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Lions of Sabi Sands

Tonpa Offline

In another surprise twist to the ever evolving Lion dynamics within the Western Sabi Sand, this morning we found two lioness on the move which appear to be the young Tsalala Female and an older Mangeni Female.

It’s the first time we have seen the young Tsalala since her mother was killed by the Plains Camp Males and she looks beautiful. The older Mangene Female seems to be pregnant and could this be the formation of a new pride for the future? With the affection that these two show it could well be!

Very interesting times continue to lie ahead for the ever changing dynamics within the lion populations in the area

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United Kingdom Mabingilane Offline
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 07-24-2022, 05:29 PM by Mabingilane )


I am glad we have had frequent sightings of the Tsalala female over the last 7 Months. I worry about her. 
She was seen a lot in May on Londolozi blogs. 
Few pics recently showed her running away from Ntsevu young females.
She linked up with an Old Mangheni female and i thought it was short lived but they are together again.  What a nice union, related by Blood through the Tsalala pride. How ironic
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T I N O Offline

(07-24-2022, 04:40 PM)Tonpa Wrote: In another surprise twist to the ever evolving Lion dynamics within the Western Sabi Sand, this morning we found two lioness on the move which appear to be the young Tsalala Female and an older Mangeni Female.

It’s the first time we have seen the young Tsalala since her mother was killed by the Plains Camp Males and she looks beautiful. The older Mangene Female seems to be pregnant and could this be the formation of a new pride for the future? With the affection that these two show it could well be!

Very interesting times continue to lie ahead for the ever changing dynamics within the lion populations in the area

That's a good sighting. She's looking in good shape
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

Thats 2nd sighting of the 2 together.

Tsalala female should be in estrus soon as she will be 3.5 yrs soon, PC males are likely candidates for mating, so if both stay in PC territory, they might form a pride together. 

But, its yet to be seen how this unfolds when Mhangeni female gives birth, if she allows Tsalala near the den and cubs. 

This Mhangeni female is actually older aunt to Tsalala young female, they are same blood. 

I kinda hope that Gingerella can link up with them or Tsalala female, these 2 young girls would be perfect duo.
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Russian Federation Bellateda Offline

I think all Mhangeni will eventually join PC males unless they choose Gjima males.

Duco Ndona Offline

With some luck those two will rule the entire western sector in a few years. Their youth and strength will being some much needed stability to the Mhangeni and Ximhungwe pride and a good new mate for the Othawas. 
While the border situation shouldnt make it to difficult to defend the most western parts of the territory.

Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(07-24-2022, 07:50 PM)Duco Ndona Wrote: With some luck those two will rule the entire western sector in a few years. Their youth and strength will being some much needed stability to the Mhangeni and Ximhungwe pride and a good new mate for the Othawas. 
While the border situation shouldnt make it to difficult to defend the most western parts of the territory.

Very likely scenario for PC males, unless, new, bigger coalition comes.
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Belgium criollo2mil Offline

Another capture of mhangeni w Tsalala in slide 2

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United States BA0701 Online
Super Moderator

(07-24-2022, 06:46 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote: Thats 2nd sighting of the 2 together.

Tsalala female should be in estrus soon as she will be 3.5 yrs soon, PC males are likely candidates for mating, so if both stay in PC territory, they might form a pride together. 

But, its yet to be seen how this unfolds when Mhangeni female gives birth, if she allows Tsalala near the den and cubs. 

This Mhangeni female is actually older aunt to Tsalala young female, they are same blood. 

I kinda hope that Gingerella can link up with them or Tsalala female, these 2 young girls would be perfect duo.

I agree, have been hoping for Tsalala and Gingerella to hook up, along with Ximungwe, as all three could use each other. We almost saw a Ximungwe and Gingerella, but after a brief friendship, they went their separate ways, sadly. When was the last sighting of Gingerella? I don't recall any recent sightings of that girl.
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Duco Ndona Offline

That may change once Gingerella finally goes into Estrus. I think she is still hanging out in the area. But the whole place is a kettle right now. So she is likely hiding.
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United States afortich Offline
( This post was last modified: 07-24-2022, 11:31 PM by afortich )

(07-24-2022, 08:56 PM)BA0701 Wrote:
(07-24-2022, 06:46 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote: Thats 2nd sighting of the 2 together.

Tsalala female should be in estrus soon as she will be 3.5 yrs soon, PC males are likely candidates for mating, so if both stay in PC territory, they might form a pride together. 

But, its yet to be seen how this unfolds when Mhangeni female gives birth, if she allows Tsalala near the den and cubs. 

This Mhangeni female is actually older aunt to Tsalala young female, they are same blood. 

I kinda hope that Gingerella can link up with them or Tsalala female, these 2 young girls would be perfect duo.

I agree, have been hoping for Tsalala and Gingerella to hook up, along with Ximungwe, as all three could use each other. We almost saw a Ximungwe and Gingerella, but after a brief friendship, they went their separate ways, sadly. When was the last sighting of Gingerella? I don't recall any recent sightings of that girl.
I would love to see Tsalala and Gingeralla sticking together because their ages are very close but so happy she's hunging out with Mhangeni.
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lionuk Offline

1/2 Plains Camp males in Singita
Credit: Roudh

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

Ximhungwe and Gingerella together again :

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Tonpa Offline

Elephant  Plains

Monday, 18 July 2022
Eight members of the Talamati pride of lions resting on EP driveway.
Dark Mane, the male lion, resting on Serengeti dam wall.

Wednesday, 20 July 2022
Eight members of the Talamati pride of lions resting at Sydney’s dam.

Thursday, 21 July 2022
Dark mane, the male lion, resting on Leopard drift.

Friday, 22 July 2022
(23°C, Rain 7mm)
Dark mane, the male lion, resting on EP driveway.

Saturday, 23 July 2022
Five members of the Talamati pride of lions resting on Arathusa airstrip.

Sunday, 24 July 2022
Five members of the Nkuhuma pride of lions resting at Twin dams.
Five members of the Talamati pride of lions resting on MMM north.
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lionuk Offline
( This post was last modified: 07-25-2022, 06:11 PM by lionuk )

2/2 Southern Avoca males in MalaMala with a buffalo kill from 2:17
N'was males roaring from 6:31

Note: The 2/2 Southern Avoca males have been seen today near Skukuza. 
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