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B2 and Other Great Tiger Pics from India

Germany Jeffrey Offline
Regular Member

Kaziranga male captured last week

2nd Tiger of the season in Kaziranga 
lucky day for us :)

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Rishi Offline

(03-07-2018, 02:10 AM)Pckts Wrote: Roshan Katkar
Tiger & wild dog

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Isn't that Wagdoh? Yup, I think it's him!
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Rana Bose
The best relationship in world is when you hold the hand of the person and the person walks with you without asking, "where" & "why"

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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 03-17-2018, 12:44 AM by Pckts )

Naveen Joyous
Head-on | Munna from Kanha

March 2018

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Bandipur Male
That Spine-Chilling moment when we have an Eye contact with the Apex Predator!

Happy World Wildlife Day 2018

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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Atul Dhamankar
Matkasur- injury's seen on neck which is because he fight with a Sloth Bear few days back........

Tadoba Tiger Reserve, Mah.


Cell No. :- 7620792206, 9284106112

Visit to my wildlife website :-

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Rishi Offline
( This post was last modified: 03-21-2018, 01:16 PM by Rishi )

Extremely bad news!

Star of Ranthambore is no more... 

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He died on yesterday noon due to age related complexities coupled with possible tranquilizer overdose!

T-28, the once largest male of Ranthambore, was 13-years-old & got pushed out by T-91 Mirza a year & half ago.
He ended up in an agriculture field of Chaan village on the periphery of Ranthambore. A forest dept. team was sent there and he was found still near the fencing of the field, and was surrounded by villagers.

Probably due to him being famous for his size, they overestimated his weight & by the time he was brought back, he died at about 1:00pm.
The post-mortem report revealed that the tiger was also suffering from gastric torsion in cardia (upper region).

He was cremated.

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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 03-22-2018, 10:44 PM by Pckts )

Vijay Jadwani
Mahaman Male

Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve
Nov 2017

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Prashant Charpe
"Eye to Eye with Chota Munna"
Kanha, April 2016

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Roflcopters Offline
Modern Tiger Expert

Star male of ranthambore, Yeda Anna of Tadoba and St11 of Sariska. three deaths back to back, damn. India lost three legendary tigers! RIP. give me a couple days and ill start posting soon hopefully.
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Sandeep Dutta‎ 

Mr. Bamera

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Sandeep Dutta‎ 


Mr Wagdoh

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Rishi Offline

Looks like our "Schwarzetiger" has gotten himself meme-fied. Good for him!

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In the first week of April, last year, the body of Rajah was recovered in Bandipur. He will be missed...
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Roflcopters Offline
Modern Tiger Expert

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Big male tiger of Corbett, Dhikala. Feb/2018

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large male tiger from Dudhwa Tiger Reserve, January/2018.

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Bajrang, slashed in the face by Choti Tara before the mating. Choti Tara was probably looking to save the cubs in case he brought any harm to them. luckily for the cubs, they were both out with Matkasur when this mating took place. Bajrang better not make that mistake again or a fight between him and Matkasur could turn deadily. March/2018

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meet the Grand kids of Katezari male, Junabai female and the cubs from Kolara buffer. April/2018

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Kali aka Ginaji, son of Namdev/Saturn. two years ago he defeated the old Navegaon male aka Bobdya to take over the entire Navegaon region and late last year he banished Narasimha from Alijanja bufferzone. a big powerful male, right in his prime and a force to be reckoned with.

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King Kali, March/2018.

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Kali cooling off, March/2018.

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Kankajhari male, the undisputed King of Kolara buffer. March/2018.

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Kankajhari male posing for a head on shot, March/2018

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Narasimha deep in Maya and Matkasur´s territory, he just recently lost his grip over Navegaon gate and Navegaon/alijanja buffer last year. he ruled the entire Navegaon region for a very long time before Kali arrived on the scene and took him out. it´s interesting to see him trying to seek refuge in Matkasur´s territory, hope he finds a place to settle down. Matkasur is not gonna welcome him with open arms now that he´s more active again. March/2018.

