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Lions of Sabi Sands

Ttimemarti Offline
Senior Member

(06-19-2024, 04:37 AM)Ngonya Wrote:
(06-19-2024, 12:15 AM)Duco Ndona Wrote: He did flee while the Othawa's were being massacred though and stood idle while his brothers were being pushed away from the food they need to survive by the pride. 

Every lion has moments of bravery and being cowardly. It just depends on what one focusses on.
What was he supposed to do? He stood his ground as much as he could. 1 male being pressured by 2, nothing he could do, if u think he should go suicidal mode for that ur dellusional and looking for excuses to be critical. 
In case of Tumbela and Nkuhuma, its factual just like @Tr1x24 said, nobody expect them to get each others back to death.
But when it comes about Nkuhuma, we already expect him to run. 

(06-19-2024, 03:15 AM)adamstocks16 Wrote: Tumbela deserves way more credit in my opinion
Definitly. I remember he even put up a fight for quite sometime, as i said, he did his best. People who still blame him for that to this day are just looking for someone other than dear Nhenha and Nkuhuma to blame.
100% and I can’t lie I was one of the people very upset with nhenha and Nkuhuma male but not over the top upset like hating on them but a close friend brought me back to reality really quickly and I realized it happens for anyone who is still angry with nkuhuma male and nkuhuma for killing the othawa females it’s not worth being mad over honestly it really isn’t it’s sad extremely sad but it happens all the time in the wild and yeah skorro jr he did his best almost nothing he could have done except sacrifice his life which he was 100% not gonna do he did what any lion would do in that situation and that’s survive
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Mwk85 Offline
Senior Member

(06-19-2024, 06:32 AM)Ngonya Wrote:
(06-19-2024, 05:54 AM)Mwk85 Wrote: Sand River Pride subadults? They were in the south western sector and I'm drawing a blank on who else it may be given that a female is with them.
Not Sand River, those are to big to be them. 

Thats S65/N'waswitshaka young males, sons of the Charleston brothers

Thanks, I forgot about them having been seen in the area before.
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Netherlands Duco Ndona Offline

The problem is though, Tumbella runs and gets a pass becouse he is up against two males and fighting would be suicide.

But Nym is suddenly expected to risk his life like that and gets called a unreliable partner that needs to step up.

Thats a pretty weird double standard.

Brazil Ngonya Offline

(06-19-2024, 10:06 AM)Duco Ndona Wrote: The problem is though, Tumbella runs and gets a pass becouse he is up against two males and fighting would be suicide.

But Nym is suddenly expected to risk his life like that and gets called a unreliable partner that needs to step up.

Thats a pretty weird double standard.
Nkuhuma has been running all of his life.

Nobody is "giving a pass" for Tumbela for running. 

Nkuhuma is not a coward, he has just been running from conflicts since his early days, and thats not a problem. If he is still alive, healthy and still looking impressive in all this years of nomad, good for him. But acting like that he will likely not become a pride male. 

Nobody said he should get Tumbela's back, but the fact is, we got no prove he ever got his coalition partner's back, so what should we even expect from him?
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Ttimemarti Offline
Senior Member

(06-19-2024, 10:06 AM)Duco Ndona Wrote: The problem is though, Tumbella runs and gets a pass becouse he is up against two males and fighting would be suicide.

But Nym is suddenly expected to risk his life like that and gets called a unreliable partner that needs to step up.

Thats a pretty weird double standard.

Sorta but not really tumbela male dominant male of the othawa pride fights off nhenha alone then limper dies he loses his confidence othawas are massacred now nkuhuma male was in a coalition with nhenha both males roaring in the territory of the plains camp males roaring in other males territory is a direct challenge but he ran when the fight started same with when he was with tumbela and the gijima roaring in their territory but ran when the fighting started I see what you are saying but it’s a different situations if nkuhuma male wants to be a dominant male he cant keep letting is partners get beat up and die
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United States BA0701 Online
Super Moderator

I was hoping this conversation would have ended, on it's own, I guess not. I would ask that everyone, move on, and get back to discussing these wonderful creatures.

As for NYM and Skorro Jr, we have no reports on what exactly occurred, and I believe we have all speculated enough. Trying to prove one's own speculation is any more valid that another's is not a fruitful strategy.

NYM is not a coward, we need to put an end to that discussion, right now. I do not believe such a thing exists in the wilds, especially in the lives of these wonderful cats. There is only survival, and hopes that one might become a pride male, and leave a legacy for future generations. In terms of survival, literally nobody can argue with NYM's results, he isn't just surviving, just look at him, he is thriving. I would caution anyone from using such language as coward, when discussing any of these animals.
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Canada Mdz123 Offline
( This post was last modified: 06-20-2024, 03:36 AM by Mdz123 )

(06-19-2024, 07:26 AM)Go131810 Wrote:
(06-19-2024, 06:32 AM)Ngonya Wrote:
(06-19-2024, 05:54 AM)Mwk85 Wrote: Sand River Pride subadults? They were in the south western sector and I'm drawing a blank on who else it may be given that a female is with them.
Not Sand River, those are to big to be them. 

Thats S65/N'waswitshaka young males, sons of the Charleston brothers
Are they related to the Ndhzenga male lions?

