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Coalitions of Kruger National Park

Panama Mapokser Offline

The 4 Shishangeni males sired the 6 Gomondwane.

I think if such a new narrative was to be made, proof should be provided, otherwise this won't be any different from the claim that the PC young male sired by S.Avocas was actually Jr Othawa.
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United States Ahmed Ali Offline
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 02-04-2025, 02:20 AM by Ahmed Ali )

(01-30-2025, 11:43 PM)Mapokser Wrote: The 4 Shishangeni males sired the 6 Gomondwane as

What the hell you are talking about ?

It dosen't make any since .

These 2 ruled the Gomondwane pride since 2014 i also write about them in December 2024 if you don't see my post so not my problems .

I will not replay or remake that post just for you to accept , also  i know your will not accepted anyway even if its true .

So let other ones who prove that to you not i .

So i will just send you the pictures then its up to you .

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picture No1 :- the wired nose with Gomondwane pride by Anita beart .

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here the muntshe male with Gomondwane pride and thier cubs on the move .

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here also the 2 brothers feed on buffalo with Gomondwane pride  and thier cubs 2014/2015 .

All created by OG auther .

I wish the leader of Wildfact to remove you as soon as possible becouse am done from your Stupied agruments that dosent make any sinces .

Panama Mapokser Offline

So am I meant to assume these lions you're sharing the photos of are the Gomondwane pride with the 6 Gomondwane male cubs at the date you're claiming they are just like I had to assume the video of the PC young male was Jr Othawa like you claimed? You didn't provide actual evidence, only claims.

Anyway, again you're personally attacking me, and is incredibly rude for no reason at all. It doesn't seem to me that I'm the one who should be removed as I'm actually able to engage other members in healthy conversations instead of jumping straight to personal attacks and even doxing attempts like you previously did with me ( twice ) the first time someone doesn't unconditionally agree or accept anything you say or claim.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(01-30-2025, 11:46 PM)Mapokser Wrote: The 4 Shishangeni males sired the 6 Gomondwane.

They didnt.

Shishangenis never controled Gomondwane pride.

Gomondwanes (Tank, Split Nose, Blondie, Silver eye etc.) where believed to be sired by famous 9 Old Gomondwanes.

@Ahmed Ali now claims otherwise, i cant confirm or dismiss his claims as i didnt research that.

United States Ahmed Ali Offline
Regular Member

(01-31-2025, 01:48 AM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(01-30-2025, 11:46 PM)Mapokser Wrote: The 4 Shishangeni males sired the 6 Gomondwane.

They didnt.

Shishangenis never controled Gomondwane pride.

Gomondwanes (Tank, Split Nose, Blondie, Silver eye etc.) where believed to be sired by famous 9 Old Gomondwanes.

@Ahmed Ali now claims otherwise, i cant confirm or dismiss his claims as i didnt research that.
 Now every Rangers and photography knows about it i explained to them everything like Mfundo and Mr. Greame and every one supriesd when i showed them this 
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Here some and i can send you more in your Instagram direct much easier

Panama Mapokser Offline

@Tr1x24 I must be confusing the many Gomondwane and Shishangeni then.

Weren't Vurhami ( Mo and brothers ), Mjejane and the 6 Gomondwane all related through Old Gomondwane or Shishangeni males? Weren't 2 old Shishangeni fighting 3 of their Gomondwane sons in a video, before disappearing? Or did that narrative changed over time? I remember you yourself talking about Mo and Toya Mjejane, and how they were "likely sired by the same male", as in it was accepted they were half-brothers.

@Ahmed Ali I can make little sense of these pictures. You'd need to highlight the whisker spots of the Gomondwane males as youngsters while in the pride with these 2 Majingilane brothers to prove that these are the Gomondwane with their fathers, it's how people did with Red Road at the company of the Skorro male or how they did with the Kruger Males ( Freddy and Limper ) with the Charleston males, that is how you prove such things.

Otherwise all we have are random pictures of the 2 males with a random pride that may or may not be the Gomondwane with the 6 male cubs.

