There is a world somewhere between reality and fiction. Although ignored by many, it is very real and so are those living in it. This forum is about the natural world. Here, wild animals will be heard and respected. The forum offers a glimpse into an unknown world as well as a room with a view on the present and the future. Anyone able to speak on behalf of those living in the emerald forest and the deep blue sea is invited to join.
--- Peter Broekhuijsen ---

Forum rules

Netherlands peter Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact
( This post was last modified: 03-22-2015, 06:58 PM by peter )


Our planet is quite something to behold. Although many would agree with this statement, the natural world isn't considered an issue by those elected to represent 'We, the People'. The result is wild country is threatened everywhere.

The balance between humans and other creatures has been lost. In about one century only, many species have disappeared completely. Those that survived, lost over 90% of their numbers in many cases. If we want to preserve what is left, we have to act and we have to do it now.

In order to do this, we need a voice. The problem is 'We, the People' have no opportunity to talk to those responsible for the destruction we see. Those elected to 'represent' us, most unfortunately, also prefer to ignore us. Access has a price, these days.

There are many ways to change this situation. One, perhaps, is to create a forum where we can discuss things omitted in most debates and agenda's.

This forum is about the natural world and those living in the unknown emerald forest. In this forum, they will have a voice. We will speak for them and they will be heard.


If we want to realize the goal and enable all of those interested to contribute, we need a few rules.

01 - The intention of this forum is to provide good information and to enable good debates. Debates on issues neglected by researchers. In order to get there, we need respect. Respect for good information, good arguments and, last but not least, respect for other members. This means all members involved in a debate have to refrain from anything not accepted in real life as well.

02 - This forum is about good information. What is good information? Good information is reliable, first-hand and authentic information related to the topic discussed. Information collected by researchers and those who have (had) first-hand experience with wild or captive animals. Could be books, articles, short stories, tables and interviews. Anything goes, as long as it is authentic and true.

03 - What are 'good' debates? In a good debate, all participants are enabled to present their views/ideas on a topic without being shot immediately. In order to get there, arguments are needed. Presented in such a way, they can be discussed. This means posts have to be short, to the point and readable .

04 - What is the aim of a debate? The aim is to present all views and ideas and get to a conclusion. A conclusion shared by most. It takes more skill to disagree with some dignity than to agree.

05 - What is not wanted? The forum is on the natural world and those without a voice. This means it isn't about us, humans. Anyone who uses animals to talk about himself is adviced to visit other forums. Same for those interested in fights, (confirmation of) preference, wars and connected.

06 - Moderation in this forum is strict.
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sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact
( This post was last modified: 02-11-2015, 04:53 AM by Apollo )


1) No flame wars, No spamming and trolling. No racial, religious and animal discrimination or abuse. No spreading misinformation and lies.

2) Respect Admins, Moderators and fellow posters all time

3) Admins and Moderators have all rights to make any changes (modify or delete) in the rules, threads and posts anytime.

4) Information source should be reliable. Avoid using unreliable source like Wikipedia .

5) Information should not be copy pasted exactly from other sources. There must be some self written text in your information.

6) Porn/Nudity/ XXX contents are not allowed.

7) Advertising of any products (other forums, blogs etc) is not allowed without prior permission.

8) Mass deletion of his/her posts from any member is not allowed if he/she willing to leave the wildfact forum.

9) Don't only paste the link from sources about information, data, news but also add your text input

10) Images and video must contain the original author copyright information

11) Any other activity which harms the wildfact forum or the fellow members through any means is strictly prohibited.

12) Members shouldnt have more than one account at Wildfact, unless and until its permitted by the Admins and Moderators.
13) Breaking any of the above rule may result in warning or permanent ban, even account deletion and IP address bar
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Netherlands peter Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact
( This post was last modified: 03-22-2015, 06:56 PM by peter )


07 - Participating on a forum isn't easy. Sooner or later, there will be a debate and chances are you could get involved as well. In order to prevent problems, rules were invented. Rules of interaction, that is. As rules often can be explained in more than one way, mods were added to apply them. In the end, rules are decisive and mods always have the last word.

08 - Many, so it seems, assume a debate will end with a conclusion supported by most. This, most unfortunately, is not always the case. In quite many debates, those involved are unable to reach any kind of agreement. For this reason, it is important to learn how to agree to disagree in a respectful way. Disagreement also is a result. Those involved in debates need to be prepared to accept a stalemate. It means the case is undecided. 

09 - Although not many would be prepared to admit it, it is a fact that nearly all of us are preferenced to an extent. Same for those involved in a forum. This means some pigs will be more equal than others and at times it will show in a debate. In this respect, this forum is no different from others. In spite of that, it is important to remember that rules are decisive. This means that even those with a bit more support than others will be subjected to them when things get 'out of hand'. As reality shows that debates often get out of hand, it is important to remember that status doesn't affect decisions in the end. Not on this forum.