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the legendary Khali of Agarzari buffer/Dewada buffer and lately he has been coming all the way down to Moharli in Bajrang´s territory, a large resident male that defeated Wagdoh male to take control of Agarzari. he sired Madhuri´s last two litters and two litters with Sharmili/ek ankh wali rival of Madhuri.  March/2018. 

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Tribute to Raja of Bandipur
Royal LEGEND | Prince | Live long with in every hearts They say You are NO - MORE, But don't know how far to get hold of your demise from the heart of wildlife. You where sl bold and a real hard fighter to survive. Your legendary stories will be shared y and here after. None would be the same with out you and your presence. No, Bandipur forest would never be the same with out your trails. But it's natures call and we should accept the fact that yes your free from the cruel humanity out there. • He still can be felt around at a glance. • He's still in there at the core zones of bandipur. • The innocent charm is still alive in every corner. • He still will be whispered in every nature hearts when taken a visit to the famous Bandipur Tiger Reserve. Live long King, You where no equal to others around and beyond, nor none can be as you where.

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CT of Pench, MH. March/2018.
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Mrityunjay Kanwar
The Legend called Munna.



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Advita Pande‎ 

The Stardom is Back.

Two legends T31 and T29 together in one frame.( Choti mada and Chota Munna.)

Kanha Tiger Reserve.

Dec 2016.

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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 04-11-2018, 11:04 PM by Pckts )

Pintu Uike


Big male
Tadoba buffer
Summer 2017,

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Amol Rapte

Chota Munna, Kanha

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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 04-16-2018, 10:24 PM by Pckts )

Soumyajit Nandi
Kanha January 2017
T30 / Umarpani Male

My first visit to any tiger reserve in India. Luck didn't fail me. 
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Sunil Manikkath
Up close...


April 2018

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Roflcopters Offline
Modern Tiger Expert

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Basavanakatte male of Bandipur. April/2018

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like father, like son. ruling the biggest territory in Bandipur's tourism zone. wiped out all the competition and we are talking about a park where tiger mortality is significantly high due to a high density of tigers. April/2018

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CT of Pench, MH - if you look above his left eye, there is a "C" and "T". April/2018

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Narasimha sighted near pandherpauni, deep in Maya and Matkasur's territory. I wonder how long until a fight breaks out, Matkasur is in his prime and will not tolerate his presence specially with the cubs around. I hope Narasimha stays safe and finds a territory of his own. he's a large male and past his peak prime age. April/2018

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Narasimha crossing the road. April/2018

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Narasimha again

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Kankajhari male of Kolara buffer. Bajrang, Matkasur and V7 all have overlapping territories around Kolara buffer but Kankakhari is no doubt the most powerful male in this area. April/2018

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the big male of Mudumalai tiger reserve. Feb/2018

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Chorbahuli male with his female, Pench MH. April/2018

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Giant Khursapar male also known as Handsome male of Pench MH. early 2018.

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the new dominant male of Satpura tiger reserve. April/2018

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Same guy

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Matkasur near Navegaon gate, last month when he fought with a mother sloth bear over a waterhole. he was slightly injured and as a result, he temporarily stopped patrolling large distances to regain full strength. in his absence, Bajrang visited Jamni Lake and mated with Choti Tara. on the other side Narasimha started entering Pandherpauni and threatened the lives of the new cubs with Maya. now that he's more active again and back at full strength, he continues to scent mark all corners of his large territory. Bajrang hasnt returned and chances are, he got the message. Narasimha seems to be only active around Pandherpauni when Matkasur crosses over to visit his two sub adult cubs and Choti Tara. Its only a matter of time now before a big show down between Matkasur and Narasimha unfolds and that could be very dangerous for Narasimha, he has just lost every bit of his territory to Kali (son of Namdev/Saturn). In his prime, Narasimha ruled all areas of Navegaon gate, Navegaon buffer/Alijanja buffer. he was also occassionally seen in Pandherpauni, Ambepath waterhole on Kala Amba road, Tadoba lake and was a very dominant male but the odds are against him now. he's old and past his prime age. lets hope for the best. March/2018

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the big guy of Mudumalai tiger reserve. early 2018

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Maya and the two cubs feeding on a kill. April/2018

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ST6 male of Sariska. April/2018

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ST6 again
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