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--- Peter Broekhuijsen ---

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Coalitions of Kruger National Park

Brahim Offline

Isn't he blondie 1/2 Ngotso males.

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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor
( This post was last modified: 04-27-2022, 01:47 AM by Tr1x24 )

(04-27-2022, 01:40 AM)Brahimlegend Wrote: Isn't he blondie 1/2 Ngotso males.

Yea looks like him based of whiskers. 

They where 4 males once.
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Brahim Offline

He does look ridiculously light in that pic you posted though
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Canada Mdz123 Offline

(04-25-2022, 04:15 PM)Brahimlegend Wrote:

1/3 Lower sabie males & 2 Lubyelubye lioness.

I thought Smudge and DM had control over LubyeLubye pride, is this maybe a breakaway?

Canada Mdz123 Offline

Transport dam males

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United States kobe8jf1234 Offline
Regular Member

(04-26-2022, 07:34 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote: Great portraits of 2 Hippo Pools males, new kings of Mjejane reserve :

Photo credits : gsk_wildlifephotography

Smudge Nose :

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

Light Mane :

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

Its actually shame that their brother (cheek scared) who is with S28 males got separated, 3 brothers together would be formidable coalition for years.

sad they would been problem for mejen males if they would stick together

Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor
( This post was last modified: 04-27-2022, 08:34 AM by Tr1x24 )

(04-27-2022, 02:05 AM)Mdz123 Wrote: I thought Smudge and DM had control over LubyeLubye pride, is this maybe a breakaway?

Dont know, theres is 2 gruops of Lubyelubyes i think, but they controled the pride since 2018, subadults are almost adult now, since last year 3 Lower Sabi males are seen with some Lubyelubye females, Leeupan son is there also. 

Mazithis prob abandon them or females choose new males for next generation.
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Brahim Offline

1/4 Phabeni males
Credit: Kav Leach

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lionuk Offline

A lion coalition of 4 males consisting of 3 Mazithi young males and 1 older male with their pride and 6 lion cubs

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Brahim Offline
( This post was last modified: 04-27-2022, 03:30 PM by Brahim )

Nshawu pride males
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(04-27-2022, 03:26 PM)lionuk Wrote: A lion coalition of 4 males consisting of 3 Mazithi young males and 1 older male with their pride and 6 lion cubs

So how do we call this Mazithis?

Young Mazithis?

Where are they exactly dominant? North of Mazithi Dam?
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Brahim Offline
( This post was last modified: 04-27-2022, 11:10 PM by Brahim )

Young mazith/older male co I guess? . Think yeah between there and s37
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Brahim Offline

10 Northern boys. Some pics of the Young Boyela/Babalala males.

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Brahim Offline

Southern Avocas yesterday 
Credit: velani Elijah themba magagula

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lionuk Offline

Berg En Dal male with the biggest and darkest mane. He's looking really good.
Credit: Potgieter

*This image is copyright of its original author
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