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Coalitions of Kruger National Park

Brahim Offline

1 of the 5 Mantimahle recently.
Seen on the S21 with the Renosterkoppies pride
Credit: Juan Philip

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T I N O Offline

(08-10-2021, 05:05 PM)Brahimlegend Wrote: 1 of the 5 Mantimahle recently.
Seen on the S21 with the Renosterkoppies pride
Credit: Juan Philip

Really exciting see these old kings of Kruger.
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lionuk Offline

It's really good to see Touchwood male isn't alone this time and that he is with the Fourways male. Maybe they could form a coalition? So, does anyone knows more about that Fourways male- his background (I presume he comes from Fourways Pride), his age, does he have any brothers, etc?
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Tonpa Offline

(08-10-2021, 10:49 PM)lionuk Wrote: It's really good to see Touchwood male isn't alone this time and that he is with the Fourways male. Maybe they could form a coalition? So, does anyone knows more about that Fourways male- his background (I presume he comes from Fourways Pride), his age, does he have any brothers, etc?

This is the older Torchwood male, a matimba son. He's in a coalition with two Fourways males, Matshapiri sons. I believe the 3 of them control the Leeupan pride
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lionuk Offline

(08-10-2021, 11:01 PM)Tonpa Wrote:
(08-10-2021, 10:49 PM)lionuk Wrote: It's really good to see Touchwood male isn't alone this time and that he is with the Fourways male. Maybe they could form a coalition? So, does anyone knows more about that Fourways male- his background (I presume he comes from Fourways Pride), his age, does he have any brothers, etc?

This is the older Torchwood male, a matimba son. He's in a coalition with two Fourways males, Matshapiri sons. I believe the 3 of them control the Leeupan pride

Ok, my mistake. Thanks for your clarification. To be honest, when I first saw that pic of Touchwood male, I thought he looked a bit older than the other Touchwood male, son of the Gowie males. And I was like hoping he had finally found himself a partner (which I know he hasn't. Yet).
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T I N O Offline

(08-11-2021, 12:59 AM)lionuk Wrote:
(08-10-2021, 11:01 PM)Tonpa Wrote:
(08-10-2021, 10:49 PM)lionuk Wrote: It's really good to see Touchwood male isn't alone this time and that he is with the Fourways male. Maybe they could form a coalition? So, does anyone knows more about that Fourways male- his background (I presume he comes from Fourways Pride), his age, does he have any brothers, etc?

This is the older Torchwood male, a matimba son. He's in a coalition with two Fourways males, Matshapiri sons. I believe the 3 of them control the Leeupan pride

Ok, my mistake. Thanks for your clarification. To be honest, when I first saw that pic of Touchwood male, I thought he looked a bit older than the other Touchwood male, son of the Gowie males. And I was like hoping he had finally found himself a partner (which I know he hasn't. Yet).
The last sighting of the Torchwood young male (son of the Birmingham/Gowrie males) wasn't seen since he was last seen in Timbavati. Let's hope we hear some updates soon.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

Kinky Tail as subadult, August 2017 near Lower Sabie, Kruger Sightings :

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

Silver Eyed Biyamiti young male, on S65 2 days ago, Kruger Sightings :

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Brahim Offline

1 of the 4 Young Shishangaans!
- Casper’s biggest brother looking like a beast.
Satara, KNP.
Credit: Fanie Fourie

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Brahim Offline

Casper and one of his bros just now on s100.
Credit: lindsay

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Brahim Offline

1 of the 3 Remaining S26 males.
They have been seen lately with a lot of cubs all 3 brothers still doing very well since the loss of Styx Male.
Credit: MHV Photography

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T I N O Offline

(08-11-2021, 07:57 PM)Brahimlegend Wrote: 1 of the 4 Young Shishangaans!
- Casper’s biggest brother looking like a beast.
Satara, KNP.
Credit: Fanie Fourie
Look at that piercing stare!
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

Lubyelubye Sr./Father, May 2016 :

Photo Credits : DiscoverKruger

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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T I N O Offline

A throwback thursday with the mighty Watergate male in the S1. What a beast!
Photo credits: Ian

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(08-12-2021, 05:38 PM)Timbavati Wrote: A throwback thursday with the mighty Watergate male in the S1. What a beast!
Photo credits: Ian

Any more info about him?
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