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(12-02-2022, 07:23 AM)Mapokser Wrote: Isn't it a bit unusual that the female subadult is hanging out with her 4yo brothers? I remember a report of Kambulas chasing the breakaway pride that was contact calling the main pride, there was also an incident where some Kambulas attacked a female who had left for some weeks so I'm not confidant they will accept her back, it seems that if a lion leaves for a single month the other Kambulas "forget" about their pride mate already.
But like, the subadult males are nomads, they've been a coalition of nomads for months now and she's still with them so technically she's not in trouble of being left alone? It's not like they'll chase her away but I can't recall any instance where a coalition of lions had a sister among them, odd behavior from these Kambulas subs.
Its not, as that female is too young for mating, meaning that new dominant males of Kambula pride would prob kill her.
This is exact situation as Gingerella in Othawa pride when Tumbelas came.