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Experience with Wild Cats

Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 01-13-2018, 09:37 PM by Ngala )

Do someone have experience with wild cats? Please share and tell us about that if you do have. 

I have seen tigers (ranthambore, bandavgarh) 
Lions (Krüger, Masai Mara) 
Leopard (Masai Mara, Krüger, ranthambore) 
Cheetah (Masai Mara) 
Lynx (Norway) 
Caracal (Krüger) 
Serval (Masai Mara) 

also my dad have seen alot of tigers, lions, leopards and Jaguars I'm so jealous! 
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sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact

Great, Thread Pantherine,

Though I live in India, But never got a chance to visit national parks. I have seen them in zoo, but never feel so impressive.

I will certainly plan visits.
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Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 06-29-2014, 07:34 PM by Pantherinae )

'sanjay dateline='' Wrote: Great, Thread Pantherine,

Though I live in India, But never got a chance to visit national parks. I have seen them in zoo, but never feel so impressive.

I will certainly plan visits.


If you wanna see Tigers I would recommand ranthambore! Thats a fantastic place, biggest and best experience of my life! Exeptional nature and almost a garantee that you can see tigers! I did see 5 different tigers including T-24 and T-42. 

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Norway Jubatus Offline
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 06-29-2014, 08:27 PM by Jubatus )

I have seen tigers a few times now (Bandhavgarh and Tadoba) 

And also lions (Serengeti)

and Leopards (Tadoba)

and Cheetahs (Serengeti)

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Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

'Jubatus dateline='' Wrote: I have seen tigers a few times now (Bandhavgarh and Tadoba) 

And also lions (Serengeti)

and Leopards (Tadoba)

and Cheetahs (Serengeti)



Very cool! I do also have a dream of going to tadoba, maybe I will ordre a trip very soon, because I wanna see wagdoh!

sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact

(06-29-2014, 08:30 PM)'Pantherinae' Wrote: Very cool! I do also have a dream of going to tadoba, maybe I will ordre a trip very soon, because I wanna see wagdoh!


Yes, Waghdoh, Is most famous tiger currently, But if you have time, I suggest you to visit kaziranga or manas national park in Assam, India

This place is famous for very big and robust tiger, some even bigger than waghdoh. But you must be very lucky to get even single glimpses of them, they are very shy in nature.

Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

'sanjay dateline='' Wrote:
'Pantherinae dateline='' Wrote: Very cool! I do also have a dream of going to tadoba, maybe I will ordre a trip very soon, because I wanna see wagdoh!


Yes, Waghdoh, Is most famous tiger currently, But if you have time, I suggest you to visit kaziranga or manas national park in Assam, India

This place is famous for very big and robust tiger, some even bigger than waghdoh. But you must be very lucky to get even single glimpses of them, they are very shy in nature.


Yeah I know Kaziranga do have even bigger tigers, but wagdoh has always been a little favorite for me! But I wil definatly visit Kaziranga one time aswell, beuatiful nature and rhinos, buffalo, elephants and tigers! 

United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

You guys are all lucky to be able to do such great things. I am going to either Africa or India and a few other options for my 30th next year. I know its a tough question to answer and everybody wil be different but, out of the two for a first time adventure which would you recommend? (beauty, awesome cats, night life, great wildlife and tours/tour guides) 
Thanks, I appreciate any input. 

Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

'Pckts dateline='' Wrote: You guys are all lucky to be able to do such great things. I am going to either Africa or India and a few other options for my 30th next year. I know its a tough question to answer and everybody wil be different but, out of the two for a first time adventure which would you recommend? (beauty, awesome cats, night life, great wildlife and tours/tour guides) 
Thanks, I appreciate any input. 


To be honest, my suggestion would be ranthambore! Amazing nature, and the sunset light!, oh my god! Also Krüger and Mara is fantastic! Bandavgarh is great aswell but IMO not the same! Cool to see Bamera male tho! a lengendary tiger! But I'm sure you will have an amazing trip anywhere you go! 

United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

I also got to ask, I know its opinionated, which cat is more "awe inspiring" when you see. Its a gut feeling I am sure, but a part of me leans towards the idea of the "rarety" of seeing a big male Tiger in the wild. What was it like for you guys?

Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

'Pckts dateline='' Wrote: I also got to ask, I know its opinionated, which cat is more "awe inspiring" when you see. Its a gut feeling I am sure, but a part of me leans towards the idea of the "rarety" of seeing a big male Tiger in the wild. What was it like for you guys?

Yeah the sighting of a big male tiger is exeptional! The wating, the silence and the seartch... And then boom a massive male tiger that feeling is absolutley fantastic! But also seeing the notch boys (5) walking side by side on the savanna! That's majaestic! And then you understands why they are called the king! Hard to tell apart! Almost impossible! 


United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

How big was notch's largest son (forget his name) compared to a Tiger like T24?  Or whichever is the largest Tiger you have seen.
I'm assuming Notch's son is the largest lion you have seen?

Now you have me dreaming about seeing a lion coalition with the african sun setting behind it. 
Wow, both would be so great. 

Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

'Pckts dateline='' Wrote: How big was notch's largest son (forget his name) compared to a Tiger like T24?  Or whichever is the largest Tiger you have seen.
I'm assuming Notch's son is the largest lion you have seen?

Now you have me dreaming about seeing a lion coalition with the african sun setting behind it. 
Wow, both would be so great. 


Notch's biggest son was no way near the size of the koning male, a big very unkown male I saw in Krüger. I have seen two big tigers T-24 and bamera, bamera was very bulky but not very long I had expected more of him, but still a massive beast, but not 300 kg which is a faritale weight for any wild cat. T-24 was longer I would have put those in around the same weight catagory. So in my case the lion was a little bigger. The notch boys where again a little smaller than the two tigers. 

My dad however has seen wagdoh. And he said he was bigger than the koning male lion. Atleast he would have weighed more. He always has described him as massive! I hope aswell to see wagdoh soon! 

United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 06-30-2014, 02:28 AM by Pckts )

Nice info. I definitely would not say "fairytale weight" for the simply fact of Madla being 260kg+ just to use a recent tiger and Kaziranga tigers are definitely larger than madla. 40kg's more is definintely possible IMO.

Eye witness who Photographed KZT023 said he was larger than any tiger he had seen in Tadoba. 
Waghdoh, Jai, Bamera where all stated by name as wel.
It's on here if you haven't seen it.

Any way,
I bet that Koning male is massive, probably close to 250kg+ if he is larger than Bamera. It is probably also really hard to tell exactly because they carry weight differently as well as distant from each animal.
Thanks again. 

Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

'Pckts dateline='' Wrote: Nice info. I definitely would not say "fairytale weight" for the simply fact of Madla being 260kg+ just to use a recent tiger and Kaziranga tigers are definitely larger than madla. 40kg's more is definintely possible IMO.

Eye witness who Photographed KZT023 said he was larger than any tiger he had seen in Tadoba. 
Waghdoh, Jai, Bamera where all stated by name as wel.
It's on here if you haven't seen it.

Any way,
I bet that Koning male is massive, probably close to 250kg+ if he is larger than Bamera. It is probably also really hard to tell exactly because they carry weight differently as well as distant from each animal.
Thanks again. 


Well it's sad that we can only estimate the weight of Madla, but sure a massive tiger! My dad has seen alot of tigers and lions, and he said following weights on animals in his estimates, all notch boys where between 185-210 kg, B2: 210-220 kg (he said he was massive, but extremly short), T-24: 220-235, bamera: 225-240 kg, koning male 230-245 kg, and he said wagdoh where maybe 240-260 kg. 

KZT-023 is a massive beast, but he is a little, fat! He is looking like a very big framed tiger, but his hips do look a little thin. I have seen even more impressive tigers from Kaziranga ( but that's on camera traps, and thats a little hard to estimate size from)! They are definatly the biggest cats alive, but still 300 seem a little to much IMO, but who knows if they exists that's probably in Kaziranga. 
You do hear of lions from mount Kenya who is 270 kg, but to me it's a little to extreme, if there do exist lions at 270 kg's that's probably in Okavango delta! But probably not. 

BTW i respectb you're knowledge of cats, and it's fun to discuss with you! You seem fair, and do not seem to be a fanatic at all, and that's how it should be, no lion or tiger fanatics, who try's to make the other animal look bad, that makes me angry and sad. They are both fantastic and amazing animals! 

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