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Black Caiman

Brazil Dark Jaguar Offline
Jaguar Enthusiast

Wild Black Caiman with Deer Kill in Ecuador.

Dominika Milek

''In the gloomy forest of the beautiful Yasuní National Park I had a chance to experience the most extraordinary encounter of my life. I sat in a canoe while my guides were slowly paddling back to our lodge, when we suddenly spotted a shiny eye sticking out of the water. The canoe stopped. We watched in complete silence yet unaware of the amazing spectacle which was about to take place before our eyes. A quite large sized black caiman rose up, revealing the lifeless body of a deer. My heart began to speed up. This huge reptile started banging the body against the shore with incredible strength. I was trying to control my shaking hands in order to take a picture, smelling the odour of the deer's guts, hearing the body shattering on the ground and seeing the blood flowing out. I was scared and excited. Naturally part of me felt sorry for the poor little deer, but the other one understood it was just the simple circle of life. I felt so grateful to witness the real power of nature.''

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Brazil Dark Jaguar Offline
Jaguar Enthusiast

(02-23-2021, 06:59 AM)Dark Jaguar Wrote: 4.5 meters long Alcindo male.

Alcindo was brought to a Zoo of the Museum Emílio Goeldi in Belém (PA) in the 1950's by a farmer from the Wild in Ilha de Marajó (Pará - Brazil).

He is 72 years old and he weights around 500 kg.

source: Matheus Pereira da Silva, 2019.

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I just noticed that 4.5 meters long Alcindo male got part of his tail missing.

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I just wonder how big he really is with his complete body.

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Brazil Dark Jaguar Offline
Jaguar Enthusiast

credits: Andressa Uhlmann

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Brazil Dark Jaguar Offline
Jaguar Enthusiast

The brazilian Biologist João Paulo Krajewski graduated in Australia, also a diver, wildlife documentarist, wildlife photographer... and with 25 years of career, after being on Black Caiman captures expedition in Mamirauá - Central Amazon, João talks a bit about Black Caimans and their behavior on drought season.

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''Their heads are very impressive its so wide and I've seen Crocodiles everywhere in the world and I find Black Caimans very impressive because of the width of their heads.''

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''During drought season in the Amazon the rivers vary alot and sometimes they grab and eat those White Herons that walks around it and also sometimes Black Caimans kinda hunt together.''

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''The Bony fish called The Silver Arowana (Osteoglossum bicirrhosum) in the drought seasons the river narrows and turns into many lagoons and small canals, it agglomerates so many caimans because in that situation they don't have how to go away from the water so the area gets smaller.''

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''These fishes start to get stuck and the feeding frenzy of Caimans starts with Black Caimans jumping out of water while hunting and the big fishes trying to get out of the areas that is getting dry and we filmed Black caimans of several sizes and when all this loud noises in the water starts many animals come and when Herons gather around it starts to stuck the fishes in one single place and the hunting gets bigger.''

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''When you see a bird here and there or a small cub caiman its cause there are lots of fishes and when the agglomeration gets too intense the fights for food start and sometimes Black Caimans attack Herons if it has the chance and you can't mess around with this animal and one very interesting thing is that most of these animals seen that are huge they're males who are much larger than females and they are a bit territorial and could be more aggressive.''

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Brazil Dark Jaguar Offline
Jaguar Enthusiast


October 29th 2017 - Alvaro Vallim/Governo do Tocantins

Naturatins and partners rescue 30 Caimans at Ilha do Bananal

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''After a video circulated on social networks with Ibama firefighters working in Bananal Island, showing a lake that had already turned to mud with a large concentration of caimans trapped and some already dead, a rescue team was assembled to avoid the death of the animals that were still alive. The video of the brigade members shows the rescue of a cow and a calf, but they say they have no experience in rescuing caimans. At the end of the work 30 black caimans were rescued being several more than three meters long and one with 4.23 meters.

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The team went to Bananal Island on Thursday 26th, early in the morning to perform the rescue. In all, 15 people being nine technicians from the Nature Institute of Tocantins - Naturatins from the headquarters and from the offices of Lagoa da Confusão and Gurupi, four policemen from the Environmental Military Police Battalion, one from the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT) and a technician from Ibama.

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According to Naturatins' Fauna supervisor, Grasiela Pacheco, the team followed a pattern for capturing the caimans that were stuck in the mud, consisting first of removing them from the mud. After that, the mouth was immobilized with the use of a tape to avoid bites and blindfolds to avoid stressing the animals. After all this, they had their feet and tail tied up so that they would not struggle during transportation. "The rescue was a success. It was the result of effective and technical teamwork. Handling huge, aggressive and rustic animals without any complications was fundamental to achieve our priority of saving lives without measuring efforts, with a lot of dedication, respect and love" she highlighted.

