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Brown Bears (Info, Pics and Videos)

Finland Shadow Offline
( This post was last modified: 07-22-2019, 05:47 PM by Shadow )

Conserning my previous posting #693. This April Kodiak bear Taquka weighed 410 kg (app. 904 lbs) and Eurasian brown bear Felix 244 kg (app. 538 lbs). And as earlier mentioned, both are male brown bears. 

Taquka starts to be quite close to full size, when thinking about "frame", but it can still grow some size even up to 2-4 years, when we think shoulder height and how tall it´s when standing on hind legs. But I think, that it is now at least 90% of it, what it might be in future what comes to those measurements. Weight is then another issue. Felix should catch up a bit this difference, but naturally it will be clearly smaller always.

I have to say, that even though this size difference between these two subspecies is nothing new, in a way it´s still even a bit shocking to see about 250 kg brown bear to be dwarfed like this side by side with Kodiak bear.
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Finland Shadow Offline

Finnish brown bear killed a moose during last Saturday July 20th. Photo is from surveillance camera of Finnish border guard. Place is somewhere in Kainuu and near the border of Finland and Russia.
In this article there is only one photo, but border guard confirms, that bear killed this moose and is eating carcass currently. After they see, that bear has finished eating, they go and look a bit closer that place.

Hopefully they would publish a bit more photos too. Maybe they have even video footage.

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Finland Shadow Offline

Kuusamo, Finland and end of June 2019. Veronica Mikkola from Rovaniemi got nice photos.

In this first, mother bear and two cubs, black kite and gull. Black kite is rare hawk to see.

*This image is copyright of its original author

Here again those two cubs.

*This image is copyright of its original author
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epaiva Offline

Big powerful males in Katmai, Alaska
Credit to @sstone_images

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*This image is copyright of its original author
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Czech Republic Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

Two gorgeous bears ! They are very massive...

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Czech Republic Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

In order to know taking advantage of the good moments, bears are king !

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Czech Republic Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

Make a detour...

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Czech Republic Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

A mother bear protecting its cub from a big male ? The big male being able to kill the cubs in order to court and mate with the females...

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Mexico Shir Babr Offline
Regular Member

(05-21-2019, 03:35 AM)Shadow Wrote: Bear hunts and eats deer calf. This video can´t be recommended if sensitive person. Deer calf screams aren´t nice to hear, so this video can cause bad feelings to watch. From Russia, summer 2018

That looks awfully like an American black bear.
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Finland Shadow Offline

(07-28-2019, 02:48 PM)Shir Babr Wrote:
(05-21-2019, 03:35 AM)Shadow Wrote: Bear hunts and eats deer calf. This video can´t be recommended if sensitive person. Deer calf screams aren´t nice to hear, so this video can cause bad feelings to watch. From Russia, summer 2018

That looks awfully like an American black bear.

You are right. I didn´t check this video so closely because I didn´t see anything too special in it, after all just one deer hunted by a bear and it happens all the time even though not so often caught on video. But good notice, not a brown bear after all and original video isn´t from Russia, but from USA :) These cinnamon black bears can be confusing if not paying attention, like you did.

Rishi Offline

(07-28-2019, 02:48 PM)Shir Babr Wrote:
(05-21-2019, 03:35 AM)Shadow Wrote: Bear hunts and eats deer calf. This video can´t be recommended if sensitive person. Deer calf screams aren´t nice to hear, so this video can cause bad feelings to watch. From Russia, summer 2018

That looks awfully like an American black bear.

Good to see you back again!
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Finland Shadow Offline
( This post was last modified: 07-29-2019, 05:18 PM by Shadow )

Valtteri Mulkahainen from Sotkamo (Finland) was lucky, when he was visiting in Martinselkonen of Suomussalmi (Kainuu, Finland).

In this photo there are two female bears with cubs. These females came to this place, smelled each others and then spent time together with cubs. Mulkahainen thinks, that bear mothers most probably are siblings or mother and daughter, which both have cubs.

Just before this photo was taken a big male bear arrived and mothers commanded cubs to climb to the trees. Mulkahainen has photographed bears 5-6 years and he said, that he has never seen before two mother bears enjoying each other´s company so good.

Second female bears is right behind the one, which is clearly visible. Photo is taken July 2019 (some time last week).

*This image is copyright of its original author

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Finland Shadow Offline
( This post was last modified: 07-30-2019, 03:25 AM by Shadow )

This photo is from zoo Orsa Björnparken, Sweden. This is interesting way to show to people sizes of two of their bears.

Left are silhouettes of Kamchatka brown bear, Peter the Great and on right Eurasian brown bear Norbert. As you can see, Kodiak bears aren´t only giants among bears. These are both residents of Orsa Björnparken.

