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Lions of Sabi Sands

Ttimemarti Offline
Senior Member

His partner got injured and died because of that I think it was his brother

Guillermo94 Offline
Regular Member

(03-24-2025, 07:42 AM)FACR2212 Wrote:
(03-24-2025, 06:57 AM)Dangeroscos Wrote:
(03-24-2025, 05:25 AM)FACR2212 Wrote: I think you should forget about the Ndzhengas becoming territorial over Nkuhuma pride. They are 10 years old this year and they will have another year between 2025-26 with at least 5 Kambula females in the process of coming into estrus, getting pregnant and giving birth to new litters. They will need 2 more years to help raising those cubs, what will make them near 13 years old. One of the Ndzhenga males can perfectly die in the process and their territory will be more a focus of attention rather than a secured territory.

For the moment, I think that Kruger male will try to stay with Nkuhumas. Being still a very confident and experienced male, his presence could be dissuasive to other coalitions of two males. 

By the way, any news about Avoca/SBD males in Sabi Sands? Have they been seen again?

I c. Really interesting if he really manages to hold the pride down. Do u think he will manage to raise offspring to independence with them? What makes him confident in ur eyes? Has he been king before? And how old exactly is he?

Thanks in advance for reply

Hello! Kruger male was dominant over Torchwood pride a few years ago (a large pride further east of Sabi Sands), along with another male of unknown origin (thats why they gained the generic name of "kruger males"), siring many cubs. His partner dissapeared or was killed (I dont remember exactly) around the time of the takeover by 2 Mantimahle sons, dark mane and ginger mane Mantimahles, who have been seen with Nkuhuma females too. 

After that, Kruger male roamed Sabi Sands paired with southern avoca male, another old nomadic male who lost his partner. Southern avoca male has not be seen the last months and Kruger male appeared alone with Nkuhuma pride in the last week.

P. S. You can go back to page 1178 to read more about Kruger male and Torchwood pride.

Wonder what could have happened to Southern Avoca. Maybe they just separated, but Souther Avoca and Kruger male were close.

Ttimemarti Offline
Senior Member

I think he may have been caught by he plains camp males I think he still alive but also I do believe he’s a bit older than the Kruger male plus he’s been nomadic longer he’s he’s in a bit worse shape so he’s probably just trying to recover it would make no sense if he’s 100% for him not to be with the Kruger male right?
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Mwk85 Offline
Senior Member

Styx male and K12 are back together. Jaco_wildlife shared the sighting of them in his stories on Instagram.
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Guillermo94 Offline
Regular Member

(03-25-2025, 12:36 AM)Mwk85 Wrote: Styx male and K12 are back together. Jaco_wildlife shared the sighting of them in his stories on Instagram.

They must really love each-other.
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Fenix123 Offline
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Tsalala Lioness 

Credits to matt_durell

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Ngonya Offline

The newest additions to the Sand River pride
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United States BA0701 Offline
Super Moderator

(10 hours ago)Ngonya Wrote: The newest additions to the Sand River pride

How many prides do the Nukhulu actually control, and how many cubs do they have amongst them?
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Ngonya Offline

(8 hours ago)BA0701 Wrote: How many prides do the Nukhulu actually control, and how many cubs do they have amongst them?
Only Sand River pride currently, according to MalaMala they have 4 cubs in total. 2 different litters of 2 cubs each.
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United States BA0701 Offline
Super Moderator

(8 hours ago)Ngonya Wrote:
(8 hours ago)BA0701 Wrote: How many prides do the Nukhulu actually control, and how many cubs do they have amongst them?
Only Sand River pride currently, according to MalaMala they have 4 cubs in total. 2 different litters of 2 cubs each.

Ok, great, thank you for answering that. I remember back when they first came to the area, they were seen around multiple prides, including some unknown females in Kruger, and having unseated the SAs, as they did, it was never clear to me if they took all of those prides or not.
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MrLoesoe Offline
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Imbali lioness with single cub. Tagged at Elephant Plains

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Chile FACR2212 Offline
Regular Member

(6 hours ago)MrLoesoe Wrote: Imbali lioness with single cub. Tagged at Elephant Plains

Is that the cub with the debated parenthood? (Kambulas v/s Mantimahles)

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