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Is Jaguar capable of killing big crocodiles ?

sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact
( This post was last modified: 08-22-2018, 09:56 PM by sanjay )

Ok, This question keep coming in my mind from time to time. And I really don't know if the Big Male and experienced Jaguar is capable of killing the big Crocodile or Alligator like Salt water corcos , Nile Crocodiles and American Alligators. We have seen great footage and photos of Caiman hunt by Jaguars.. even big size Caiman are not safe.. The plus point of Jaguar is, They are most capable hunter inside water compared to any other big cats.

The big male Jaguar
Big jaguar
*This image is copyright of its original author

The Big Saltwater Crocodile
Big Saltwater crocdile
*This image is copyright of its original author

The Big Nile Crocodile
Big Nile Crocodile
*This image is copyright of its original author

Big Alligator
Big Alligator
*This image is copyright of its original author

Would like to know your views.. Please be gentle during conversation .. this is not your favorite animal contest... so don't go mad.. remain unbiased with logical arguments.
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parvez Offline
Tiger enthusiast

Certainly no. Even tiger 2-3 times their weight have problem killing big crocodiles. Then jaguar though supposedly stronger pound for pound than the tiger will definitely face many problems tackling huge crocodiles.
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epaiva Offline
( This post was last modified: 08-22-2018, 11:14 PM by epaiva )

(08-22-2018, 09:54 PM)sanjay Wrote: Ok, This question keep coming in my mind from time to time. And I really don't know if the Big Male and experienced Jaguar is capable of killing the big Crocodile or Alligator like Salt water corcos , Nile Crocodiles and American Alligators. We have seen great footage and photos of Caiman hunt by Jaguars.. even big size Caiman are not safe.. The plus point of Jaguar is, They are most capable hunter inside water compared to any other big cats.  

The big male Jaguar

*This image is copyright of its original author

The Big Saltwater Crocodile

*This image is copyright of its original author

The Big Nile Crocodile

*This image is copyright of its original author

Big Alligator

*This image is copyright of its original author

Would like to know your views.. Please be gentle during conversation .. this is not your favorite animal contest... so don't go mad.. remain unbiased with logical arguments.
Jaguars prey on large Caiman yacare and Caiman crocodilus with larger individuals a little over 2,50 meters long and 60 kilograms, my personal opinion is that they have no chance in hunting big crocs over 4 meters long they find in their natural habitat (Orinoco crocodiles, American Crocodiles or Black caimans) they are too much for a Jaguar. I think they are capable of hunting crocodiles up to 3 meters long.
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Germany Jeffrey Offline
Regular Member

One factor would be, who suprises who first.
In water a jaguar wouldn't stand much of a chance against a nile or saltwater crocodile or a rather big aligator. On land it will be closer i highly doubt that a jaguar would kill a fully grown nile or saltwater crocodile cuz of the size weight advantages and crocodiles are also intelligent killers.
A jaguar could be capeable of killing crocodiles/alligators of up to 4 meters everything above would be a to high risk and could end up being killed itself.
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Canada Wolverine Away
Regular Member

(08-22-2018, 11:06 PM)epaiva Wrote: I think they are capable of hunting crocodiles up to 3 meters long.

Completely agree with you - up to 3 meters. I guess the weights of these reptilia according their length should be:
- 2 meters long crocodile - around 80-90 kg
- 3 meters long - around 200-250 kg
- 4 m - 500-800 kg
- 5 m - up to 1 ton
- 6 m - up to 1,5 tons
As we can see in comparisons with large crocodiles jaguar is just a "shrimp"...  
Here is also important to point out what specie of crocodiles we mean. Typical crocodiles are much more aggressive and dangerous than the caimans and the aligators. The tree most aggressive species as long as I know are:
1.) Salt water crocodile 
2.) Nile crocodile
3.) Black caiman
Both tree a equally deadly dangerous for men when hungry, while salt water guy is aggressive even when its not hungry because the male is highly territorial and could attack you only because you entered his territory. That's way Salt water crocodile is not only the largest reptilia in the planet but also the most aggressive and dangerous of all crocodiles. From this tree only Black caiman inhabit the areal of the jaguar. Sanjay asked how big crocodile can be killed by jaguar but for me even more interesting is the opposite question - how big should be the black caiman in order to hunt and kill a jaguar inside the water? I think that any Black caiman 4 meters or more is deadly dangerous for the cat. Infourtunately this specie lives in so remote and inhabited areas that this is almost no documentary on the topic. @epaiva do you know any info in Spanish web concerning jaguar-black caiman relations?
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epaiva Offline
( This post was last modified: 08-27-2018, 12:09 AM by epaiva )

