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Lions of Sabi Sands

Pakistan Nathan Aiden Offline
( This post was last modified: 10-09-2020, 09:31 PM by Nathan Aiden )

I am doing an independent Research on Matimba coalition. And i will be sharing every detail i will find.

Today's Reveal - Matimbas come from Phelwane pride hence one of the reason why Northern Matimbas were called Phelwane males. Credit: Roan du Plessis (Ngala)

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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline

(10-09-2020, 09:29 PM)Nathan Aiden Wrote: I am doing an independent Research on Matimba coalition. And i will be sharing every detail i will find.

Today's Reveal - Matimbas come from Phelwane pride hence one of the reason why Northern Matimbas were called Phelwane

Phelwane pride is prob second name for Birmingham pride, Matimbas came from Birmingham pride..
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Pakistan Nathan Aiden Offline
( This post was last modified: 10-09-2020, 09:43 PM by Nathan Aiden )

Trying to Confirm that as well. Roan has given me the contact of another ranger. I will be talking to her in detail soon.
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Argentina T I N O Offline

(10-09-2020, 09:29 PM)Nathan Aiden Wrote: I am doing an independent Research on Matimba coalition. And i will be sharing every detail i will find.

Today's Reveal - Matimbas come from Phelwane pride hence one of the reason why Northern Matimbas were called Phelwane males. Credit: Roan du Plessis (Ngala)

As far I remember the one who born in the Phelwane pride where the Skybed rather than the Matimbas.

Argentina T I N O Offline

(10-09-2020, 09:42 PM)Nathan Aiden Wrote: Trying to Confirm that as well. Roan has given me the contact of another ranger. I will be talking to her in detail soon.

The two guys who really has a incredible knowledge of the Phelwane males on Ngala PGR are Scott and his wife

Pakistan Nathan Aiden Offline
( This post was last modified: 10-09-2020, 10:04 PM by Nathan Aiden )

Matimbas and Skybeds both can be born in the same pride aren't they? A ranger is saying it. Why you have doubts?

I think you are same person who also had doubts on Western sabisands rangers when they said HB is 15 years olds. If you don't trust rangers who do you trust? Rangers are the only source of correct and verified info. Not you and me.

South Africa Slayerd Offline
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 10-09-2020, 10:19 PM by Slayerd )

(10-09-2020, 10:01 PM)Nathan Aiden Wrote: Matimbas and Skybeds both can be born in the same pride aren't they? A ranger is saying it. Why you have doubts?

I think you are same person who also had doubts on Western sabisands rangers when they said HB is 15 years olds. If you don't trust rangers who do you trust? Rangers are the only source of correct and verified info. Not you and me.

Matimbas were 100% born in the Birmingham pride. Forget rangers now, the rangers of then said they came from the Birmingham pride. Ndunha even joined the Birmingham pride and that's how he became apart of the Coalition. Please don't spread incorrect information. We have known the Matimbas were from the Birmingham pride for many many years now. Don't bring false conspiracies and controversies into what we already know. Nobody can come tell us now that the Mapogos were actually born in the Tsalala pride because we know they are born in the Sparta and nobody can say the Birminghams were not born in the Birmingham pride because we know they were born from that pride. You are also saying this info with no evidence besides saying rangers told you. So we have no reason whatsoever to believe the Matimbas came from any other pride.
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Pakistan Nathan Aiden Offline

Hi Tino

Roan gave me the contact of Scott wife annie. I am on contact with her.

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Pakistan Nathan Aiden Offline

How come two people are disregarding rangers info on wild animals. I hope shadow is reading this thread.

Pakistan Nathan Aiden Offline
( This post was last modified: 10-09-2020, 10:48 PM by Nathan Aiden )

There is no old or new information. Many fanatics have pages and groups on Facebook and create information on their own based on lions look etc without researching or finding info about the animal. Rangers info should be trusted. They have seen the animals, spent time them and learnt about them.. Hope common sense prevails.

Argentina T I N O Offline

(10-09-2020, 10:45 PM)Nathan Aiden Wrote: There is no old or new information. Many fanatics have pages and groups on Facebook and create information on their own based on lions look etc without researching or finding info about the animal. Rangers info should be trusted. They have seen the animals, spent time them and learnt about them.. Hope common sense prevails.

I respect what you are say and doing.
However,I don't agree with you. Here we don't compete on who knows more about a coalition or lions. Just we say the truth and with true facts,If Roan Du plessis wasn't on Ngala during the Phelwane time,he can't even know that they were born in that pride,just that!
Once again,take care
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Pakistan Nathan Aiden Offline
( This post was last modified: 10-09-2020, 11:08 PM by Nathan Aiden )

There is a big difference. I come with proof and facts from Rangers. 

And what proof have you or someone else has showm? Nothing! couldn't show any proof on HB's age. And now not believing in a ranger who spent 6 years with them.

Pakistan Nathan Aiden Offline

If this goes on, I will say my goodbye to this platform. I have left a private message to shadow personally. What's the point of staying in this platform when your researched info with facts and with proof is not respected. And Someone people are given free hand to disrespect it and share info they want or believe in.

Finland Shadow Offline
( This post was last modified: 10-09-2020, 11:39 PM by Shadow )

Keep calm guys and if there is disagreement, simply back up what you are claiming. I know, that if there is someone who has followed some lions a long time it can be difficult to remember all the sources right away and still knowing when some claim is in contradiction with previous information. Age issues are vague as I wrote before and I haven´t seen anyone to bring in solid information about exact age of Hairy Belly, it really is time to let that issue go. If he is 14, 15 or 16 isn´t important. He is an old lion and exact age can´t be known unless someone has information of exact month and year he was born. No-one has shown such so far, so let it go guys.

Then again this other issue of origin of Matimbas. If there is disagreement of their origin, posters can show to what different opinions are based on. No need for anyone to get irritated. But maybe at this point it would best to show sources for different information if there are disagreements. I don´t know enough of these coalitions to say too much and frankly speaking, my interest to lions is in more overall level.
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Pakistan Nathan Aiden Offline
( This post was last modified: 10-09-2020, 11:41 PM by Nathan Aiden )

Hairy Belly "Matimba"! Idube Game Lodge, 9.X'20. Image by Promise Mashile

From Today

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