There is a world somewhere between reality and fiction. Although ignored by many, it is very real and so are those living in it. This forum is about the natural world. Here, wild animals will be heard and respected. The forum offers a glimpse into an unknown world as well as a room with a view on the present and the future. Anyone able to speak on behalf of those living in the emerald forest and the deep blue sea is invited to join.
--- Peter Broekhuijsen ---

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Excellent Animal and Nature Videos

Finland Shadow Offline

If this lioness could speak, I am sure, that it would say "just some upper body exercise"... I would answer "yes, it went well" and hold my laughing until far enough if I could Grin
But I have to admit, that it did actually quite good recovery and minimized damage :)

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Sanju Offline
Senior member

(01-29-2019, 06:08 AM)Shadow Wrote: If this lioness could speak, I am sure, that it would say "just some upper body exercise"... I would answer "yes, it went well" and hold my laughing until far enough if I could Grin
But I have to admit, that it did actually quite good recovery and minimized damage :)

LoL, very funny. Notice, the stuff in her forelimb musculature to do so... Amazingly strong are the big cats Like Tree lions spotted.
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Czech Republic Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

@Shadow :

About #106: This is a controlled fall ! No panic... The other lionesses are indifferent.
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Finland Shadow Offline

Compilation from a salt block in the woods of Lapland, Finland, near Kostamo. Moose, raindeer, fox and some other animals visiting there.

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Sanju Offline
Senior member

Home to one of the most diverse ecosystems of it’s size on the planet, the Osa Peninsula is a bastion for wildlife like no other. Examining the nature of the beast.
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Suhail Offline

Documentary ‘Wild Karnataka’ narrated by Sir David Attenborough to premiere in March

A team of 20 filmmakers worked in tandem with forest officials travelling and filming through swathes of forest areas across the state.

there is no shortage of  biodiversity in Karnataka and it is only waiting to be captured. "Karnataka is a state with the highest number of (Asian) elephants and tigers in the world. It’s high time we feel proud about the biodiversity in our own country," he says.
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Sanju Offline
Senior member

Pangolin climbing tree..
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sanjay Online
Co-owner of Wildfact

This is an old video shared on BBC earth. Ibex also known as mountain goat, climbs a dam. The footage is incredible and it simply show how incredible are these animals. If posted earlier then, please point it.

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Sanju Offline
Senior member

(03-12-2019, 04:03 PM)sanjay Wrote: This is an old video shared on BBC earth. Ibex also known as mountain goat, climbs a dam. The footage is incredible and it simply show how incredible are these animals. If posted earlier then, please point it.

Already I Posted it #2.

Bovidae family Information, Pics and Videos

Rishi Offline
( This post was last modified: 03-18-2019, 10:37 PM by Rishi )

(03-25-2017, 04:35 PM)Rishi Wrote: Few electrifying videos of tigers charging... (D best 1 was tad annoying though)

Sometimes because you're too close for comfort...
Sometimes feeling disturbed or irritated...
Sometimes a show of dominance...


Sometimes just for lolz.

BTW... Stop, flick head-lights & blow horn.
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Sanju Offline
Senior member
( This post was last modified: 03-17-2019, 05:28 PM by Sanju )

Click to Play the video.

Music of Jungle...

Sanju Offline
Senior member

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Oman Lycaon Offline
أسد الأطلس


United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

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