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Amur Tigers

Canada Wolverine Away
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 04-20-2019, 10:55 AM by Wolverine )

7 minutes film about the tigers in Bastak reserve on the north from Amur river, where predators were recently reintroduced:

Lazovski State Reserve, where probably is the highest density (not numbers) of tigers in all RFE:

Museum of Nature attached to Lazovski reserve where according to Ms Krasnyh many Amur tiger skulls are stored @peter . Even they are not shown in the this video museum looks in good quality for provincial entity. So one of the puzzles of the Amur tiger skulls is probably solved. We searched for tiger bones in the big cities like Vladivostok and Habarovsk while probably they are in Lazo and maybe in other reserves.

Male tiger Zavetni patrolling the territory, Bastak reserve

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Oman Lycaon Offline
أسد الأطلس

ФГБУ "Земля леопарда" имени Николая Воронцова

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Canada Wolverine Away
Regular Member

Big cats roaming without fear close to the city of Vladivostok - on the background are visible the lights of the city:

According to the video there are already 30 adult tigers and 9 cubs in the LOL NPark, and 91 spotted cats.
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Canada Wolverine Away
Regular Member

tiger cub and tasty tree

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Canada Wolverine Away
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 05-20-2019, 11:27 AM by Wolverine )

PASSPORTS of the tigers from Bastak state reserve, RFE, translation from the official website:

1. Male tiger Zavetnij (T1)
Age - more than 10 years old.
His footprints were first noticed January 2008 in the area of mountain Dubovaia Sopka; for first time caught by camera trap Nov. 2013
Residing place - northern and north-western part of Bastak reserve.
Additional info: Zavetnij is a wild tiger who by himself settles in area where tigers were extinct since last 40 years. Most probably he came from the territory of Habarovski region. In 2017 the territory of Zavetni was concurred by tiger Bastak who is younger and stronger and displaced Zavetnij outside of the territory of the state reserve. Due to this or due to very old age of the predator he passed away in natural way.

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

1. Tigress Zolushka (T2)
Age - 7 years
She was first registered Feb. 2012 in south-west Primorskij region in the area of river Zolushka, born Sept-Oct 2011, resides on the territory of the reserve since 9th May 2013.
Features - the top of the tail is missing
The tigress was caught as a cub and released into wild at 9th of May 2013, 3,15 p.m., the animal was radio-colored with GPS translator.
At autumn 2015 Zolushka gave birth to 2 male cubs. In 2017 she gave birth to 2 more cubs.

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

3. Male tiger Vostok (T-3)
Age-1,5 years
Was born late August - early September 2015. For first time was registered 3-3,5 month old by fototrap  around river Bastak
Residing area - unknown. For last time the tiger was noticed 18 December 2017 in the area of riv. Right Bastak.
Additional information: son of tiger Zavetnij and tigress Zolushka
Got his nick name by online voting

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

4. Male tiger Prince (T4)
Brother of tiger Vostok.
Residing area - unknown. For last time was caught by camera trap 17 Sept. 2016 and was noticed for last time December 2017 in Arharinskij area of Amurskij region.
Prince got the nick name after online voting


*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

5. Male tiger Bastak (T5)
Age - unknown.
For first time was registered 29 November 2016 in the area Skaliastaya Sopka.
Residing place - central part of Bastak state reserve, he got the territory of tiger Zavetni

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

… be continued 
there are 3 more tiger passports on the teritory of Bastak state reserve
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Canada Wolverine Away
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 05-24-2019, 11:12 PM by Wolverine )

(05-20-2019, 11:20 AM)Wolverine Wrote: 1. Tigress Zolushka (T2)
Age - 7 years
She was first registered Feb. 2012 in south-west Primorskij region in the area of river Zolushka, born Sept-Oct 2011, resides on the territory of the reserve since 9th May 2013.
Features - the top of the tail is missing
The tigress was caught as a cub and released into wild at 9th of May 2013, 3,15 p.m., the animal was radio-colored with GPS translator.
At autumn 2015 Zolushka gave birth to 2 male cubs. In 2017 she gave birth to 2 more cubs.


