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Leopards of Sabi Sands

Brazil Dark Jaguar Offline
Jaguar Enthusiast

Piva male who was unfortunately said by Londolozi rangers to be killed by the 2 Avoca male lions in 2017.

Photograph by Amy Attenborough

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Photograph by Alistair Smith

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RookiePundit Offline
Regular Member

Tristan Dicks explaining the name of the lastest Thandi cub

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Luipaard Offline
Leopard enthusiast

Terrible news as Hukumuri has been confirmed to be dead. The exact reason is still unknown although reports say he was poached:

"Hukumuri has been allegedly shot by a poacher in the Sabi Sands. According to reliable sources he was on a kill and the person attempted to steal the meat from him. As one can imagine, a territorial male leopard would not simply give up a kill and allegedly went after the said poacher - the poacher then shot and killed him. When the story is officially announced it may well raise many flags as to how this happened in one of South Africa’s flagship private reserves - well known for their anti poaching activities."

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Sean de la Harpe-Parker
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

(02-10-2021, 10:32 PM)Luipaard Wrote: Terrible news as Hukumuri has been confirmed to be dead. The exact reason is still unknown although reports say he was poached:

"Hukumuri has been allegedly shot by a poacher in the Sabi Sands. According to reliable sources he was on a kill and the person attempted to steal the meat from him. As one can imagine, a territorial male leopard would not simply give up a kill and allegedly went after the said poacher - the poacher then shot and killed him. When the story is officially announced it may well raise many flags as to how this happened in one of South Africa’s flagship private reserves - well known for their anti poaching activities."

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Sean de la Harpe-Parker

Lisa said possibly shot by a farmer?
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United States Rage2277 Offline
animal enthusiast

the hook? wow...
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RookiePundit Offline
Regular Member

Well, Seville lies near the area where the fence had to be repaired (assuming storm) and lions chased away from that part of reserve as a precaution - last week. That might have been a factor.
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Luipaard Offline
Leopard enthusiast

(02-11-2021, 01:02 AM)Pckts Wrote:
(02-10-2021, 10:32 PM)Luipaard Wrote: Terrible news as Hukumuri has been confirmed to be dead. The exact reason is still unknown although reports say he was poached:

"Hukumuri has been allegedly shot by a poacher in the Sabi Sands. According to reliable sources he was on a kill and the person attempted to steal the meat from him. As one can imagine, a territorial male leopard would not simply give up a kill and allegedly went after the said poacher - the poacher then shot and killed him. When the story is officially announced it may well raise many flags as to how this happened in one of South Africa’s flagship private reserves - well known for their anti poaching activities."

*This image is copyright of its original author

Sean de la Harpe-Parker

Lisa said possibly shot by a farmer?

Appears to be the case yes. The story is that a poacher stole his kill in which he followed that poacher. He must've followed him to the poacher's village in which he started killing livestock. You can't blame Hukumuri for doing so and at the same time you can't blame the villagers for protecting their livestock. If this is all true, then that poacher is the guilty one. It's illegal to do this kind of things in a protected reserve.

"A male leopard was shot around the village, Seville,not sure yet but pics looks like Hukumuri. I will confirm when i get the full information.First pic taken in January when Hukumuri was on the move towards Djuma with a cut on his right leg.Next pic leopard lying down with  a cut on his right leg."

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Africa Journey Nature Experience

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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor

(02-11-2021, 03:07 AM)RookiePundit Wrote: Well, Seville lies near the area where the fence had to be repaired (assuming storm) and lions chased away from that part of reserve as a precaution - last week. That might have been a factor.

Idk but this to me look very fishy.. That poacher story is very strange.. And why would they shot the leopard and not sedativ him and return back to the reserve?? Sabi Sands said that they knew about leopard and community conflict up there. 

Hukumuri could be saved if people called SS/Manyeleti reserves, but they killed him and will prob end up on a wall somewhere.. 

Leopard is very skittish animal, especially if he sees humans, so story that he was out of control killing livestock and needed to be killed is bullshit.. 

