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Zoos, Circuses, Safaris: A Gallery of Captivity

Israel Amnon242 Offline
Tiger Enthusiast

same male. Photo taken same day

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Israel Amnon242 Offline
Tiger Enthusiast


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Israel Amnon242 Offline
Tiger Enthusiast

same male

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Israel Amnon242 Offline
Tiger Enthusiast

male amur 2,5 yo

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Israel Amnon242 Offline
Tiger Enthusiast

malayan male

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Israel Amnon242 Offline
Tiger Enthusiast


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Israel Amnon242 Offline
Tiger Enthusiast

another asiatic

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Taiwan Betty Offline
Senior Member

(01-31-2018, 03:15 AM)GrizzlyClaws Wrote: BTW, the poster of the video is a lion basher, and just ignore its headline, and it is definitely a male Amur and a male African who sought for the territorial dominance.

And please refrain to turn this into lion vs tiger again, the purpose of posting this video is for observation only.

This lion is the largest African lion in this circus, whose name is "Prince" and weighs more than 200kg(Prince 7 years old). In October 25th, his brother clashes with another Siberia tiger. 

The general circus will avoid adult male lions and male tigers together, in order to avoid fighting. This circus may want to create a Liger, It may also be because of the lack of places to place them. 

It has to be said that this is a bad practice. According to the video I see, the other animals of this circus have been fighting 7 times.

The left is the prince's son, called "Little Prince", the middle is the prince's companion, the right is the "prince."

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

Mating with the lioness is another circus male tiger, its right eye has been blind, usually do not perform.

*This image is copyright of its original author

The prince's partner is pregnant.

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*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

"Prince" size is very large, this is it and the "little prince" contrast.

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*This image is copyright of its original author

Prince and her partner.

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Video publisher

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Rishi Offline
( This post was last modified: 02-01-2018, 11:59 AM by Rishi )

@Betty how come they are in concrete cages? Aren't circuses supposed to move around?
It looks more like a zoo (in which case, please tell me those are the feeding cages)...

Taiwan Betty Offline
Senior Member

(02-01-2018, 11:53 AM)Rishi Wrote: @Betty how come they are in concrete cages? Aren't circuses supposed to move around?
It looks more like a zoo (in which case, please tell me those are the feeding cages)...

Yes, this circus often goes to other places to perform.
 I do not know anything about this cage, it may belong to the circus base camp, or the circus rented third-party temporary accommodation.

Rishi Offline
( This post was last modified: 02-01-2018, 03:07 PM by Rishi )

(02-01-2018, 01:57 AM)Amnon242 Wrote: asiatic

*This image is copyright of its original author

That's Jamvan.. & Ginni (cut mark on nose).

*This image is copyright of its original author

Brahma and Avaini, but which zoo?

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Israel Amnon242 Offline
Tiger Enthusiast

Rishi: Zoo Dvur Kralove (Czech republic)
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Netherlands peter Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact
( This post was last modified: 02-02-2018, 07:56 AM by peter )


What do you know about the Malayan tiger (post 1,147)?

Israel Amnon242 Offline
Tiger Enthusiast


30. 10. 2014

On Wednesday night, Thursday, a young male malaysian tiger Johann arrived at the zoo in Prague. If everything goes well, breeders will join Johann with the Prague female Banya, who has not yet given birth to any young.

"The Malay Tigers are currently only 17 in Europe, of which the overwhelming majority of them are close relatives. In our breed we have an unrelated male who, unfortunately, behaves aggressively against females, "says Pavel Brandl, the mammoth curator of the Prague Zoo.

The Prague Zoo decided, in cooperation with the Parc des Félins zoo in Nesles, France, to exchange one of their females Radja for their males and to create new breeding pairs. Both Banya and Radja should be given the opportunity to give birth to their first pups.

"In Prague Zoo, a new male should be seen in the exhibition from the second half of November. The connection with the female Banya will depend on her husband, but it is unlikely to happen until next year, "adds Pavel Brandl.

Malay tigers have been known for science since 2004, and as their name suggests, they are found only on the Malaysian peninsula, of about 700 individuals. The Prague Zoo is breeding since 2006, when the female Radja came from the zoo in Halle. A year later, female Banya followed, and last year, Kawi, who came from Lok Kawi Wildlife Park in Sabah (Borneo), arrived.
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Israel Amnon242 Offline
Tiger Enthusiast

12. 10. 2017

The larger male weighs 1.75 kg and is very vital. Uncertainty, however, persists with a smaller female whose arrival in the world was complicated. It now has a weight of 1.05 kg. Still not won.

The kitten's mother is eleven-year-old Banya, who has been in the Prague zoo since 2007. The father is a one year younger male Johann. The first offspring had a couple already this March, but the rearing failed because the chicks were too small and Banya was an inexperienced firstborn. This time her tiger care is exemplary.

Only 17 adult Maltese tigers live in Europe, and only two zoos have been able to boast so far. In addition, the last success date back to 2013. In the wild, the number of adults in this subspecies is estimated to range from 250 to 340.
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