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History's most brutal killers, the Majingilane Male Lions

United States NCAT33 Offline
Regular Member

I was wondering the same?
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Singapore Skybed Offline
Regular Member

hi guys, this should help to clear things up :)

stefano orlini1 day ago (edited)
One of majingis (dark mane) seems blind to one eye..this may be a serious injuries. Everyway, next fight between majingilane and matimba will be decisive, unfortunately, there are a lots of cubs both in  majingis pride and in matimba pride, whoever ever wins will kill them all

Khimbini Wildlife Videos1 day ago
Dark mane eye was damaged sometime time go, he's been like this for over a year now.

stefano orlini1 day ago
Thanks for the info, i didn't know it

james rabbit1 day ago
+Khimbini Wildlife Videos khim, do you have sighted hip scar and the othawas or know where they are?

Khimbini Wildlife Videos1 day ago
+james rabbit : I haven't seen heard anything about him however last I heard a male lion roar about four kilometers away from where I had just seen the three Majingilane males, I do think that was him calling.

Marias Erasmus1 day ago
Do any of you notice, dark mane appears blinded from one eye?

Ross1 day ago
+Marias Erasmus The eye does look as though it has cataracts or something

Guy Smiley1 day ago
Marias Erasmus, yes! I thought so too. His right eye looks almost white. How old are these boys now? Been watching them for years.

Khimbini Wildlife Videos1 day ago
Dark mane was injured on his eye in a brotherly fight some time ago. I might find you picture to show the wound that caused it.

Scrapper Mr.t1 day ago
+Guy Smiley 11

Marias Erasmus9 hours ago
+Khimbini Wildlife thanks for clearing it
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Greece LionKiss Offline
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 03-25-2016, 04:00 PM by LionKiss )

(03-23-2016, 06:43 AM)Majingilane Wrote: A very nice video of the boys, that show the injuries sustained in the fight vs the Matimba males, and also the strong bond they have, grooming and licking each other. Credits to Khimbini Wildlife Videos
The Majingilane males have been in yet another fight with Matimba males. The videos and pictures were shot on the 22 march 2016 few days after the fight,it shows three of the four males nursing the wounds. Dark mane have few scratch marks, a deep wound on his lips and chin and is limping a little. Golden mane have wound on his flank and Scarnose have very little scratches on him.

at 2:39 this video shows a Majingilane wounded by bite in his ribs, who is he? Scar Nose? Golden Mane?
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

Quote:at 2:39 this video shows a Majingilane wounded by bite in his ribs, who is he?
Golden Mane is the one that has that little scratch on his side.
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 03-29-2016, 06:34 AM by Tshokwane )

Quote:@Majingilane I have been wanting to ask you I have seen in some close up of dark mane is he going blind in his right eye or is just the way his eye is any info on that?

I was wondering the same?
That injury happened some time ago, I think it was 2014. I'm not entirely sure which interaction caused it, I don't know if it was a fight with one of his brothers, or a scrap with a female.

The pic is a bit blurry, but here you can see the wound.

*This image is copyright of its original author

Here's a video of him roaring where you can see the wound.

And here you can see it started to heal up.

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

So, I don't think he lost the sight on that eye right away, but what happened after that injury that eye started to get of a darker shade, I think I read somehwere that maybe the strike or bite that caused that hit a blood vessel.

The wound healed nicely, but judging from recent pics and the latest videos of him, I have to agree with you, I think that eye is turning more and more white, so he may have lost is sight there.

Still, there are many cases of dominant cats with sight in a single eye, so I would worry too much.
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Greece LionKiss Offline
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 03-25-2016, 06:46 PM by LionKiss )

this is not going to stop here, in few weeks there will be another fight,
since always Matimbas go to Singita and provoke the Majingilane and the Matimbas don't seem to have serious injuries they will do it again.
They just feel that they can manage the situation.
There is an other new info, this time Hip Scar did not come to Londolozy at all, he stayed with the Othawas.
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United States John21 Offline
New Member
( This post was last modified: 03-26-2016, 08:43 PM by John21 )

Mmm. Very rarely do we see a coalition of 4 males struggle this much against a coalition of 2 males. In fact I don't think I've ever seen this situation.  
The Majingilanes should be able to overpower the Matimbas but can't seem to do it, fittingly since their first encounter in 2011 the Matimbas have always been their nightmare.(They struggled against the 2 famed Mapogo boys and got their strongest member killed) but since then they have not struggled against small coalitions until recently, the Matimbas.

Judging by the location of the Majingilanes right after the fight it seems there was no clear winner. The Matimbas only number 2 individuals but managed to inflict heavy damage on the Majingilanes, mainly speaking on their dominant figure who took the worst of the damage somehow. 