Very good surprise to see that you found good information, you are right Black caimans are the most dangerous crocodilian to humans in South America normally they attack at night, Orinoco crocodiles and American crocodiles normally stay away from humans. I am trying to find information of big crocodilians interactions with Jaguars with out any luck, I totally agree with you a big Black caiman, Orinoco crocodile or American crocodile 4 meters or larger can hunt and kill a Jaguar, the best spot with the largest population of Black caimans today is Guyana. I will contact a Crocodile specialist named Robinson Botero-Arias who is doing a research on Black caimans in Brazil, lets wait to see if he has good information of their interaction.
First picture is a big Black caiman killed in Brazil, second picture credit to Dante Fenolio with the next information attached We found a dead Black Caiman on a tributary of the Amazon in Peru. Even with some of he tail missing, the body still measured 5,3 meters (17,38 feet). The skull measured 31 inches in length.

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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johnny rex Offline
Wildanimal Enthusiast

A prime male Jaguar will not be able to tackle a prime male Black Caiman, even on land.
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smedz Offline
Regular Member

A Nice or Saltie, not a chance. American Alligator, maybe.
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Finland Shadow Offline

In this article are nice photos, I would say, that 3 meters isn´t limit what comes to length of some caiman or crocodile. Maybe somewhere in between 3-4 meters it starts to come so big, that Jaguar has no reason to go for it, when there is plenty of "suitable sized" prey.

epaiva Offline
( This post was last modified: 01-31-2019, 06:45 PM by epaiva )

Estimated body mass of 22 Caiman yacares hunted by Jaguars in el Pantanal, Brazil (F. C. C. Azevedo)
Picture credit to @pantanaloficial

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Australia GreenGrolar Offline
Regular Member

The jaguar's strong jaws are capable of penetrating through the skin of a caiman, however, I doubt it can kill a medium to large crocordile which can even rob kills from lionessses.

The crocordiles in the video intimidated the lionesses and only backed down when the male lion named Fang showed up.
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epaiva Offline
( This post was last modified: 07-15-2019, 07:40 AM by epaiva )

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
Important prey of Jaguars: A Friend named Jacabo Friera Acebal who worked a few years in Hato El Frio in the Venezuelan Llanos, he visited el Pantanal recently I asked  him the comparison of the size of Caiman yacaré from el Pantanal with Caiman crocodilus from Venezuelan Llanos. He told me that he saw a good number of yacares 2,5 meters or larger and the biggest one he  saw he estimates measured 3 meters long he took a picture of the biggest one attached, very few caiman crocodilus from los llanos grow over 2,40 meters long.
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sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact

epaiva, what is the difference between Caiman yacaré and Caiman crocodilus ?
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epaiva Offline

(07-15-2019, 08:21 AM)sanjay Wrote: epaiva, what is the difference between Caiman yacaré and Caiman crocodilus ?
They are both caimans but with little differences between them, Caiman yacare occurs only in el Pantanal and they are bigger in average and in maximum size too. Caiman yacare is a very important prey if Pantanal Jaguars.
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 07-15-2019, 10:55 AM by Pckts )

(07-15-2019, 07:38 AM)epaiva Wrote:
*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
Important prey of Jaguars: A Friend named Jacabo Friera Acebal who worked a few years in Hato El Frio in the Venezuelan Llanos, he visited el Pantanal recently I asked  him the comparison of the size of Caiman yacaré from el Pantanal with Caiman crocodilus from Venezuelan Llanos. He told me that he saw a good number of yacares 2,5 meters or larger and the biggest one he  saw he estimates measured 3 meters long he took a picture of the biggest one attached, very few caiman crocodilus from los llanos grow over 2,40 meters long.

That's exactly what Paulo and I thought as well. The largest we saw we estimated to be around 10 feet.
They are also very dense and completely armoured and they seem to be adapting more armor right behind their heads that is where they even have bigger scales.
The best way to tell their girth is actually by their tales, the thicker the tail the heavier the caiman according to Paulo.

They are everywhere btw, my favorite shots of them are when you boat past the dense floating foliage and you see them sitting deep inside,  it looks so cool.
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