulu sub males maybe?


(03-09-2022, 03:41 AM)Edvin Wrote: Could the 3 males be the fourways sub males or the nkuhulu sub males maybe?
Who is the father of these 3 fourway sub males? 
And which coalition is governing fourway pride??

United States criollo2mil Offline

(03-09-2022, 03:18 AM)Tonpa Wrote: Silvereye, with Talamati/NotTalamati Male 

I’m confused at your caption.   Is this the missing 3rd Talamati YM?
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline

(03-09-2022, 10:01 AM)criollo2mil Wrote: I’m confused at your caption.   Is this the missing 3rd Talamati YM?

No its not 3rd Talamati male, its blind/wonky eye young male who is regulary seen around Imbali pride territory.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline

(03-09-2022, 03:41 AM)Edvin Wrote: Could the 3 males be the fourways sub males or the nkuhulu sub males maybe?

Its impossible to tell without pictures.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline

(03-09-2022, 07:41 AM)DARK MANE Wrote: Who is the father of these 3 fourway sub males? 
And which coalition is governing fourway pride??

Kruger Males, current Torchwood pride males. 

Its unknown who now controls Fourways pride, Kruger males abandon them more then year ago for Torchwood pride.
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lionuk Offline
( This post was last modified: 03-09-2022, 11:35 AM by lionuk )

"As we headed off on game drive yesterday morning, we noticed some lion tracks and decided to follow them. We did not have to search for long before we found the Southern Pride lioness and her two cubs trying to hunt some impala. The cubs kept disturbing the hunt until the lioness gave up, but the cubs continued to chase some impala around and as we were following them, we came across one of the N’waswishaka male lions with an impala kill himself. It was surprising that the lioness and the cubs did not see the male make a kill and the male never let his presence be known, at least that is how it appeared to us."

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Tonpa Offline

(03-09-2022, 10:01 AM)criollo2mil Wrote:
(03-09-2022, 03:18 AM)Tonpa Wrote: Silvereye, with Talamati/NotTalamati Male 

I’m confused at your caption.   Is this the missing 3rd Talamati YM?

Sorry just memeing, yeah it's the manyeleti/wonky eye male.

Although I did see a comment on youtube that @lionuk received confirmation from an experienced guide in the manyeleti that Talamati 3 was still around
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Tonpa Offline

3 Mhangenes and the cub encounter a huge buffalo herd

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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline

(03-09-2022, 12:14 PM)Tonpa Wrote: Although I did see a comment on youtube that @lionuk received confirmation from an experienced guide in the manyeleti that Talamati 3 was still around

Really? Are they sure? Where is he then?

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