It looks like the Matimbas had another psychological win here. Majingilanes have numbers though but they need to make them count and I believe the clock is ticking on Hipscar and perhaps on their reign altogether. 

Keep us informed with further details guys.
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

I will let the ranger from Londolozi Sean Cresswell to answer this.

This is one of the comments below the week in pictures post, the emphasis in bold is mine:

Although the two Matimba males were separated by quite a distance for several days following the Majingilane’s arrival, tracks indicated that they were together at the start of the night and during the encounter. In previous sightings involving a convergence of the two coalitions we have observed the clear determination and eagerness to attack by dark maned Majingilane; often seeing him leave the other two behind as he chases towards Matimba’s. Tracks indicated that one lion had been mauled severely before the Matimba split occurred. Therefore, dark maned Majingilane must have caught up to slowly fleeing Matimba’s, who saw him alone and both attacked for a brief time before the second and third Majingilane males caught up. This would’ve been enough time to inflict the injuries to him. Secondary injuries to another Majingilane male would have happened soon thereafter and the fight which progressed could have split the Matimba’s while the Majingilane regrouped.

And this are the two comments he left below Londolozi's post of the week in pictures in the facebook page:

it did also look like (from tracks on the road) both Matimba males got hold of dark mane Majingilane male at the same time. It was only the subsequent arrival of the other two which split the Matimba males during the night. All males still alive, both Matimba males together and well fed.

Yes the scuffle would have only lasted seconds between Matimba (2) and Majingilane (1) where we found blood, scat and mane on the road, similar to last fight. Without much physical mauling, just his presence would influence the fight and probably caused Majingilane male (1) to resort to fighting from his back; this may be when his mouth/chin and hind foot was bitten simultaneously. The rest becomes guesswork. The arrival of remaining Majingilane sent both Matimba's to split, and this may be when dark maned Matimba (HB) and scar nose Majingilane engaged while blonder Matimba escaped. That is our best analysis from the tracks early morning.

Can you see the difference now? There was no "psychological win" by the Matimba males or anything like that, they merely took advantage of the momentary upper hand they gained until Scar Nose and Golden Mane arrived and chased them away. The Majingilane spent the entire day in Londolozi while the Matimbas retreated south, so that alone should tell who was the victor of the encounter.

Now, with this new information, we can piece together what happened that night, and it's very interesting, because it shows that Black Mane clearly has no problem charging at the two Matimbas on his own. 

I really don't see why everyone has this idea that the Majingilane "have trouble" dealing with the Matimbas, when it's clear the Matimbas have to move away each time the Majingilane come to Londolozi, even when I don't think the Majingilane really want to take Londolozi back.
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Guatemala Shaudimela Offline

Both coalitions are incredibles...
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lioncrazy Offline
Regular Member

Like majingilane said it's not a take over its just stern warning of where the boundaries begin in my opinion
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Greece LionKiss Offline
Regular Member

I just repeat the most recent report from Londolozi:

Sean Cresswell says:
March 26, 2016 at 12:22
Hi Chris. Thank you for your comment, but believe otherwise. Although the two Matimba males were separated by quite a distance for several days following the Majingilane’s arrival, tracks indicated that they were together at the start of the night and during the encounter. In previous sightings involving a convergence of the two coalitions we have observed the clear determination and eagerness to attack by dark maned Majingilane; often seeing him leave the other two behind as he chases towards Matimba’s. Tracks indicated that one lion had been mauled severely before the Matimba split occurred. Therefore, dark maned Majingilane must have caught up to slowly fleeing Matimba’s, who saw him alone and both attacked for a brief time before the second and third Majingilane males caught up. This would’ve been enough time to inflict the injuries to him. Secondary injuries to another Majingilane male would have happened soon thereafter and the fight which progressed could have split the Matimba’s while the Majingilane regrouped. Two of the three had superficial injuries. Hipscar Majingilane male was not present at all, and we believe there isn’t a connection between Matimba males and Othawa pride as they have not come near to contacting each other recently.


so all 3 Majingilane were involved with DM having more serious injuries and SN and GM light ones.
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Singapore Skybed Offline
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 03-27-2016, 06:32 PM by Skybed )

Wow based on the Rangers account, it goes to show how aggressive and valiant Blackmane is! Thanks for the update @Majingilane
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Greece LionKiss Offline
Regular Member

hip scar seems to be back
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 03-28-2016, 11:49 PM by Tshokwane )

Quote:hip scar seems to be back 
He is indeed.

Hugo Breed Wildtography:
Majingilane in the sand, heating up in the sun after a cold night.
Hip Scar

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

Leopard Hills Private Game Reserve:
All four Majingilane males were with the two Othawa females and three youngsters. Last night we listened to them as they were roaring close to the lodge.

*This image is copyright of its original author

Hugo Breed Wildtography:
Father and son.
Black Mane

*This image is copyright of its original author
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