10 - In the end, every debate is about respect. Respect for information, respect for other debaters and respect for forum rules. Experience says that most of those involved in information will make a mistake sooner or later. That, however, doesn't mean they can be used to dismiss an entire set of valid statements or a theory. Biologists and zoologists are different from most others participating on a forum in that the documents they produce are peer-reviewed. This means it is more than likely that errors will be discovered by their peers. For this reason, their word on many issues has to be regarded as final.

Nearly every forum seems to have members who do not mind dismissing well-trained, experienced and motivated professionals when it suits them. In many cases, preference or distrust seem to be the driving factors. The owners and mods of this forum want to make it very clear that their creation is not regarded as a platform for those involved in dismissing professionals on a regular basis. 

11 - A debate shouldn't be about opinions, but about facts. You do opinions in the pub. This forum is a platform for those who base ideas on facts. For this reason, everyone participating in a debate is expected to deliver facts. Same for counters in that those who disagree are expected to deliver facts. In the end, facts decide.

12 - On this forum, every member has equal rights and obligations. Not one member can expect to get a room with a view. If he, for whatever reason, isn't able to wear the same clothes as other members, he or she is adviced to move elsewhere. No exceptions.
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United States Siegfried Offline
Wildanimal Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 03-22-2015, 11:22 PM by Siegfried )

I disagree strongly.  Facts are really not debatable as they (once established) stand alone.  Facts are in turn interpreted to create a hypothesis... or an opinion.  Opinions are actually highly debatable and are in fact, the center of the debate itself.  Opinions are then either supported or refuted by facts in the debate process.  IMHO.

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Netherlands peter Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact
( This post was last modified: 02-18-2020, 07:06 AM by peter )


The aim of the forum is to discuss those making their home in the natural world. Not us. Forums and debates are good friends. In order to get to a result, every forum needs rules. They are to be respected at all times.   

You wasn't amused when you was addressed. I understand. But I didn't start a forum to clean rooms, did I? I want a thriving forum and the only way to get there is to respect forum rules. I'm not happy with the number of disputes and neither are the others, including the mod you like best. You can have all the Tigerluvers you want, but they too prefer good debates over Kalashnikovs. 

The debate on collars has been concluded. Although collars could have been misused, there is overwhelming evidence that they contributed to knowledge. The benefits outweigh the disadvantages and tigers profited.

There's also no question regarding the intentions of biologists: they are the ones who kept wild tigers alive when it mattered most. I'm not saying their word is final all the time, but they deserve more credit than you are prepared to give them. 

As for collar misuse. The problems discussed do not indicate the tool is inproper. It means it isn't used in the correct way. There's no need to dismiss interesting documents, that is.           


If you disagree with biologists, refrain from fundamentalism. Also remember debating isn't about winning or losing. It is about developing in the right direction.   

I reconsidered my stand, meaning you can continue. My proposal is to read a bit about debates and to apply the fundamentals of debating in the proper way.
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Netherlands peter Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact
( This post was last modified: 02-18-2020, 07:07 AM by peter )


United States Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

"Your board status is currently set to closed"

I discover this message now when I logged onto the homepage of the site...

What does that mean ?
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sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact

Site is under some maintenance work.. since it is weekend, I am tweaking the site little bit so plz be patient for 1 or 2 days
1 user Likes sanjay's post

United States Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

(07-22-2017, 05:03 PM)sanjay Wrote: Site is under some maintenance work.. since it is weekend, I am tweaking the site little bit so plz be patient for 1 or 2 days

No problem @sanjay ! Thank you for the explanations.
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United States richard313 Offline
New Member
( This post was last modified: 05-15-2018, 10:31 PM by sanjay )

(03-31-2014, 08:43 AM)peter Wrote: A - WHY THIS FORUM WAS STARTED

Our planet is quite something to behold. Although many would agree with this statement, the natural world isn't considered an issue by those elected to represent 'We, the People'. The result is wild country is threatened everywhere.

The balance between humans and other creatures has been lost. In about one century only, many species have disappeared completely. Those that survived, lost over 90% of their numbers in many cases. If we want to preserve what is left, we have to act and we have to do it now.

In order to do this, we need a voice. The problem is 'We, the People' have no opportunity to talk to those responsible for the destruction we see. Those elected to 'represent' us, most unfortunately, also prefer to ignore us. Access has a price, these days.

There are many ways to change this situation. One, perhaps, is to create a forum where we can discuss things omitted in most debates and agenda's.

This forum is about the natural world and those living in the unknown emerald forest. In this forum, they will have a voice. We will speak for them and they will be heard.


If we want to realize the goal and enable all of those interested to contribute, we need a few rules.

01 - The intention of this forum is to provide good information and to enable good debates. Debates on issues neglected by researchers. In order to get there, we need respect. Respect for good information, good arguments and, last but not least, respect for other members. This means all members involved in a debate have to refrain from anything not accepted in real life as well.

02 - This forum is about good information. What is good information? Good information is reliable, first-hand and authentic information related to the topic discussed. Information collected by researchers and those who have (had) first-hand experience with wild or captive animals. Could be books, articles, short stories, tables and interviews. Anything goes, as long as it is authentic and true.