Even tho out of reserve, Hukumuri was poached..
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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor

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Tonpa Offline

He was killed in January by Manyeleti game staff after he entered a village and killed livestock and a dog, they tried to return him a few times but couldnt so the kill order was the last option.
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Luipaard Offline
Leopard enthusiast

So this didn't happen recently as he was killed 16 January. The rumours of a poacher stealing his kill was thus fake. Seems like he just became a problematic leopard which happens in Kenya and Namibia too when they become livestock killers.

"Hukumuri was pressurised in his territory; he left the protection of the reserve; he killed livestock and posed a genuine threat to human life; the Manyeleti staff did what they could to mitigate the situation; they took the last-resort decision to destroy Hukumuri because they did not see another option."
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Italy AndresVida Offline
Animal Enthusiast

More images from Facebook of Vin Diesel male, the monster of the Sabi Sands.
Rip my king ?

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Now Anderson

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Vin Diesel vs Anderson (THE BIG BOYS!)
Vin Diesel looks almost lioness sized

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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor
( This post was last modified: 02-13-2021, 12:52 AM by Tr1x24 )

(02-12-2021, 03:30 PM)Luipaard Wrote: So this didn't happen recently as he was killed 16 January. The rumours of a poacher stealing his kill was thus fake. Seems like he just became a problematic leopard which happens in Kenya and Namibia too when they become livestock killers.

I still dont get it.. 

If Manyeleti people intervened and eventualy kill Huk, why they didn't sedative him and returned back to reserve.. 

Sedative the leopard, put him in the cage and drive with truck back in reserve, when he wakes up, release him into his area..its litteraly that easy.. 

This is just very unprofessionaly executed by Manyeleti people..

Unless he was shot by locals, and whole this story is cover up..
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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor
( This post was last modified: 02-13-2021, 01:16 AM by Tr1x24 )

More insight on Hukumuri death:

So basically, they didnt return him because he lost his territory, was injured and would escape again into the villages for easy food.. 

Idk how i feel about that, for me that is spelucation what could happen, couldn't they move him deeper in Kruger then to avoid that?? 

Also, can leopards that easy escape from Kruger Park fences?

Tonpa Offline

The Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency (MTPA) recently had to respond to a call to shoot a male leopard that was reported to have killed livestock in the rural village of Seville B otherwise known as Makeripeni close to the Manyeleti Nature Reserve boundary.

The decision to shoot the leopard was our last resort as multiple attempts were made by our staff to catch the leopard. This process was conducted under very difficult and challenging conditions. Following the leopard’s tracks, it became evident that the leopard had already infiltrated the village and killed several goats, pigs and a dog and it was becoming aggressive and posed great danger to the nearby community members.
The loss of any animal is tragic and it is important to emphasize the conditions under which our conservationists work to ensure that we rescue the animals while at the same time they safeguard human lives. We are saddened by this act, however, we applaud the community members for working with us in ensuring the matter was handled with their support.
A necropsy was conducted by the State Veterinarians and found that the leopard was in poor condition possibly as a result of a broken canine tooth. It was further discovered that the leopard was blind in the right eye. No diseases were found in the blood smears or organs which may have contributed to its poor condition. It seems as though the leopard was probably pushed out of his territory.
During the search operation conducted by our Field Rangers, it was reported that there were tracks of a single poacher who was poaching with dogs entering and exiting the reserve near the Seville B area. A half an Impala carcass was also found at a nearby house occupied by a well-known poacher while searching for the leopard. A case of illegal possession on dead wild game has been opened against him at the Mhala Police station.
It is important to further indicate that the poacher was not in the Sabi Sands Wildtuin (SSW), but had been illegally hunting in the Manyeleti Nature Reserve. At this stage there was no evidence that the poacher had stolen the carcass from the leopard. We would further like to indicate that the statements that the leopard followed a poacher back to the village is completely unfounded and totally unlike a typical leopard behaviour.
As the MTPA we will continue with our efforts to save and conserve although at times serving human lives become a priority when dangerous animals are at the loose.

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