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Lions of Sabi Sands

1ofCourage Offline
Regular Member

(01-08-2022, 12:25 AM)Tr1x24 Wrote: Nwaswitshaka's at MalaMala airstrip :

Photo Credits : pravirpatel/LegendSafaris

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

Nhenha also seen with Kambulas with cubs in MalaMala, i assume further north, for now he is doing good job avoiding N'ws:

*This image is copyright of its original author

Leave it to Nhena to find the last four of his cubs and their moms.  It'll be a hard life for them all as they maneuver around.
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Duco Ndona Offline
( This post was last modified: 01-08-2022, 02:57 AM by Duco Ndona )

Personally I am more worried if a lion is constantly seen plump and fat. A healthy lion is far to busy to gain weight. 

I am not sure if sticking with those lionesses is his safest bet now. She wont be willing to stray far from her home, which means he will be at constant risk of running into the N'was. 
His best bet is wander around hoping for a new opportunities. Perhaps he can hook up with the Ximhungwe pride or something.

That the N'was split up is more a good thing. Even as a group of two they should be on par with the coalitions around them while being able to cover far more ground..

1ofCourage Offline
Regular Member

(01-08-2022, 02:51 AM)Duco Ndona Wrote: Personally I am more worried if a lion is constantly seen plump and fat. A healthy lion is far to busy to gain weight. 

I am not sure if sticking with those lionesses is his safest bet now. She wont be willing to stray far from her home, which means he will be at constant risk of running into the N'was. 
His best bet is wander around hoping for a new opportunities. Perhaps he can hook up with the Ximhungwe pride or something.

They have common enemies since the N'was want to find and kill those cubs.
Anywhere he goes now is going to have danger, but for now he can enjoy his cubs and sit with his lionesses just like before.
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WildRev Offline
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( This post was last modified: 01-08-2022, 03:45 AM by WildRev )

(01-08-2022, 01:41 AM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(01-08-2022, 12:35 AM)WildRev Wrote: I guess that was again Amahle and Eorenji, hopefully Gore and Ubuso bounce back, regain their health and stick with their brothers , as for now it's only 2/4 males at peak conditon patrolling Malamala

I dont know from where you are getting that Ubuso is "thin" more then usually, he was never as bulky as 2 healthy N'ws.

Lets not start another narrative that 2 N'ws are "dying" because they are "apperantly" skinnier then usual (althrough recent photos are not good to even judge that). 

This is wild, lions dont get food on regular basis, all lions have their "up and downs" / "bulky and skinny" phase's.

Same goes for comments about DM Avoca, because he was seen "skinnier" then usually, ofc he will be skinnier if he doesnt eat for few days (for whatever reason).. 

So lets not overreact if some lion is seen more "thin" sometimes, thats normal if its not prolonged.
 "I dont know from where you are getting that Ubuso is "thin" more then usually, he was never as bulky as 2 healthy N'ws."
I'm getting it from my eyes, by looking at recent pictures of him and comparing them at pictures of him from the past. Him not being as bulky as the 
healthy 2 N'was doesn't mean he can't be thinnier than he usually is, I never said that Ubuso isn't healhty because he's not bulky as the 2 others, don't put words in my mouth.

"Lets not start another narrative that 2 N'ws are "dying" because they are "apperantly" skinnier then usual (althrough recent photos are not good to even judge that). "
I'm not starting a narrative of 2 N'was dying, I'm just stating a fact: 2 of them aren't as healthy as they were in the past and are falling behind their healthy brothers. If for you recent photos aren't good to jugde that then what about the people taking the pictures of Gore and saying his condition isn't good for weeks now ? Are they lying ? And again, don't put words in my mouth, I never said said they were dying ,just not healhty.

"This is wild, lions dont get food on regular basis, all lions have their "up and downs" / "bulky and skinny" phase's."
Healthy prime lions don't go through those" down periods" on regular basis, have you ever seen the 2 healthy N'was in that state ??

"Same goes for comments about DM Avoca, because he was seen "skinnier" then usually, ofc he will be skinnier if he doesnt eat for few days (for whatever reason).. "
DM has been skinnier for several weeks now, not just a few days, when a lion isn't in a healthy condition for several weeks it's normal that people start talking.

"So lets not overreact if some lion is seen more "thin" sometimes, thats normal if its not prolonged."
Let's not dowplay the condition of some lions, not being healthy for weeks isn't normal, if the people who took pictures of gore are saying he isn't in a good condition, that his wound is looking worse then that's the thruth, you're not in position to contradict them since you're not on the field like they are.
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RookiePundit Offline
Regular Member

Oh, here we go again. Let's cut it out please.

Ubuso and Gore were much worse before, just trailing and following the other two, when they started to appear regularly in Sabi Sands. They both recovered really well as it is displyed by their much better manes. They might not have dark ones like Amahle has, but that does't mean there is necessarily something majorly wrong with them. They are also built differently, esepcially Gore has particularly tall and thin frame and maybe that is more natural then caused by being hindeed by his old injury (if it is really just "proud flesh" protruding) - he might just always be secondary partner of a coalition somewhat like Lambile of Tinstswalo is - also taller and thinner that the other two and possibly struggling a bit at times. And Ubuso is objectively not a helthy lion but not many wild ones are - he has funny front lef paw and missing most of his right lower canine - both are slight hindrance but nothing they prevents him to manage or keep up (yeah back then in Mala Mala after asumed run in with Avoca, he limped quite badly but that is gone now). He is also older than the other three, so we better gets used to him looking more wore down, he is nowhere there but one day he will likely start physically decline sooner that his partners - if he last till then, he is not overly cautious and any male can suddenly perish as the last year proved us.