03 - What are 'good' debates? In a good debate, all participants are enabled to present their views/ideas on a topic without being shot immediately. In order to get there, arguments are needed. Presented in such a way, they can be discussed. This means posts have to be short, to the point and readable .

04 - What is the aim of a debate? The aim is to present all views and ideas and get to a conclusion. A conclusion shared by most. It takes more skill to disagree with some dignity than to agree.

05 - What is not wanted? The forum is on the natural world and those without a voice. This means it isn't about us, humans. Anyone who uses animals to talk about himself is adviced to visit other forums. Same for those interested in fights, (confirmation of) preference, wars and connected.

06 - Moderation in this forum is strict.

Hello, We are a new Lion Store called Den of Leos! We were wondering if we could advertise on your forum. Part of the proceeds will go to WWF and Lion Aid Foundation. Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.Den of Leos
3 users Like richard313's post

Netherlands peter Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact
( This post was last modified: 05-15-2018, 10:31 PM by sanjay Edit Reason: corrected the formating )

(05-13-2018, 04:19 AM)richard313 Wrote:
(03-31-2014, 08:43 AM)peter Wrote: A - WHY THIS FORUM WAS STARTED

Our planet is quite something to behold. Although many would agree with this statement, the natural world isn't considered an issue by those elected to represent 'We, the People'. The result is wild country is threatened everywhere.

The balance between humans and other creatures has been lost. In about one century only, many species have disappeared completely. Those that survived, lost over 90% of their numbers in many cases. If we want to preserve what is left, we have to act and we have to do it now.

In order to do this, we need a voice. The problem is 'We, the People' have no opportunity to talk to those responsible for the destruction we see. Those elected to 'represent' us, most unfortunately, also prefer to ignore us. Access has a price, these days.

There are many ways to change this situation. One, perhaps, is to create a forum where we can discuss things omitted in most debates and agenda's.

This forum is about the natural world and those living in the unknown emerald forest. In this forum, they will have a voice. We will speak for them and they will be heard.


If we want to realize the goal and enable all of those interested to contribute, we need a few rules.

01 - The intention of this forum is to provide good information and to enable good debates. Debates on issues neglected by researchers. In order to get there, we need respect. Respect for good information, good arguments and, last but not least, respect for other members. This means all members involved in a debate have to refrain from anything not accepted in real life as well.

02 - This forum is about good information. What is good information? Good information is reliable, first-hand and authentic information related to the topic discussed. Information collected by researchers and those who have (had) first-hand experience with wild or captive animals. Could be books, articles, short stories, tables and interviews. Anything goes, as long as it is authentic and true.

03 - What are 'good' debates? In a good debate, all participants are enabled to present their views/ideas on a topic without being shot immediately. In order to get there, arguments are needed. Presented in such a way, they can be discussed. This means posts have to be short, to the point and readable .

04 - What is the aim of a debate? The aim is to present all views and ideas and get to a conclusion. A conclusion shared by most. It takes more skill to disagree with some dignity than to agree.

05 - What is not wanted? The forum is on the natural world and those without a voice. This means it isn't about us, humans. Anyone who uses animals to talk about himself is adviced to visit other forums. Same for those interested in fights, (confirmation of) preference, wars and connected.

06 - Moderation in this forum is strict.

Hello, We are a new Lion Store called Den of Leos! We were wondering if we could advertise on your forum. Part of the proceeds will go to WWF and Lion Aid Foundation. Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.Den of Leos


Welcome to the forum. As to the question: contact Sanjay.
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sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact

Hello @richard313
Welcome to the forum, I have sent you PM
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Finland Shadow Offline
( This post was last modified: 11-02-2019, 08:02 PM by Shadow )

@AlexE  I don´t know if you have been drinking or what, but if you continue just practically spamming, that won´t be tolerated. You can´t post anything in a day now. If you continue after that in the same way as in past hour or so, you need to find some other place to do so. I deleted those postings now.

Netherlands peter Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact
( This post was last modified: 11-04-2019, 06:39 AM by peter )

(11-02-2019, 06:31 PM)AlexE Wrote: Guys what is it? I am in a dark forest.

What do you mean? Shadow?

Kenya John Opiyo Offline
New Join

I like the rules. The challenge I expect is that nature lovers at times think more with their hearts and not the mind. I will give an example. In the conflict between big cats and livestock farmers, farmers will at times kill the big cats to protect their livestock. When this gets out, people will curse the farmers and call them names, serious insults. Their hearts are at work at this time. However, the mind should tell them a few things. First, they are thousands of miles away and could not do anything at that time to save the cats. Secondly, calling people names could stir them against the cats even more. Lastly, had these people mean to kill the cats, non could have been in existence today because they have kept livestock in the range lands for very many years. The light however is that, after an incidence like that, people can brainstorm on what to do to avert similar situations in future. In such a debate, I would expect a lot of heat but/and objectivity to win. Rules bring order and I will stick with the rules.
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