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Lions of Sabi Sands

Netherlands Duco Ndona Offline

Except he has no issues hanging out with other male lions. Infact not that long ago we were al talking about how incredible it is that he keeps befriending all those lions. And now we suddenly expected to believe he is scared of other male lions?
And lets not forget that he and Styx initially beaten the PCmales before Styxs demise.

I think the only mistake he is making is that he keeps partnering up with popular lions whos fans keep blaming him for everything that goes wrong. 

Nhenha was past his prime and insisted on hanging out in an area after being ousted. Offcource he was going to be dispatched at one point.
And its the same with Tumbella, that bad leg would get him in trouble at one point.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

@Duco Ndona 

Lets not rewrite what happened, both Nhenha and Tumbela where more dominant then NK, obiviously we donk know what happened i fight, but you are implying that his partnere where "weak links" ,which definetly was not the case, atleast in Nhenha's situation.

I dont consider NK and  Tumbela established coalition, so its hard to expect them fighting for each other to death.

Tumbela has a limp and he got caught,thats it.
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Ttimemarti Offline
Senior Member

(06-18-2024, 10:08 AM)Duco Ndona Wrote: Except he has no issues hanging out with other male lions. Infact not that long ago we were al talking about how incredible it is that he keeps befriending all those lions. And now we suddenly expected to believe he is scared of other male lions?
And lets not forget that he and Styx initially beaten the PCmales before Styxs demise.

I think the only mistake he is making is that he keeps partnering up with popular lions whos fans keep blaming him for everything that goes wrong. 

Nhenha was past his prime and insisted on hanging out in an area after being ousted. Offcource he was going to be dispatched at one point.
And its the same with Tumbella, that bad leg would get him in trouble at one point.

Chill lol big boy 1st partner but not really a partner to some he was sick I think and ended up dying Styx male no idea what happened to him he bled out from the groin area nhenha past his prime but defeated the nkuhuma male fighting for mating rights but nhenha was the one who fought the plains camp males and died soon after skorro jr I don’t think the nkuhuma male assisted him I mean the gijima beat him way worse than the plains camp males did and it doesn’t matter if his partners are famous and they have fans but fact his he’s not helping his partners in fights (potentially) and they are all dying but not him so what is the common denominator it’s him right or wrong it’s no hate it’s just facts and I love the nkuhuma male but it just doesn’t add up plus he has zero new scars so it’s hard to say he helped BUT I hope I’m wrong
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Netherlands Duco Ndona Offline

Who knows, ultimately its all just speculation. Nobody ever saw any of the fights, but each time people just assume he abandoned his partner. 
While in reality there are all sorts of scenarios possible. He may have simply been not present at the fights. His arrival may have been enough for the attackers to back off as lions typically don't prefer equal fights. 
He may have been chased away by both Gijimas or PCmales.

I am sorry if I came over a bit strong on this, but all I am asking is that we need to be careful not to fall into some kind of Nkuhuma the cowardly lion narrative.
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Ttimemarti Offline
Senior Member

(06-18-2024, 08:27 PM)Duco Ndona Wrote: Who knows, ultimately its all just speculation. Nobody ever saw any of the fights, but each time people just assume he abandoned his partner. 
While in reality there are all sorts of scenarios possible. He may have simply been not present at the fights. His arrival may have been enough for the attackers to back off as lions typically don't prefer equal fights. 
He may have been chased away by both Gijimas or PCmales.

I am sorry if I came over a bit strong on this, but all I am asking is that we need to be careful not to fall into some kind of Nkuhuma the cowardly lion narrative.

All good friend he is definitely not a coward no lion is a coward in my eyes but it’s just a pattern of him losing partners and he has zero scars to show I mean we don’t know what happened to the bigger southern avoca but his brother returned to mala mala all beaten up
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United States GhostCatP-22 Offline
Regular Member

(06-18-2024, 09:01 PM)Ttimemarti Wrote:
(06-18-2024, 08:27 PM)Duco Ndona Wrote: Who knows, ultimately its all just speculation. Nobody ever saw any of the fights, but each time people just assume he abandoned his partner. 
While in reality there are all sorts of scenarios possible. He may have simply been not present at the fights. His arrival may have been enough for the attackers to back off as lions typically don't prefer equal fights. 
He may have been chased away by both Gijimas or PCmales.

