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Avoca Male Lions and Their Male Lineage

Blondemane Offline
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 08-10-2019, 12:17 AM by Blondemane )

King of the road! 
The two Southern Avoca males were seen on our concession yesterday, which created a morning of great viewing as they walked north across the river.

Kirkman's Kamp

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Poland Djumafan Offline
( This post was last modified: 08-10-2019, 09:11 PM by Djumafan )

(08-09-2019, 09:42 PM)Blondemane Wrote:
(08-09-2019, 04:34 PM)Djumafan Wrote: I only heard about their fights with young Nkuhuma male & Mhangeni male

the fight was only between Mohawk avoca and Nk young male, mangheni male runaway and Blondie avoca do not interfere. 

words from elephants plains lodge:

"We were radioed by the gate guards who witnessed the fight. Acting swiftly we arrived at the gate and we found the young Nkuhuma covered in blood which mostly looked like the Avoca blood and a couple hundred meters away the two Avoca males. Only the Mohawk male covered in blood with the other male not a scratch on him... although the young Nkuhuma male was not bleeding as much he was seen the next day with a bit of a limp and looking quite sore. We presume that the Avoca male might have had the Nkuhuma pinned down and the young male while pinned down managed to land a few blows to the face...The tongue of the Avoca had a serious gash, looking like he may have bit through his tongue in the altercation so a lot of blood seen around the mouth and the legs were from that injury. "   

Nope. There was more fights.  With Dark maned avoca involved. 

Quote:Hi everyone, a few days back I shared a summary by Jors Dannhauser of the events on Buffelshoek involving the Nkuhumas, two Avoca Males, the Talamati Males, and Mhangeni Male and Nkuhuma Male. However, I need to correct myself on something as I misunderstood Jors. The Avoca Male the two young males fought was not the Orange-Eyed Male as I initially said, but the DARK-MANED Male (shown below in a photo kindly shared by Jors). The Orange-Eyed Male was in the sighting but only going back and reading did I realize that I misunderstood some details in the summary. When the Talamati Pride showed up and the chaos ensued, the Orange-Eyed Male chased after the Nkuhumas, which could explain why the two young males were left to fight the Dark-maned Male. The photo below is the aftermath of the fight between the DMM and the two young males.

Another BIG thanks to Jors for the photo and my apologies for the previous error!

And from this fight Dark mane avoca has a big scar on his lips
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Blondemane Offline
Regular Member

this fight you talk about happened on a zebra kill, but that was a long time ago, the dark maned was seen after that in a buffalo carcass in chitwa chitwa (the video was posted yesterday here) after that in a ellie carcass with talamatis females/cubs without any leg/paw injury and lip cut. when the buffalo kill happened in djuma (dam cam sighting) that night he showed up with these injuries.  

my point of view the reason is - fight with his brothers for female or for food.
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Blondemane Offline
Regular Member

The Darkmane Avoca male lion greeted by one of the Talamati pride cubs . 
Posted:- 31 July 2019
Image By:- Katja Voth

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

this pic was taken near elephant carcass, few days later they caught that buff in dam cam (last week) , no lip cuts, no injuries on him. 
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Blondemane Offline
Regular Member
forget to talk about this sighting, nk young male and other sub adult got a warthog and avoca came and steal it. 

this sighting was after that zebra kill and before the buff that they got in chitwa chitwa or cheetah plains. 
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Poland Djumafan Offline

(08-10-2019, 11:09 PM)Blondemane Wrote:
forget to talk about this sighting, nk young male and other sub adult got a warthog and avoca came and steal it. 

this sighting was after that zebra kill and before the buff that they got in chitwa chitwa or cheetah plains. 

@Blondemane dont get my wrong I also dont believe that all northern Avoca injuries comes from that young males. I wondering If they maybe have some pressure from others coallition in north that we dont know yet.  Brothers fight? maybe, but Im not sure about this. I saw many times orange eyed and blonde with females in heat and there was no agression, hierachy between them looks very clear. 

Interestingly with that injuries dark maned came south to his brothers. What is good for us, cause I havent seen dark mane for months on safarilive drives. I hope dark mane will heal up soon. We have new cubs, and we need them strong for next 2-3 years.
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Blondemane Offline
Regular Member

@Djumafan  I understand and have to make it clear that I may be wrong in my remarks. I just tried to fit each view and from there try to come to a conclusion about these injuries... none of us know exactly what is going on a hundred percent, especially at night when they are most active... yes you are right it is good to see the dark mane back together with the other two, it is unfortunate to see him like this and the talamati will not be happy when they see him in this state, it is good and we all hope that he will recover as soon as possible. 

I also see the safari live, today the lioness (ridge nose) that has the two cubs seems to be looking for them, I hope everything is fine with them, they are such strong creatures but when they are young they are so fragile. 
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Poland Potato Offline

There is no pressure from other coalitions from the north for sure. It is even the opposite as central Manyeleti is in vacat now (unless we clasiffy single Red Road male as the dominat there, but he for sure is not a threat for the Avocas).
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Blondemane Offline
Regular Member

the cubs are fine, they are in elephant plains with the rest of the pride. 

Fantastic sighting of one of the Avoca male lions, with 7 Nkuhuma female lions as well as the two tiny cubs

credit: rangerdrewbot

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Poland Potato Offline

Southern Avocas with younger Sparta female. Males seems to surprisingly tolerate each others in the pesence of female wiling to matte.

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Blondemane Offline
Regular Member

The 2 avocas in the south of SS, i truly admire them, they are extremely bonded one each other, even when mating is on process... thats a great pic of this two amazing brothers. 
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Poland Potato Offline

Dark Mane and Blondie (not so blondie anymore Wicked

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Israel Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

@Potato :

About #71: really amazing the photo you show ! It's the first time I see two male lions as close as that while one of the two is mating with the lioness. Does the other one assist its fellow or reassure the lioness ?

Perhaps the psychological support exists among lions...
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Poland Potato Offline

(08-13-2019, 06:02 PM)Spalea Wrote: @Potato :

About #71: really amazing the photo you show ! It's the first time I see two male lions as close as that while one of the two is mating with the lioness. Does the other one assist its fellow or reassure the lioness ?

Perhaps the psychological support exists among lions...

Tsalalas acted the same

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Israel Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

@Potato :

About #75: thank you for the video. Perhaps it's so because the new males come to push over their rivals. This lioness surrounded by three males has clearly no choice. At least we know she is able to mate every two or three minutes. No rivalry at all between the males, one passes the lioness back to the other.
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