Look, it doesn't matter to me who sired these lions and despite you thinking ( idk why ) that I'd go out of my way to disagree with you for the sake of it, I've no interested in it either.

But such straight up claims must be backed up by evidence otherwise people will read it and believe in it regardless if it's true or not.

And as I've mentioned already, it's not like your track record while identifying parenthood is flawless, let's not forgot how you created the narrative that Robson Males were the Majingi's fathers and that the WSM were the Robson Males' fathers so the WSM were related to Majingi, and that was an absolute truth in your eyes, then it changed to some other males ( Tshokwane males? ) then currently it is those 5 Leeopan males ( I do believe this time it's correct ), or more recently with the PCYM supposedly beign Jr Othawa.

How many people you, if in the position to, would have banned for disagreeing that Robson Males fathered the Majingi even if now we know it's definitely not the case? You just asked for my ban for disagreeing that these 2 males are Tank's father!

So don't you think it's reasonable that I wouldn't believe such claims that Majingi are uncles to Tank Gomondwame and others without proof?
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor
( This post was last modified: 01-31-2025, 05:19 PM by Tr1x24 )

(01-31-2025, 04:55 AM)Mapokser Wrote: @Tr1x24 I must be confusing the many Gomondwane and Shishangeni then.

Weren't Vurhami ( Mo and brothers ), Mjejane and the 6 Gomondwane all related through Old Gomondwane or Shishangeni males? Weren't 2 old Shishangeni fighting 3 of their Gomondwane sons in a video, before disappearing? Or did that narrative changed over time? I remember you yourself talking about Mo and Toya Mjejane, and how they were "likely sired by the same male", as in it was accepted they were half-brothers.

Its believed that Old Gomondwanes sired Shishangenis and Gomondwanes, so that fight was between half brothers and not fathers/sons.

Vurhamis where sired by Shishangenis, while Mjejanes where believed to be sired by Shishangenis aswell, but they are maybe sired by Old Gomondwanes aswell (Mjejanes where born in 2014, kinda too early to be Shishangenis sons, or maybe not, its not known exactly).
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United States BA0701 Offline
Super Moderator

Everyone, I know I have said it before, but it seems we must send out reminders on occasion, we will have no personal attacks directed towards any member of this site, period. Anyone who does so will be banned from this site. We all have to respect one another, even if we differ in our opinions, as we are all enjoying the same past time of following these wonderful cats, together.

If someone questions a post you have made, then please, simply provide your rationale, and if you both need to debate it, then by all means, such discussions are welcome at WildFact, as it helps us all learn more. Just keep the conversation on point and civil.

Thank you!
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United States Ahmed Ali Offline
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 02-01-2025, 07:42 AM by Ahmed Ali )

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So its between or in you all Hands lions of Kruger National park followers

Spically Mposker and Tr1x24 .

He is one of the 2 muntshe males since younger ages until the last dayes with the current Gomondwanes .

I will bring the informations of all these pictures as much as possible i mean as soon as possible .

Have a Great Day to all .

Nothing personal .
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South Africa Wyld@Heart Offline
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 02-01-2025, 01:23 PM by Wyld@Heart )

If I may. With regards to ID of lions and lineage that is in question, the burden of proof should be with the person making the assertion and not with anyone who happens to dispute that. Also, I'm terrible with identifying lions, as are alot of people, so please clarify posts using whisker patterns, scars, brands etc rather than features and assuming that because there is a similarity then that is definitive. It is not.