Possibly. I believe These guys came from the same pride, so they might have same mothers as the 3/4 of the Ndhzangas (Ubuso came from anothe pride and is probably unrelated to the other 3)
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United States GhostCatP-22 Offline
Regular Member

Any news on Khanya and the different Nkuhuma groups? I’m curious if the Nkuhumas are gonna split or they just separated temporarily because of the different males in the area. 
Are the nkuhumas going to shift their territory west toward the Plains camp males? That could help the talamati group.
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United Kingdom KM600 Offline

(06-20-2024, 07:10 PM)GhostCatP-22 Wrote: Any news on Khanya and the different Nkuhuma groups? I’m curious if the Nkuhumas are gonna split or they just separated temporarily because of the different males in the area. 
Are the nkuhumas going to shift their territory west toward the Plains camp males? That could help the talamati group.

Khanya was last seen 9 days ago hunting buffalo in MalaMala. Nkuhumas were already starting to split even before the PCMs come East, the subadults especially were spending a lot of time with Khanya. Providing PCMs accept them, it makes sense for the pride to stay together but splitting wouldn’t be the worst thing either. A lot of territory in the North which can still be claimed.
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United States GhostCatP-22 Offline
Regular Member

(06-20-2024, 07:27 PM)KM600 Wrote:
(06-20-2024, 07:10 PM)GhostCatP-22 Wrote: Any news on Khanya and the different Nkuhuma groups? I’m curious if the Nkuhumas are gonna split or they just separated temporarily because of the different males in the area. 
Are the nkuhumas going to shift their territory west toward the Plains camp males? That could help the talamati group.

Khanya was last seen 9 days ago hunting buffalo in MalaMala. Nkuhumas were already starting to split even before the PCMs come East, the subadults especially were spending a lot of time with Khanya. Providing PCMs accept them, it makes sense for the pride to stay together but splitting wouldn’t be the worst thing either. A lot of territory in the North which can still be claimed.
Very good to hear Khanya is doing well and was hunting, hopefully he found a good meal.
Very cool that the Nkuhuma subadults have been accepted by so many different males. The males have plenty of female company and mating opportunities so they don’t need to to eliminate cubs to bring females into estrus. With how many different males the lionesses have mated with they should have excellent genetic variation lol. 
Any nkuhuma lionesses look pregnant?
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United Kingdom KM600 Offline

(06-20-2024, 09:56 PM)GhostCatP-22 Wrote:
(06-20-2024, 07:27 PM)KM600 Wrote:
(06-20-2024, 07:10 PM)GhostCatP-22 Wrote: Any news on Khanya and the different Nkuhuma groups? I’m curious if the Nkuhumas are gonna split or they just separated temporarily because of the different males in the area. 
Are the nkuhumas going to shift their territory west toward the Plains camp males? That could help the talamati group.

Khanya was last seen 9 days ago hunting buffalo in MalaMala. Nkuhumas were already starting to split even before the PCMs come East, the subadults especially were spending a lot of time with Khanya. Providing PCMs accept them, it makes sense for the pride to stay together but splitting wouldn’t be the worst thing either. A lot of territory in the North which can still be claimed.

Any nkuhuma lionesses look pregnant?

Not that I know of
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Panama Mapokser Offline
( This post was last modified: 06-21-2024, 08:35 PM by Mapokser )

Singita May 2024 Report:

The Mhangeni Pride was viewed 14 days in a row as they scavenged off a dead hippo.

Fortune has been on the side of the Mhangeni Pride this month as they have managed to come across three easy meals in the form of two buffaloes that were found deceased in two different watering holes, as well as a hippo. This provided stable lion viewing throughout the month of May. The condition of the 15-year-old lioness has not improved as her muscles are starting to breakdown. Although difficult to see her in such a state she has had a successful life and her legacy speaks for itself.

The Tsalala lioness has her first litter of cubs somewhere close to Millennium koppies. The prominent suckle marks that are now visible on the lioness are a sure sign of new lion cubs. Let’s hope they survive and grow this pride which has been on the Sabi Sand since 1998.

In the western part of Singita we have had viewing of the two young Othawa lionesses. One such sighting we watched in amazement as a clan of five hyena cornered them in a riverbed where they then decided to climb a tree to get out of reach from the hyenas.

The Plains Camp lions have been causing quite a stir in the northern parts of Singita and surrounds as they have been driving out young males from the Nkuhuma and Talamati Prides.
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Panama Mapokser Offline
( This post was last modified: 06-22-2024, 07:16 PM by Mapokser )

PCM with Ximhungwe pride:

According to a guest, they returned after 3 weeks.

Not a good sign, it could be the case that they are indeed little by little abandoning the Western Sector.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline

(06-22-2024, 08:57 AM)Mapokser Wrote: According to a guest, they returned after 3 weeks.

Not a giid sign, it could be the case that they are indeed little by little abandoning the Western Sector.

Thats not correct, they where seen with Ximhungwes week or so ago.
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South Africa Rabubi Offline
Regular Member

(06-22-2024, 10:45 AM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(06-22-2024, 08:57 AM)Mapokser Wrote: According to a guest, they returned after 3 weeks.

Not a giid sign, it could be the case that they are indeed little by little abandoning the Western Sector.

Thats not correct, they where seen with Ximhungwes week or so ago.

Anyone know the last time the PCMs were seen with the Mangheni pride?
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