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Grasiela also said that one of the Black Caimans found in the mud was big, measuring 4.23 meters. To get this animal out of the mud it was necessary to pull it with a pickup truck, since not even with the whole team pulling the rope could get it out of the mud. None of the rescued animals died or suffered any injuries. We used trucks from Naturatins, Environmental Military Police and a truck from Funai. The larger caimans were removed first. All of them were released into rivers and lakes with plenty of water on the island itself.

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The president of Naturatins, Herbert Brito Barros (Buti), praised the team's work and the success of the operation, which involved Naturatins, BPMA, Ibama, Funai, and UFT. "The staff of Naturatins is to be congratulated, as are all the people from the partner institutions, for the professionalism and success of the black caiman rescue operation at Ilha do Bananal. It is very important that the institutions are in harmony in these difficult moments and that we can ensure that lives are saved, allowing balance to the environment." he said.

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Brazil Dark Jaguar Offline
Jaguar Enthusiast

4.10 meters Wild Black Caiman captured at human populated area in Curuá - Pará (Northern Brazil ) and taken to a zoo for recovery.

Unfortunately He was found hurt and he had to stay in captivity for recovery.

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June 2015

''A Black Caiman of 4.10 meters was found on Thursday (25) in the municipality of Curuá, western region of Pará. The animal was rescued and taken to Santarém where he is being taken care of at the municipality's zoo, Zoofit.

"It is a male and along his back there are two wounds, one superficial and the other six centimeters deep which must have been caused by some perforating material, it could have been either a Harpoon or a Fascine knife" informed the zoo's veterinarian Jairo Moura.

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''It took 10 men on the process to carry the Black Caiman and more than 2 hard long hours to take it to the truck that will transport it to the zoo while it was still inside the wooden box and a lot of work to carefully remove the animal to put it in a tank at the zoo. The Black caiman was calm while being removed from the crate, but according to the veterinarian it could be due to several reasons such as the stress at the moment of the capture in Curuá, the fatigue of the trip to Santarém and the injuries that keeps it a little fragile.''

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"From now on he will remain in the observation process because this species has a slower metabolism compared to mammals. The response to these drugs and dressings will come but slowly" explained the veterinarian.

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The repitile got released to the enclosure where he will stay under medical care during all week to verify the healing process of the wounds.

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The Black Caiman must stay in the zoo for undefined time.

The coordinator of the Zoofit, Sidcley Matos claimed.

''In the moment he is gonna stay in this area cause its the only larger area we got for him and who knows as soon as he recovers he will be back to the wild if decided by the veterinarians and the environmental agencies because an animal this size we can't release anywhere, cause he might return in an area with bigger population of humans where there's  bathers, so we gotta release him where there's preys for him where he shall stay there without returning to populated areas.''

"If he does not return to the habitat, another environment will be prepared for him with more space, a larger pond so that he can survive with quality for the rest of his life or we will see with the environmental agencies a less populated place"  clarified Matos.

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Brazil Dark Jaguar Offline
Jaguar Enthusiast

Black Caiman (Melanosuchus niger), Iwokrama Rainforest Reserve, Guyana

I noticed this specimen got its right hind limb missing, I'd bet it was bitten off during intraespecific fights.

credits: Pete Oxford

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Brazil Dark Jaguar Offline
Jaguar Enthusiast

Huge Wild Specimen.

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Brazil Dark Jaguar Offline
Jaguar Enthusiast

Napo Wildlife Centre - Yasuni, EC (Amazonian Ecuador)

credits: Melissa Hafting

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Sunset at Sani Lodge, Ecuador.

credits: Ethical Exif (EE)

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Brazil Dark Jaguar Offline
Jaguar Enthusiast

The Beast of the Amazon.

credits: Alan Skyrme

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Brazil Dark Jaguar Offline
Jaguar Enthusiast

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Brazil Dark Jaguar Offline
Jaguar Enthusiast

Black Caiman sighting in Guyana, South America

credits: Amanda Clarke

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Brazil Dark Jaguar Offline
Jaguar Enthusiast

photo: Facuam

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Brazil Dark Jaguar Offline
Jaguar Enthusiast

Management of a Black Caiman in captivity in Colombia - COMAFFAS AC.

I noticed that it is missing part of its right forelimb.

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The struggle to drag the beast out of the water.

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Wrapping the deadly jaws procedure, dudes extremely careful to not lose the arm.

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Releasing the beast back.

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Brazil Dark Jaguar Offline
Jaguar Enthusiast

credits: R.A Mídia

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