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N'waswitshaka males

Poland Potato Offline

"Size doesn't really boost confidence, experience does "

Of course size influence confidence a lot. It is way easier to be brave being up against smaller opponent than to be brave when facing  someone bigger than yourself. I do not agree tho that they grown a lot or even at all, but that is different story.

"Apply this to the N'waswitshaka, the Bboys told them don't come here or I will kill you."

The question is if N'was believe that BBoys are indeed too much for them and I do not think they believe so.

"This experience is basically telling them, don't go there, its dangerous. Unless they break the rule and decide to go there once or twice, it will boost their confidence and make them go there but if again they are met with an aggressive reaction by the Bboys, their past experience will tell them to run away. "

That is an absurd statement having nothink at all to do with reality. Nharhus were chassed off by Mbiris and soon they came back to challange them, Mlovathis chassed MAjingilanes and still MAjingis returned to challange Mlovathis and so on. I could give there countless examples of chassed coalitions later on returning to challange to one who chassed them. The best example would be Majinis vs Matimbas in which they chassed each others dozen of times through out their warfare history and even few times on one occasion (well known rencounter in Londolozi) and still you could not say that one of that coalition was really scared of the other.. That Birminghams manage to chasse N'was before doesn't mean at all that N'was won't challange them in the future. For me it would not be a suprise at all if N'was will soon challange Birminghams. They are young and have good numbers. I do not think pride of 3 females will be enough for a coalition of 4 and the coalition of 2 will rather not be enough to stop them, coalition of 2 is rather not somethink they should be scared of. 

Poland Potato Offline

" Just because a bunch of people on Wildfact and other groups think the way they want, doesn't mean it's how lions themselves think and behave"

Indeed and possibly in the coming months we will see  who is the one who is correct there - will N'was avoid Birminghams as you say or if it will be other way around.

T I N O Offline

I'll should say that both things matters from equal. Because if you have confidence but not the size is useless. An example, When the Mbiri males were chased off a few months ago by the Nharhu males they weren't confidence as they once had but if the size.

Poland Potato Offline

"Because if you have confidence but not the size is useless"

Matshapiris vs Southern Matimbas is a great example that this is a false claim.

"An example, When the Mbiri males were chased off a few months ago by the Nharhu males they weren't confidence "

As I was saying already before that they boldly walk through Nharhus territory speaks about having confidance, not lacking it. That they withdrew from the open confrontation against strong oponent in which they had nothink at all to gain doesn't mean they were scared. Moreover they must have known that they are up against coalition of 3 and the third Nharhu can arrive shortly. We already had same talk before. I though that how Mbiris later on chassed around Orpen Gate other 2 big males and then beaten up and ousted Sumatra and Hercules males ultimately proves that I was right and you were not. I must say I am very suprised that you keep your claim about Mbiris lacking confidance. Mbiris are probably one of the boldest coalitions we could see. They already have countless battles behind. They were basically chassing around adult males since they were just a bit over 3 years old. They never changed and most likely they never will.   

T I N O Offline

All Right! Those are your words and are respectable, I stay behind the words of Timbavati guys Cathan Moore,Kings Camp Lodge team among others. After all, They were witness the change of confidence in those lions during the chase. Regards

*This image is copyright of its original author
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T I N O Offline

These are words of Chad about Nharhu vs Mbiri conflict. He believes that on at least two occasions the Nharhu defeated to the Mbiri males

*This image is copyright of its original author

Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(11-25-2020, 04:14 AM)Slayerd Wrote: That's actually not where the Bboys and Kambula frequent, they're mostly go as far south as just south of Rattray's camp which borders their Sabi Sabi territory as well. I've spoken to Sabi Sabi guides and they have not gone back to where the Bboys chased them since it happened.

I said that Bboys and Kambulas CAN be seen there.. Its their border..

*This image is copyright of its original author

Thats pretty much area from where they where chased before.. 

And as @Potato said, if 1 coalition chased another one once, that doesnt mean that those wont return again when they gain confidence, you can find this in many examples even in Sabi Sands.. Mapogos vs Selatis, Mapogos vs Majingilanes, Matimbas vs Bboys etc, all those where chased before they return..

But this discussion is pointless, because for now Nwaswitshaka's dont show any interest in Bboys or S. Avocas.. It seems that for now they are satisfied with their new territory and females for mating.. But they might tried to expand in near future when Styx's give birth..
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Poland Potato Offline

We were lucky to come across this mating pair of lions close to Bush Lodge.  The male had a lot of fresh wounds around his body, a sign that he might have fought his way to have the chance to mate with the female.

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Hairy tummy Offline
Senior Member

Orange eyes?
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Poland Potato Offline

(11-27-2020, 03:15 PM)Hairy tummy Wrote: Orange eyes?

Looks like him. Despite being smallest of the N'was he seems to be second or first dominant one in the coalition. I mean we still rather did not see N'was enough in compate for mating rights to really judge who is there more dominant over who, but so far Orange Eye sseem to be very dominant. The took the first mating rights with Salati female and now is mating as second one with Styx female after most impressive looking N'was.
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T I N O Offline

(11-27-2020, 03:15 PM)Hairy tummy Wrote: Orange eyes?

Yes It is him
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Hairy tummy Offline
Senior Member
( This post was last modified: 11-30-2020, 09:08 PM by BA0701 )

Looks like they have cubs

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T I N O Offline

(11-30-2020, 05:26 PM)Hairy tummy Wrote:
Looks like they have cubs

Hey Tommy! Great video, Thank you very much for sharing. I'll send a link as you should do to post the Youtube video and that it can be seen correctly. The link below explain some good things how insert FB videos,Twitter,Youtube among others.
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Hairy tummy Offline
Senior Member

Thanks tino
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T I N O Offline

You're welcome my friend, Always a pleasure to be able to help
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