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Captive Lion and Tiger weights

Finland Shadow Offline

Chaos, lion from Lory Park in South Africa. Said here to be 260 kg at the age of 16 years old. This lion would be interesting to know more about. People who take care of him for sure care, when looking at treatment what this old lion gets.

*This image is copyright of its original author

Quote: "Chaos was anaesthetized at 10:30 am at the zoo, he was then stabilized and all 260kg of lion was loaded by 8 strong keepers into a secure crate and driven to Meudmed. He was accompanied by a full veterinarian team for the entire journey. Once at the clinic, there was a very professional team waiting to receive him at a private entrance. He had to be offloaded by hand and that gave many of the team an idea of how heavy a male lion really is! But it was done with great enthusiasm and respect."

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Finland Shadow Offline

In this video Chaos can be seen walking after treatment, actually not at all bad looking lion considering his age. 

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Finland Shadow Offline

(03-01-2020, 03:54 PM)Hello Wrote: 282 kg Kistora from Howletts,UK.Man on the left is Craig kennion at 5'11''

*This image is copyright of its original author

It looks like, that there has been no tiger named Kistora.... usually tigers are easy to find, when there is name and zoo, but in this case impossible. So there looks like to be some error(s) now what comes to this photo and information.

India Hello Offline
Senior Member

Kistora is from early 1990s

Finland Shadow Offline

(03-04-2020, 04:48 AM)Hello Wrote: Kistora is from early 1990s

Ok, interesting to see what information the zoo gives.

India Hello Offline
Senior Member

Twist 320 kg
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Finland Shadow Offline

(03-04-2020, 06:41 PM)Hello Wrote: Twist 320 kg

He is one very interesting tiger. I think, that in this video already old and not in his prime condition. Hopefully we can get more information about him and see what he looked like in his prime and in what kind of condition he was back then. If really fit and that heavy, then without any doubt one exceptional big cat. That seems to be one decent zoo.
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India Hello Offline
Senior Member

Zamba 640 lbs ,weighed or estimated anyways he has a good height

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GuateGojira Offline
Expert & Researcher

(03-04-2020, 06:41 PM)Hello Wrote: Twist 320 kg

That tiger lives in the Joburg Zoo. I could not found information about its weight in the web, but maybe @Shadow can contact them, he is been lucky with captive records.

Here is the webpage:

Sadly I don't see any email.

India Hello Offline
Senior Member

@Shadow here is some info on kistora ,His Stud book number is 2131 he was born at Marwell on 5th March 1981, he was transferred to Howletts on 20th August 1982 he died 18th December 1995 at Howletts, his name in the Stud book is Junior. Occasionally zoos give them a pet name different to Stud book name. In the Stud book their Stud book number is important not their name
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Finland Shadow Offline

@GuateGojira  @Hello  I´ve asked from different places about Twist and also about Kistora. Some people are now on vacation and it can take some time until I get replies. Naturally some zoos are replying quicker than others. I´m sure, that I get more information about Kistora, but what comes to Twist it´s interesting thing. I saw, that Twist is from some zoo at Prague originally. It will be interesting to get to know if that weight information is from there or from South Africa. There are some interesting things what comes to Twist, which I hope to find out, but time will tell.

Then again what comes to Zamba, we discussed about him already last autumn if I remember right. There are estimations about his weight, in between 650-750 lbs, based on whom it´s asked. Zoo director gave estimation 750 lbs, but that is just an estimation. He was biggest cat they had though, if I understood right that time and he was that by far. He also looked to be somewhat overweight, so who knows. But with him we are in same situation basically like we are with tiger Yeltsin for instance. Big boys, but impossible to know exactly how big with current information. 

I´ve been quite busy lately and not too much time to use to find out things, but naturally I´ve sent some queries and I´ll tell what I can find out as soon as I get some information.

India Hello Offline
Senior Member
( This post was last modified: 03-07-2020, 02:37 PM by Hello )

If this tiger weighs 660 lbs(i am not sure whether they tampered the scale) then Zamba about 650 lbs is ok

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India Hello Offline
Senior Member

@Shadow why do think Zamba is overweight,He looks average in build to me but he is also out of wild standards.

Finland Shadow Offline

(03-07-2020, 02:13 PM)Hello Wrote: @Shadow why do think Zamba is overweight,He looks average in build to me but he is also out of wild standards.

If this is same Zamba, which I remember then he doesn´t look that fit in some later clips and photos as he appears to be in this video, which was posted here latest.
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India Hello Offline
Senior Member
( This post was last modified: 01-01-2022, 06:04 PM by Hello )

Yes In last years, he had belly fold due to loss of muscle mass. This is the last video i could find, quite funny sort of.


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