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Do u see one of them taking over or someone different?
My personal pick is are the Monwana males, as i c them surviving the next year to 5,5y. And if they have average confidence for lions in their age being 4 in a squad, I think they will attempt their take over around that time. As it seems to be unusual that a coalition of 4 that outnumbers their neighbors hesitates as much as kambulas. I think the probability of them being as passive and lacking drive like Kambulas seems low. The Kambulas i think have shown their temperamant and I dont see them changing their approach any time soon. The same goes for nkuhuma in my opinion. khanya cant count on nkuhumas full support in a takeover i think. Manthimales have their hands full with their territory i think and wont take on more responsibility. The same goes for the other duos of sabi sands in my opinion. Styx male is alone and i dont see him being a 1of1 lion like red road male, as the probability of a single lion reaching that level seems fairely low. So i c his best chances in teaming up with different nomads. If he manages to get a competent coalition partner though, I give him chances of taking over aswell.
1 monwana
2 styx and coalition partner
3 kambulas
4 manthimales
5 nkuhuma and khanya
thats how i would rank the likelihood of them taking over the nkuhuma pride.
Ages may be wrong. Please correct any mistakes u see.
Also add other potential lions or coalitions i may have missed.
Im lookig forward to hearing yall opinions
Bonus question.
Whos reign out of ndhzengas, PCMs and Gijimas do u c end first? Which coalition will have reigned the longest in the end?
Thanks in advance for reply:)
About the last question:
It´s really hard to predict, in just one hunt things can go really bad really fast, Ndzhengas somewhat experienced that already with Gore
If ( big if) nothing out of ordinary happends it should be the Ndhzengas, the other two dont have to worry about what comes from the west for example, and are younger
Gijimas right now have their paws full, they have 3 prides with cubs and seems like lately everyone and than some wants to hang out in their territory, best case scenario is for the Nkuhlus stay where they are right now, if things stay like that and there is no desease or hunt accident they should be good for the next years
Plains Camp only need to worry about the east and right now only Khanya and NK016 are " annoying", those two might end up taking the Manghenis in Singita but I thats probably cuz PCM dont care about them
I doubt PCM will be happy with what they have right now and wouldn´t be suprised if the Ndzhengas go away they make a run for the Kambula and Ntsevu prides
About wich coalition will have reign the longest in the end it´s really impossible to know but with I´ll go with Ndzhengas since they already have quite some years and I don´t know the future
Thanks for ur insight.
Why do u think the PCMs are unhappy with what they have right now? What is the concern?(size of prides, quality of females, survival rate of offspring, quality of territory in terms of food and water supply? Etc. )
Also are u positive Nkuhuma male and khanya have what it takes to take over manghenis? Would the PCMs really tolerate it? Wouldn’t that decrease the size of their territory extremely?
And yh gijimas really have a lot to do. Styx, southern and another pride. I have forgotten which one it was. What is the 3rd pride they controll?
About the Ndhzengas I feel ur point. Lion life is extremely unpredictable so going with the coalition that already rules for so long (5y I think) is the safest bet.
I think that gijimas and PCMs will hit 5y reign aswell. But catching ndhzengas in total time will really be hard, as they have to rule for another 2y after Ndhzengas stop ruling and Ndhzengas look strong and capable at the moment.