Here figures, which are told in information tables of these bears:
Peter:     Weight 570 kg (1257 lbs), height on hind legs 3 meters 10 cm (10 ft 2,05 inches), shoulder height 1 meter 55 cm (5 ft 1 inch) body length 260 cm (8 ft 6,36 inches)
Norbert:  Weight 250 kg (551 lbs),  height on hind legs 2 meters 10 cm (6 ft 10,68 inches), shoulder height 1 meter 5 cm (3 ft 3,34 inches) body length 160 cm (5 ft 3 inches)

This is a bit unfair comparison I have to say, because this Kamchatka bear is a really big boy, then again Norbert seems to be smallish Eurasian, they can be after all even 250 cm tall on hind legs, which is 8 ft 2,45 inches. Still this is a pair, which could meet also in wild in Russian far east if some Kamchatka bear makes a trip to inland. Brown bear males can travel several hundreds of kilometers especially when rutting time in summer. Naturally same when thinking about Alaskan peninsula brown bears and inland grizzlies.

I have seen some sources saying, that in heaviest condition Peter would have been 900 kg (1984 lbs), but about that I try to find more information. Anyway that 570 kg is direct information from the zoo (no idea yet if spring or autumn weight, but with that frame it could be spring weight, that bear is simply huge, bigger than for instance famous original Bart the Bear and naturally clearly bigger than Bart II.

I think, that these silhouettes are excellent way to show the size difference so,  that people can really understand it.

*This image is copyright of its original author

In this photo seems to be some man, maybe 180 cm, about 6 feet tall, my quick estimation comparing himself to Peter the Great silhouette :)

*This image is copyright of its original author

And a woman at almost same place.

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*This image is copyright of its original author

Kamchatka bears Peter the Great and Sofia sitting in the pond, Orsa Björnparken June 14th 2013.
*This image is copyright of its original author

Peter the Great, October 2014

*This image is copyright of its original author

June 2016, Norbert should be one of the males in the rear enclosure.

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Finland Shadow Offline
( This post was last modified: 07-30-2019, 05:57 PM by Shadow )

Caption of this photo says: "Father and son, the steps fit well together. "  That is Sulo Karjalainen walking and male brown bear Vyöti is following "father" to somewhere.

*This image is copyright of its original author

There would be so many good and also funny stories from Sulo Karjalainen... but here is a bit about Vyöti. He came to Sulo as a small cub, 2,5 kg, brought by police, because he was orphanage bear cub and Sulo was known at the time already. So he is raised by Sulo from cub.

Vyöti and younger bear Juuso have been with Sulo doing many things, for instance when fishing with fishnet, so bears in the boat. Even though overall things have gone well, many hilarious incidents have happened, bears are very curious and want to participate to everything :Grin Shortly, there have been many times oars floating in water, when bears have wanted to have something in "hands" while Sulo has been using some tools. And when denied something, bears easily got offended and jumped into the lake to swim. Once whole boat capsized, when both Vyöti and Juuso went to same board and Sulo didn´t notice that in time :) But all survived after some swimming :)

Once in early winter Sulo went to put fishnets under the lake  ice. Vyöti wanted to go with Sulo, so he took it with him and decided, that he let Vyöti be with him all winter if it doesn´t want to hibernate. They managed to put fishnet ok and ice was strong enough to carry them. All ok. The next night there was a lot of snowing and hole in the ice was covered so, that difficult to see. Sulo saw it though and started to swipe off snow. Vyöti saw that and wanted to participate, it run quickly towards Sulo (It had played in the snow first, running and making somersaults in snow). Before Sulo could do anything, Vyöti was there and same time ice broke under Vyöti on the edge of that hole in the ice and Vyöti dived to water head first under the surface and ice.

Sulo went right away on his belly on ice and pushed his whole arm in the water and managed to grab a hold from fur of backside of Vyöti. Temperature was -20 degrees Celcius Grin Vyöti  managed to turn around and surfaced head first and climbed back on ice.... and stated to play around again like nothing happened Grin

Sulo went to check fur of Vyöti, that how wet, he noticed, that... hmmmm.... lower fur right next to skin was completely dry. So he started to lift fishnet. Vyöti came there and wanted to have fish. There was some disagreement first, Vyöti first wanted to have every fish and fast, but learned quickly that which fish were to him and which Sulo wanted to keep for himself. When he saw, that there was coming up a fish, which was for Sulo, it was behaving like nothing special happening. But when he saw, that fish for him, he started move feverishly wanting to grab it :) Then when Sulo got fish loose from net and threw to Vyöti, it took it and run away for short distance and ripped fish to peaces, then quickly back to get new one... he wasn´t eating those fish at all.

A little bit before Christmas, Vyöti then again made it clear, that not interested anymore about fishing and went to his "bearhouse" and started hibernate Grin

It is a pity, that some videos, in which Sulo is interviewed, aren´t with English subtitles. He has experienced a lot with his bears.

When younger, those bears were in a way like dogs, Sulo tells. They were watching all the time where Sulo is and protecting him. Once they forced Sulo to go aside, when herd of moose was passing by and bears Vyöti and Juuso then guarded, that Sulo stay aside until moose were away :) 

Well, if I some day have time and inspiration I try to find something more. 

Juuso bear, biggest captive bear in Finland. 250 cm on hind legs and 483 kg in heaviest condition before hibernation in his prime.

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Finland Shadow Offline

One video, where Sulo Karjalainen talks about bear Juuso and with English subtitles. Looked to be quite ok translation. Some expressions are difficult to translate, but quite ok.

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