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Lions of Sabi Sands

Guillermo94 Offline
Regular Member

(11-10-2024, 04:37 AM)Guillermo94 Wrote:
(11-10-2024, 04:17 AM)Ttimemarti Wrote: OH YES YES i remember this very odd but yeah i think this was the last time he was seen or any of them where seen with the Styx Pride unfortunately
Is sad. Own cubs were afraid. Never saw eachother again.

Styxt male lions is back with K12, but she was seen with Ndhzenga male lion.

Guillermo94 Offline
Regular Member

(11-10-2024, 12:10 AM)Ttimemarti Wrote: K12 reminds me a lot of I think it’s limping mhangeni but in a perfect world the ndzenga males would accept their son into their coalition but it’s a 0% chance that’ll happen but I’d like too see an interaction with him and one of his fathers/uncles

Ndhzenga male lions still in prime; I wonder if there is any chance. It would be good for young Kambula lions. It would be really good for everybody. Young male lion with younger Kambula male lions. Also young Sryxt male lion could help lions hunting help male lions lions.
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United Kingdom KM600 Offline

This fully confirms all three cubs are dead, let’s see if the next litter turns out any better.

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Philippines sunless Offline
Regular Member

Do read the latest blog about the Tsalala lioness in Londolozi blog it states that she did have a confrontation with the Ximhungwe pride.
Here is the link below:
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United Kingdom KM600 Offline

(11-11-2024, 06:57 PM)sunless Wrote: Do read the latest blog about the Tsalala lioness in Londolozi blog it states that she did have a confrontation with the Ximhungwe pride.
Here is the link below:

Damn so Ximhungwes killed atleast one cub each from Mhangenis and Tsalala Prides, which as sad as it is, such events are great for Ximhungwe Prides growth going forward.
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Poland NLAL11 Online
Senior Member

(11-11-2024, 07:08 PM)KM600 Wrote:
(11-11-2024, 06:57 PM)sunless Wrote: Do read the latest blog about the Tsalala lioness in Londolozi blog it states that she did have a confrontation with the Ximhungwe pride.
Here is the link below:

Damn so Ximhungwes killed atleast one cub each from Mhangenis and Tsalala Prides, which as sad as it is, such events are great for Ximhungwe Prides growth going forward.

Sounds like they might have killed both of the remaining cubs. And I've only just read the first Londolozi article, didn't realise she had a fight with the S. Avoca and Kruger males. Fair play to her, she could have got killed herself.

This is another reason it would be good if the Kambulas properly took over the north. It would probably cause the PC males to spend more time patrolling their existing territory and therefore better protecting the prides in it.
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United Kingdom KM600 Offline

(11-11-2024, 07:47 PM)NLAL11 Wrote:
(11-11-2024, 07:08 PM)KM600 Wrote:
(11-11-2024, 06:57 PM)sunless Wrote: Do read the latest blog about the Tsalala lioness in Londolozi blog it states that she did have a confrontation with the Ximhungwe pride.
Here is the link below:

Damn so Ximhungwes killed atleast one cub each from Mhangenis and Tsalala Prides, which as sad as it is, such events are great for Ximhungwe Prides growth going forward.

Sounds like they might have killed both of the remaining cubs. And I've only just read the first Londolozi article, didn't realise she had a fight with the S. Avoca and Kruger males. Fair play to her, she could have got killed herself.

This is another reason it would be good if the Kambulas properly took over the north. It would probably cause the PC males to spend more time patrolling their existing territory and therefore better protecting the prides in it.

I agree, it’s gonna be interesting how it plays out, PCMs will eventually go back North and try find Nkuhuma Pride, it’s just about how the Kambula males respond.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(11-11-2024, 08:31 PM)KM600 Wrote: PCMs will eventually go back North and try find Nkuhuma Pride

Not sure about that, NKs are back in estrus and mating, this time PCMs didnt show up there for that (or they did but got denied by Kambulas).

Once estrus is gone, theres less reason for PCMs to go there, unless 3 younger females come to estrus and they try to claim them.

Once NK cubs are born under Kambulas, it would be crazy decision to invade 4 territorial males in 2vs4.
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United Kingdom KM600 Offline

(11-11-2024, 09:59 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(11-11-2024, 08:31 PM)KM600 Wrote: PCMs will eventually go back North and try find Nkuhuma Pride

Not sure about that, NKs are back in estrus and mating, this time PCMs didnt show up there for that (or they did but got denied by Kambulas).

Once estrus is gone, theres less reason for PCMs to go there, unless 3 younger females come to estrus and they try to claim them.

Once NK cubs are born under Kambulas, it would be crazy decision to invade 4 territorial males in 2vs4.

I think they just been busy in the West and missed out on a lot of mating without really knowing about it. One of them being chased by S.Avoca and KM prolly didn’t help either, they now know how risky it is to go off by themselves. I’d hope this situation gets sorted out soon, the last thing we want is both PCMs going back North and not only chasing the Kambula males, but harassing the females too. If the females were to show signs on pregnancy in a month or two, no doubt they’d be killed.
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Georgia Dreadlocks Offline

20-25 days since Kambula males  start mating with Nkuhumas, looks like lionesses are in real estrus , Yesterday  K4 with NK lionesses roaring together (it means lionesses accepting them as a pride males). I think they are halfway become of dominant males of Nkuhuma pride. Only territorial patrol and marking left. It’s definitely interesting to watch and amazing because we have updates from northern sabisand lodges and wildearth live show.
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Friarfan619 Offline
Regular Member

The only male i can correctly identify lol.  Hope khayna talamati near his buddy
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Serbia Akiz97 Offline
New Join

(11-12-2024, 08:36 AM)Friarfan619 Wrote:

The only male i can correctly identify lol.  Hope khayna talamati near his buddy

NK and Khanya are so easy to identify, they have very unique looks. Love these two boys.
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Panama Mapokser Offline

Issue with Kambulas taking over the NK pride atm is that the 4 of them aren't on the same page.

Unless they come together to roar and patrol as 4 constantly, it's extremely unlikely this current "takeover" will work out.

K5 and K6 were just wandering somewhere and K5 got injured again. Hard to see him becoming fully territorial atm after taking beating after beating.

As things stand right now they may move randomly as smaller groups again or as the 4 of them, or get chased off by one of the duos visiting the North.

I hope they come together as a strong unit soon, I'm of the believe that currently, a big coalition may be what some areas in SS needs to get real stability, more males may abandon prides easier, but unlike duos, can also spend more time with everybody.
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Panama Mapokser Offline

So... Skorro Orpen back in Sabi Sands.

*This image is copyright of its original author

If he manage to go south and somehow join up/be accepted by NK/Talamati, it might be what they need to finally become territorial.

It's clear that as solo males or duos it's impossible, but as a 3 prime males coalition, suddenly they have a chance.
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Singapore Vengeous Offline

According to Elephant Plains Big 5 sightings, on 8 November they saw: "The Southern Avoca male lion and the Kruger male lion mating with two Nkuhuma lioness, at the junction of Cutline and Konkoni"...
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