15 April 2019

In summer 2017 tigress Zolushka became a mom for second time and gave birth of 2 cubs. During the winter of 2018-2019 it became clear that one of the cubs is male while the gender of the second cub stayed unclear. A new check of camera traps revealed that second cub is a female.

*This image is copyright of its original author

For six years of habitation in Bastak reserve the tigress gave birth of already 4 cubs, 3 of them - males. Two of the males from the first litter already left the area of the reserve in the search of new home. The third male who already reached an age of solitary animal still didn't left his birth territory but soon probably will be enforced to quit the reserve because the majority of the suitable territory in the reserve is occupied by the dominant male with nick name Bastak.
According to assesments of the zoologists on the teritory of the state reserve Bastak could live 3-4 adult tigresses so the possibility that the young female will remain in the samy teritoryis pretty high.

Zolushka with her cubs when they were still small:

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Oman Lycaon Offline
أسد الأطلس

Сихотэ-Алинский заповедник

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*This image is copyright of its original author
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

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Canada Wolverine Away
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 06-07-2019, 10:53 AM by Wolverine )

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United Kingdom Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

@Wolverine :

About #504: what is the link between these two videos ? Are they supposed to spend at the same place ?

Sorry but all those films with mass appeal... No realism (no one drop of blood, daft, retarded, the hero at the top of the tree who shoot the tiger without looking at anywhere, the horse always standing on, quite safe...). The tiger's depiction completely biased...

It isn't at all against you, I appreciate your posts very much. You have certainly a reason one to show this video. But I'm reacting, lol ! Joking

Canada Wolverine Away
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 06-07-2019, 10:55 AM by Wolverine )

Why? These are cadres from the notorious Chinese 3D film "The taking of Tiger mountain". You don't like it, I like it and decided to post, that's all. We have different opinions, respect the taste of the other. True, its not realistic, but I find it a dramatic and fascinating. Chinese has shown some art skills in depicting of Amur tiger.

United Kingdom Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

About #506:

Tigers are an endangered specy. This isn't a secret for everybody who love them. But if you want to raise public awareness of their fate, and if at the same time a film with mass appeal like this one is coming out, it's catastrophic... Because the people will be influenced by the false tiger's depiction conveyed by this fim.

This is a chinese film, OK. Tigers in wild inside this country have been almost quite exterminated. Beside to this, in this country too, tigers are bred like cattle in sort of farms in order to take on them their penial bone (symbol of virility), their whiskers, their skin, their fur and so on...

But I believed you like the tigers. You don't like them, I understand why you posted this video. You like the tigers ? In this case you're reckless, ok too.

Canada Wolverine Away
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 06-09-2019, 08:57 AM by Wolverine )

(06-08-2019, 02:51 PM)Spalea Wrote: in this case you're reckless

Yup, I'm reckless, one of the synonimes of this word is "insane", good that you noticed. I'll tell you a small secret (but don't tell anybody); when I was a 3 month's old baby my mom drop me un-intentionaly from the stroller and I hit badly my head; since than I have a mental problems...  Ha Ha

Canada Wolverine Away
Regular Member

Tigers in Bikin NP:

Feeding of 5 months old female tiger who was found near the bordewrs of a national park. The feeding according to the text takes part in a fenced area od Centre of Reahibilitation and Reintroduction for Endagered Animals:

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United Kingdom Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

(06-09-2019, 08:42 AM)Wolverine Wrote:
(06-08-2019, 02:51 PM)Spalea Wrote: in this case you're reckless

Yup, I'm reckless, one of the synonimes of this word is "insane", good that you noticed. I'll tell you a small secret (but don't tell anybody); when I was a 3 month's old baby my mom drop me un-intentionaly from the stroller and I hit badly my head; since than I have a mental problems...  Ha Ha

OK, it all makes sense now...

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