I've posted something similar before but the Kruger , for all it's vastness, is still an enclosed area and before it's proclamation and beyond, has suffered incredible losses in it's wildlife populations and that includes the lion population. With a population varying between 1500- 2000 or so, including cubs and sub adults, and there naturally being more females than males that grow to maturity we are talking about no more than 150 (?) prime males, if that. Taking into account a genetic bottleneck because of the significant drop in numbers, similarity in features amongst the population is inevitable and you're going to have long face, wide noses, orange eyes, dark manes, mohawks etc across the population which somehow has become one of the defining features of lineage when those are likely because in the not too distant past, and we're talking about just decades, lions separated now by distance probably had close relatives as ancestors or even common ancestors. To me anyway, putting a photo of one lion next to another and claiming lineage due to similarities is not probative. There are obviously physical traits that are inherited and passed on but with what I've just mentioned above, it's just not definitive at all.
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United States BA0701 Offline
Super Moderator

(02-01-2025, 01:19 PM)Wyld@Heart Wrote: If I may. With regards to ID of lions and lineage that is in question, the burden of proof should be with the person making the assertion and not with anyone who happens to dispute that. Also, I'm terrible with identifying lions, as are alot of people, so please clarify posts using whisker patterns, scars, brands etc rather than features and assuming that because there is a similarity then that is definitive. It is not.

I've posted something similar before but the Kruger , for all it's vastness, is still an enclosed area and before it's proclamation and beyond, has suffered incredible losses in it's wildlife populations and that includes the lion population. With a population varying between 1500- 2000 or so, including cubs and sub adults, and there naturally being more females than males that grow to maturity we are talking about no more than 150 (?) prime males, if that. Taking into account a genetic bottleneck because of the significant drop in numbers, similarity in features amongst the population is inevitable and you're going to have long face, wide noses, orange eyes, dark manes, mohawks etc across the population which somehow has become one of the defining features of lineage when those are likely because in the not too distant past, and we're talking about just decades, lions separated now by distance probably had close relatives as ancestors or even common ancestors. To me anyway, putting a photo of one lion next to another and claiming lineage due to similarities is not probative. There are obviously physical traits that are inherited and passed on but with what I've just mentioned above, it's just not definitive at all.

Very good take, thank you, my friend.
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United States Ahmed Ali Offline
Regular Member

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All Created By the Original auther .

Fenix123 Offline
Regular Member

1/2 Hippo Pool Males 

Credits to coneth.sauermann_wildlife

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United States Ahmed Ali Offline
Regular Member

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Some pictures for the Remaning Gomondwane pride male lion the three teeths  Muntshe males and the famous current Gomondwane males ( Tank , blonde , blind eye , slit nose ...etc ) . 

Photos Created By :- Rentia Kruger or ( lets Kruger Show you the Kruger Page ) .

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here the pictures comparing ..etc helped by amazing people from facebook showing he is same male lion .
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South Africa Rabubi Offline
Regular Member

(02-01-2025, 01:19 PM)Wyld@Heart Wrote: If I may. With regards to ID of lions and lineage that is in question, the burden of proof should be with the person making the assertion and not with anyone who happens to dispute that. Also, I'm terrible with identifying lions, as are alot of people, so please clarify posts using whisker patterns, scars, brands etc rather than features and assuming that because there is a similarity then that is definitive. It is not.

I've posted something similar before but the Kruger , for all it's vastness, is still an enclosed area and before it's proclamation and beyond, has suffered incredible losses in it's wildlife populations and that includes the lion population. With a population varying between 1500- 2000 or so, including cubs and sub adults, and there naturally being more females than males that grow to maturity we are talking about no more than 150 (?) prime males, if that. Taking into account a genetic bottleneck because of the significant drop in numbers, similarity in features amongst the population is inevitable and you're going to have long face, wide noses, orange eyes, dark manes, mohawks etc across the population which somehow has become one of the defining features of lineage when those are likely because in the not too distant past, and we're talking about just decades, lions separated now by distance probably had close relatives as ancestors or even common ancestors. To me anyway, putting a photo of one lion next to another and claiming lineage due to similarities is not probative. There are obviously physical traits that are inherited and passed on but with what I've just mentioned above, it's just not definitive at all.

With regards to Kruger being enclosed, I was under the impression that Peace Parks was in the process of completely removing all the fences along the northern and eastern border to (re)connect Kruger with the Gonarezhou National Park in Zimbabwe and Limpopo National Park in Mozambique respectively. I know the situation in the far north is pretty chaotic but has there been any recent progress along the eastern border?
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