I am sorry if I came over a bit strong on this, but all I am asking is that we need to be careful not to fall into some kind of Nkuhuma the cowardly lion narrative.

All good friend he is definitely not a coward no lion is a coward in my eyes but it’s just a pattern of him losing partners and he has zero scars to show I mean we don’t know what happened to the bigger southern avoca but his brother returned to mala mala all beaten up

It’s a different survival strategy and if he’s “happy” then good for him. He’s just gonna have to really step up in one way or another to be a pride male. There’s a fair bit of competition now. Would he defend lionesses and cubs from invading lions? Would he be really serious about patrolling and scent marking? I hope he gets the chance.
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Poland NLAL11 Offline
Senior Member

(06-18-2024, 09:49 PM)GhostCatP-22 Wrote:
(06-18-2024, 09:01 PM)Ttimemarti Wrote:
(06-18-2024, 08:27 PM)Duco Ndona Wrote: Who knows, ultimately its all just speculation. Nobody ever saw any of the fights, but each time people just assume he abandoned his partner. 
While in reality there are all sorts of scenarios possible. He may have simply been not present at the fights. His arrival may have been enough for the attackers to back off as lions typically don't prefer equal fights. 
He may have been chased away by both Gijimas or PCmales.

I am sorry if I came over a bit strong on this, but all I am asking is that we need to be careful not to fall into some kind of Nkuhuma the cowardly lion narrative.

All good friend he is definitely not a coward no lion is a coward in my eyes but it’s just a pattern of him losing partners and he has zero scars to show I mean we don’t know what happened to the bigger southern avoca but his brother returned to mala mala all beaten up

It’s a different survival strategy and if he’s “happy” then good for him. He’s just gonna have to really step up in one way or another to be a pride male. There’s a fair bit of competition now. Would he defend lionesses and cubs from invading lions? Would he be really serious about patrolling and scent marking? I hope he gets the chance.

But being a pride male is about more than just having a good survival strategy. As you said he needs to 'step up', because his behaviour so far indicates that he would not defend a pride and cubs. I think that's what people are pointing to when they talk about him running away. Not necessarily that he's a coward, but there's a reason he's not become a pride male yet. And there's a reason he's had multiple partners who have all either died or at least been caught by other males, while he seems to get away unscathed. At some point a male has to stop just trying to survive and show some dominance and aggression.
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Ttimemarti Offline
Senior Member

(06-18-2024, 10:12 PM)NLAL11 Wrote:
(06-18-2024, 09:49 PM)GhostCatP-22 Wrote:
(06-18-2024, 09:01 PM)Ttimemarti Wrote:
(06-18-2024, 08:27 PM)Duco Ndona Wrote: Who knows, ultimately its all just speculation. Nobody ever saw any of the fights, but each time people just assume he abandoned his partner. 
While in reality there are all sorts of scenarios possible. He may have simply been not present at the fights. His arrival may have been enough for the attackers to back off as lions typically don't prefer equal fights. 
He may have been chased away by both Gijimas or PCmales.

I am sorry if I came over a bit strong on this, but all I am asking is that we need to be careful not to fall into some kind of Nkuhuma the cowardly lion narrative.

All good friend he is definitely not a coward no lion is a coward in my eyes but it’s just a pattern of him losing partners and he has zero scars to show I mean we don’t know what happened to the bigger southern avoca but his brother returned to mala mala all beaten up

It’s a different survival strategy and if he’s “happy” then good for him. He’s just gonna have to really step up in one way or another to be a pride male. There’s a fair bit of competition now. Would he defend lionesses and cubs from invading lions? Would he be really serious about patrolling and scent marking? I hope he gets the chance.

But being a pride male is about more than just having a good survival strategy. As you said he needs to 'step up', because his behaviour so far indicates that he would not defend a pride and cubs. I think that's what people are pointing to when they talk about him running away. Not necessarily that he's a coward, but there's a reason he's not become a pride male yet. And there's a reason he's had multiple partners who have all either died or at least been caught by other males, while he seems to get away unscathed. At some point a male has to stop just trying to survive and show some dominance and aggression.

