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Lion Directory

Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

I loved the tiger directory! 
So I thougt it would bee cool to make a lion directory as there is of tigers aswell! So if someone has some lions start posting :-) 
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Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 06-27-2014, 09:25 PM by Pantherinae )

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look how big he is! So massive
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Xakanxa male lions
Coalition members: 2 
location: Okavango delta (Botswana) 
names: Renoka and Lekan 

these two male lions took over the Xakanxa pride 6 lionesses strong! This pride are expert buffalo killers and in the dry season they kill  elephants! You can see this as these lions are in the documentary "power of the lion" where they killed 5 elephants in a month! 

the males are described as beeing very large and where said to bee around 220 kg when they where quite young! Those males are Imo as large as a lion will grow! 

Also Renoka the dominante of the two is also known for beeing extremly aggressive, and has been filmed tearing of a young nomadic male's tescticles and destroy another one's hind leg, also another male appared on earth touch's documentary who had his whole right side of the face compleately damaged!

Here's also a clip of Renoka having a throat grip on a younger male, but a lioness attacks Renoka, and he looses his grip! But that could have gone much worse for the other male!
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Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

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*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

Some more pictures of the Xakanxa brotheres 

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chaos Offline
wildlife enthusiast

The bottom pic is one of my alltime favorite lion photos. No doubt in my mind he's well over 2ookg's, perhaps significantly.
Massive forequarters. Luv that pic!  

Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

'chaos dateline='' Wrote: The bottom pic is one of my alltime favorite lion photos. No doubt in my mind he's well over 2ookg's, perhaps significantly.
Massive forequarters. Luv that pic!  

Yeah the one on the left actually both are massive! Agree the guy who filmed them said 220 kg, when they where young! 


Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 12-19-2014, 05:55 AM by Pantherinae )

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Name: Notch a.k.a Kali 
location: Masai Mara (Kenya) 
coalition name: notch boys 
coaliton numbers: 5  
status: alive, around 14 years old!!! 

Notch is a very spesial lion, he is controling half of the entire Mara, with his four sons, making an almost unstpable force. Before he ruled the marsh pride with his brother as you can see on "big cat diary", but sadly his brother was killed by three nomadic males, but notch and his four sons managed to escape. And now they are feared by all other lions in the area! They tackles big prey such as buffalo, and also alot of hippos coming up from the water to feed at night! 

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Norway Jubatus Offline
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 06-26-2014, 08:08 PM by Jubatus )

Name: Mr.t/ SaTan
Location: Kruger NP (South Africa)
Coalition Name: Mapogo 
Coalition Number: 6
Status: R.I.P, Died March 6, 2012 (Killed by other Lions)
Born: though to be born, November, 2000

*This image is copyright of its original author

Mr.t is one of the most notorius lions that we have ever known. He was a very aggressive lion and he was resposible for killing at least 40 lions/lionesses/cubs, and the number is probably even higher. He was a coalition member of the infamous Maopogo coalition.


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sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact

Wonderful work by pantherinae and Jubatus. TFS
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Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

'sanjay dateline='' Wrote: Wonderful work by pantherinae and Jubatus. TFS


Thank you! Glad you liked it! 
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Glad to see it.
You gotta do Notch's son, (forget his name) that is larger than notch and I believe the dominant coalition member now.

Maybe for Lioness' that you add, you should do pride names, then significant members of the pride.
Just an idea. 

Either way, I look forward to hearing about some lions I have yet to discover, thanks.

Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

'Pckts dateline='' Wrote: Glad to see it.
You gotta do Notch's son, (forget his name) that is larger than notch and I believe the dominant coalition member now.

Maybe for Lioness' that you add, you should do pride names, then significant members of the pride.
Just an idea. 

Either way, I look forward to hearing about some lions I have yet to discover, thanks.


Yes I will try do some work tomorow again! Glad you liked it! Good idea with the prides :-) 

Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 12-19-2014, 05:56 AM by Pantherinae )

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name: Ron 
coaliton: notch boys 
coalition numbers: 5 ( before 6) 
age: about 9 years 
status: alive 
location: Masai Mara 

Ron is the biggest male of the famous coalition "the notch boys" he has now started beeing more and more dominante and even Notch himself has to back down sometimes, he's often walking in front when the coaliton moves or patrols their territory! Is an amazing hippo killer and is often leading the hunt when the gang cooperating in taking down big prey such as buffalo and hippo. He's a big guy! 

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Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

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name: Zero 
location: Karongwe Private Game reserve ( South Africa) 
coalition : none 

Age: unkown
status: dead (atleast the information I have says so) 
He was a massive lion dosen't look that big, but out from the wild life vet he was a beast over a meter high and had a weight of 230 kg ( probably less), but still a very big lion maybe not the most impressive weight, but length and hight is probably very impressive, he has a dark mane  which prevents him to gain massive weight due to high temperature. But a good size lion

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Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast

Im very happy to see my own threads turning to be an inspiration.
Very nice information, Keep up the good work.

Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
Music  ( This post was last modified: 06-27-2014, 05:23 AM by Pantherinae )

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name: Tsaro pride male. 
Location duba plains (Botswana) 
age: around 11 years. 
He is the most impressive male lion I have ever seen. Hes tall, long and massive/ fat. Hes rulling the tsaro pride alone! Not only is he a big male lion but also his lionesses are know for beeing very impressive. And thats why i will post a video of him dominating his son around a buffalo calf kill, ( Notice how big he is compared to his lionesses)


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