If one of them is getting thinner then on usual on some pictures, it might be first signs of something to be concerned with but it could be nothing and just normal fluctuation, them not eating much might not even mean they struggle perhaps the opposite, they might starve out a bit due to mating. They will never be so bulky like Amahle is these days, but not many will, he is just build like a tank. Ubuso is close to him in size, a tad taller but with lighter mane, the aforementioned minor issues and slimmer build, even when filled out. Yes, if I would have to bet whcih one of the 4 would die first of natural causes (ie assuming none is killed or seriously injured till then) I would probably say one of the two, but I don't expect it to happen any time soon. Ofc things can change quickly which makes the lion dynamics even more interesting to follow as nothing is ever certain.
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Hairy tummy Offline
Senior Member

The pandemic seems to have made people more confrontational and argumentative, no need. Lets just enjoy these beautiful big cats guys
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(01-08-2022, 03:27 AM)WildRev Wrote: "I dont know from where you are getting that Ubuso is "thin" more then usually, he was never as bulky as 2 healthy N'ws."
I'm getting it from my eyes, by looking at recent pictures of him and comparing them at pictures of him from the past. Him not being as bulky as the 
healthy 2 N'was doesn't mean he can't be thinnier than he usually is, I never said that Ubuso isn't healhty because he's not bulky as the 2 others, don't put words in my mouth.

"Lets not start another narrative that 2 N'ws are "dying" because they are "apperantly" skinnier then usual (althrough recent photos are not good to even judge that). "
I'm not starting a narrative of 2 N'was dying, I'm just stating a fact: 2 of them aren't as healthy as they were in the past and are falling behind their healthy brothers. If for you recent photos aren't good to jugde that then what about the people taking the pictures of Gore and saying his condition isn't good for weeks now ? Are they lying ? And again, don't put words in my mouth, I never said said they were dying ,just not healhty.

"This is wild, lions dont get food on regular basis, all lions have their "up and downs" / "bulky and skinny" phase's."
Healthy prime lions don't go through those" down periods" on regular basis, have you ever seen the 2 healthy N'was in that state ??

"Same goes for comments about DM Avoca, because he was seen "skinnier" then usually, ofc he will be skinnier if he doesnt eat for few days (for whatever reason).. "
DM has been skinnier for several weeks now, not just a few days, when a lion isn't in a healthy condition for several weeks it's normal that people start talking.

"So lets not overreact if some lion is seen more "thin" sometimes, thats normal if its not prolonged."
Let's not dowplay the condition of some lions, not being healthy for weeks isn't normal, if the people who took pictures of gore are saying he isn't in a good condition, that his wound is looking worse then that's the thruth, you're not in position to contradict them since you're not on the field like they are.

All i wanted to say that from those recent photos of Ubuso i dont see that he is in worse condition then usually, heck, on those most recent pictures, we dont even see his body, mostly face. 

Recent photo of his body, he looks like he usually does:

*This image is copyright of its original author

Well ofc those 2 N'ws are not 100% healthy (unlike Amahle/OE), but thats how it is for 2 years now, so no need for that narrative now, you are saying like its some new news.. 

They are always limping and falling behind their 2 brothers, its like that since they came in Sabi Sands, they are sometimes in better condition, sometimes in worse (scroll thru their pictures in the past 2 years), but they will never be 100% healthy again (Gore stomach injury, Ubuso limping on 2 legs). 

Healthy lions also have their "down" phases, when they dont eat for many days (mating, patroling, whatever) , but its not that noticeable, because they are healthy, have more mass, are more bulkier/muscular, so their condition deteoriate slower then on those skinnier/less healthy ones (good example is Blondie vs Mohawk).
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Leo Aslan Offline

An extraordinary story about two Lion brothers: Golf Course males

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lionuk Offline

An incredible picture of PC males.
Sand River
Credit: Mike Laubscher

*This image is copyright of its original author
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United States felinefan Offline

(01-03-2022, 01:35 AM)Any word on what is happen ing with the Mangheni\s currently.  Heard about the pride splitting up again and the sub missing after a run in with the Kambula sub adults.  Any truth to this or what is the latest. Wrote: LegendSafaris are in Singita today. They found the Mhangenes with their one cub, and the NK male with a Mhangene female elsewhere. They also found the PC boys still in Singita.

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Tonpa Offline

(01-09-2022, 06:37 AM)felinefan Wrote:
(01-03-2022, 01:35 AM)Any word on what is happen  ing with the Mangheni\s currently.  Heard about the pride splitting up again and the sub missing after a run in with the Kambula sub adults.  Any truth to this or what is the latest. Wrote: LegendSafaris are in Singita today. They found the Mhangenes with their one cub, and the NK male with a Mhangene female elsewhere. They also found the PC boys still in Singita.

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

I believe that is the latest, maybe some more info will come out today
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lionuk Offline

Mohawk and Blondie with Nkuhuma pride
Chitwa Chitwa 
Credit: Jackie Boshoff

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Tonpa Offline

Dominant tumbela and ximhungwe lioness
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Duco Ndona Offline

Is that older footage? It makes no sense for her to be mating again now.

Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(01-09-2022, 06:37 PM)Duco Ndona Wrote: Is that older footage? It makes no sense for her to be mating again now.

Recent, looks like she hasn't been pregnant with Limper afterall, it was prob mock mating, which make sense, as her daughter was only 1,5 yrs old then, too soon for her to be in estrus again.
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