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--- Peter Broekhuijsen ---

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Large male tigers from India (Videos Only)

United States Rage2277 Offline
animal enthusiast

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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Dudhwa Tank
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Roflcopters Offline
Modern Tiger Expert

one of the most satisfying videos i’ve watched in a long time. it almost has all the present day legends. I can’t even begin to imagine the amount of time it must have taken to compile all of this data and presenting it the way he did. this is remarkable, keep up the excellent work.
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Markasur, he's said to have been driven out of his territory and moved back to where he started.
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Roflcopters Offline
Modern Tiger Expert

he will be back, he always bounces back. this time it will be a lot harder though. Rudra, Shivanzari male and Chota Matka are on his neck. poor Matkasur, hope we see more of him in 2020. same with CM from Kanha, losing these two would be tragic but i guess it’s the law of the jungle in play here. strongest shall survive and the weak will perish. both had good reigns. keeping my fingers crossed. tfs @Pckts
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

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United States Rage2277 Offline
animal enthusiast

big boy chiricco t86 vid by Carie Y‎ 
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United States Rage2277 Offline
animal enthusiast

Parshuram Pandey Bandhavgarh‎- 
 Bamera son one of Biggest male in Bandhavgarh
29 December 2019
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Who is this young Male @Rage2277 
Is this M1?

Whoever he is, he's looking very large.

Radhe Nagpure 
Sarhi Zone, Kanha Tiger Reserve

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United States Rage2277 Offline
animal enthusiast

big boy no doubt,not M1 though looks like one of his bros gonna look for pics of them to confirm @Pckts
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United States Rage2277 Offline
animal enthusiast

saw a comment saying he's M3 i can't find any pics yet though but he looks like red and mundidada @Pckts
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Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast

Big male Ranthambore

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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 01-06-2020, 10:31 PM by Pckts )

Umarpani this past December

Ram Kumar Yadav
Yuvraj, Jan 2020

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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Dudhwa Male cooling off 

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Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast

Male tiger from Corbett, seems to have a injury in the upper lip and nose area.

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