This is true but he has some sort of aggressive side he and nhenha did almost make the othawa pride go extinct but we don’t know who did what could’ve been all nhenha but I hope he become a pride male but it likely won’t happen in sabi sands unless he takes the othawa pride
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Ngonya Offline
( This post was last modified: 06-18-2024, 11:18 PM by Ngonya )

(06-18-2024, 09:01 PM)Ttimemarti Wrote: a pattern of him losing partners and he has zero scars to show I mean we don’t know what happened to the bigger southern avoca but his brother returned to mala mala all beaten up

The fact his partners get into conflicts and end up dead/heavily injured and he is intact, says alot about him.

It seems that he is just like Solo Tsalala.
Solo left Cleo to die in the claws of the Selati, and later the Kruger male in the claws of the Charleston. 

Tumbela is lucky to be alive, not the first time he survives a fight outnumbered, true warrior.
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Netherlands Duco Ndona Offline

He did flee while the Othawa's were being massacred though and stood idle while his brothers were being pushed away from the food they need to survive by the pride. 

Every lion has moments of bravery and being cowardly. It just depends on what one focusses on.

Ttimemarti Offline
Senior Member

(06-19-2024, 12:15 AM)Duco Ndona Wrote: He did flee while the Othawa's were being massacred though and stood idle while his brothers were being pushed away from the food they need to survive by the pride. 

Every lion has moments of bravery and being cowardly. It just depends on what one focusses on.

True but that’s a little different and lions do that all the time to the weaker lions the kambulas did it to nsuku but skorro jr had just lost his brother until limper died nobody challenged tumbela males skorro jr might’ve defeated nhenha one on one not sure what happened but after limper died he lost some confidence the pride got massacred my nhenha and nkuhuma male so it’s not like he didn’t try to defend the pride but he did run after being outnumbered but that’s how a takeover happens Mr T had to run once kinky tail died southern avoca never returned to his old territory once his brother disappeared nhenha basically gave up the kambula pride once tinyo disappeared Mohawk held on as long as he could be once blondie and darkmane died he was almost helpless against the southern black dam males so almost same situation with nhenha they where dominant males of the ximhungwe pride sorta and he ran while nhenha was beaten up all other times he’s was a nomad

United States adamstocks16 Offline
Regular Member

Tumbela deserves way more credit in my opinion. He was in a really tough situation, lost both of his brothers and held his own for a while despite the fact he was outnumbered 2 to 1 with Nhenha & Nkuhuma really pushing for the Othawa Pride. Now he’s adapted to life as a solo nomad all this time, staying in mostly good condition and even trying his luck with females whenever he gets the opportunity. Some might view that behaviour as risky and to a certain extent I agree but it’s also what I admire about him. 

During this time he has survived attacks from two of the toughest duos around right now in the PCM’s and Gijimas and still has a chance of becoming dominant again if he recovers and things work out with Nkuhuma.

Also let’s not forget his daughters are doing well and in a strong position to rebuild the Othawa Pride which hopefully will happen in the years to come. How old are those two now anyway?
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Ngonya Offline

(06-19-2024, 12:15 AM)Duco Ndona Wrote: He did flee while the Othawa's were being massacred though and stood idle while his brothers were being pushed away from the food they need to survive by the pride. 

Every lion has moments of bravery and being cowardly. It just depends on what one focusses on.
What was he supposed to do? He stood his ground as much as he could. 1 male being pressured by 2, nothing he could do, if u think he should go suicidal mode for that ur dellusional and looking for excuses to be critical. 
In case of Tumbela and Nkuhuma, its factual just like @Tr1x24 said, nobody expect them to get each others back to death.
But when it comes about Nkuhuma, we already expect him to run. 

(06-19-2024, 03:15 AM)adamstocks16 Wrote: Tumbela deserves way more credit in my opinion
Definitly. I remember he even put up a fight for quite sometime, as i said, he did his best. People who still blame him for that to this day are just looking for someone other than dear Nhenha and Nkuhuma to blame.
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Mwk85 Offline
Senior Member

Sand River Pride subadults? They were in the south western sector and I'm drawing a blank on who else it may be given that a female is with them.

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Ngonya Offline

(06-19-2024, 05:54 AM)Mwk85 Wrote: Sand River Pride subadults? They were in the south western sector and I'm drawing a blank on who else it may be given that a female is with them.
Not Sand River, those are to big to be them. 

Thats S65/N'waswitshaka young males, sons of the Charleston brothers
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