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N'waswitshaka males

Rui Ferreira Offline
Regular Member

(10-18-2024, 03:56 PM)Vengeous Wrote:
(10-18-2024, 02:35 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote: OE vs Amahle:

Has Eorenji always had that groove on his spine/back?

Well spotted...
If it did I never noticed
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Panama Mapokser Offline

It's probably nothing tho.
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United States adamstocks16 Offline
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I think @Tr1x24 has mentioned this before but Eorenji really is such an underrated male. People always doubted him due to his size and keep referencing this during debates regarding Ndzhengas/PCM/Gijimas etc even myself have commented before about his small stature compared to most other dominant males.

Despite this, time and time again he proves himself to be a true fighter and it would even appear he has the upper hand over the more impressive Amahle most of the time, so what he lacks in size he more than makes up for in his aggression and attitude. Could actually draw some comparisons to the PCM’s as the smaller male gave Makhunga a couple of beatings a few months back when they were fighting over the Nkuhumas.
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Hairy tummy Offline
Senior Member

(10-19-2024, 12:55 AM)adamstocks16 Wrote: I think @Tr1x24 has mentioned this before but Eorenji really is such an underrated male. People always doubted him due to his size and keep referencing this during debates regarding Ndzhengas/PCM/Gijimas etc even myself have commented before about his small stature compared to most other dominant males.

Despite this, time and time again he proves himself to be a true fighter and it would even appear he has the upper hand over the more impressive Amahle most of the time, so what he lacks in size he more than makes up for in his aggression and attitude. Could actually draw some comparisons to the PCM’s as the smaller male gave Makhunga a couple of beatings a few months back when they were fighting over the Nkuhumas.
Mike tyson the boxer was only small,eorenji reminds me of him
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United States afortich Offline

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Fenix123 Offline
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1/2 ndhzenga roaring 

Credits to deonwesselsphotography 

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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
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OE in the north:

Based of WE guides, apperantly they chased of 2 Mantimahle sons off a kill in Torchwood.
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United States BA0701 Online
Super Moderator

(11-03-2024, 06:36 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote: OE in the north:

Based of WE guides, apperantly they chased of 2 Mantimahle sons off a kill in Torchwood.

Nwas will never cease to amaze me, in their strength and resilience. Just a couple of days ago we were discussing how the Mantimahles will be a hand full for the K4s, and here they come and take a kill from them.
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Panama Mapokser Offline

Wow, Ndhzengas chased the Mantimahles? And in Mantimahle-ish territory? ( certainly not Ndhzenga territory ).

People were hyping Mantimahle's as possibly the strongest duo where I was saying we don't know much about them and PCM were also seen in the same way until they met a strong duo.

I guess everybody may look like the strongest while dealing with nomads, reason why we should judge more based on how they interact with other dominant males.

Anyway, to think back in the day I didn't thought the Ndhzenga duo was very strong as I thought their strength was mostly in numbers and they had not had the opportunity to show how they perform in even numbers.

But here we are, they've made all Mantimahle sons run lol, from PCM to Nkhulu to Mantimahle jrs.

I actually shouldn't be surprised considering how Gijimas seems to respect them and I always thought Gijimas were the strongest.
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Poland NLAL11 Offline
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(11-03-2024, 08:07 PM)Mapokser Wrote: Wow, Ndhzengas chased the Mantimahles? And in Mantimahle-ish territory? ( certainly not Ndhzenga territory ).

People were hyping Mantimahle's as possibly the strongest duo where I was saying we don't know much about them and PCM were also seen in the same way until they met a strong duo.

I guess everybody may look like the strongest while dealing with nomads, reason why we should judge more based on how they interact with other dominant males.

Anyway, to think back in the day I didn't thought the Ndhzenga duo was very strong as I thought their strength was mostly in numbers and they had not had the opportunity to show how they perform in even numbers.

But here we are, they've made all Mantimahle sons run lol, from PCM to Nkhulu to Mantimahle jrs.

I actually shouldn't be surprised considering how Gijimas seems to respect them and I always thought Gijimas were the strongest.

For me it was the feeling/vibe I got from them, rather than anything they had specifically done. They gave the impression of being lions that you don't want to mess with.

But I guess the mean Mantimahtle stare didn't phase the Ndzengas. Mala Mala is prime territory, and tough to hold, and there must be a reason they've successfully held onto it for this long. I guess they've got that something that's a little harder to identify. Whatever it is, other duos seem reluctant to mess with them.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor
( This post was last modified: 11-03-2024, 09:36 PM by Tr1x24 )

Well, in these clashes over carcasses, advantage has the party who is ambushing, as lions who are ambushed are suprised and dont exactly know with who, or with how many lions they are dealing with.

So natural instinct in that moment is to flee.

Theres numerous examples where weaker and lions in less numbers chased stronger and larger group purley based of "ambush" factor.

For example how 2 Othawa sub females ambushed 5 Mhangeni adult females, and give chase, only to end up being chased themselves when Mhangenis realised with who they where dealing it.

Another point in these carcass clashes, is that lions who have the kill and are feeding on it, already eaten some of it, they are not as hungry as attacking party, meaning they have less reason to fight and risk injury/death and just move on.

Based of this 2 factors, in most cases, we are hearing more often that somebody overtakes carcass from someone, than that someone sucessfully defended the carcass, more often they just join.

Still impressive by Ndhzengas.
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United States BA0701 Online
Super Moderator

(11-03-2024, 09:33 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote: Well, in these clashes over carcasses, advantage has the party who is ambushing, as lions who are ambushed are suprised and dont exactly know with who, or with how many lions they are dealing with.

So natural instinct in that moment is to flee.

Theres numerous examples where weaker and lions in less numbers chased stronger and larger group purley based of "ambush" factor.

For example how 2 Othawa sub females ambushed 5 Mhangeni adult females, and give chase, only to end up being chased themselves when Mhangenis realised with who they where dealing it.

Another point in these carcass clashes, is that lions who have the kill and are feeding on it, already eaten some of it, they are not as hungry as attacking party, meaning they have less reason to fight and risk injury/death and just move on.

Based of this 2 factors, in most cases, we are hearing more often that somebody overtakes carcass from someone, than that someone sucessfully defended the carcass, more often they just join.

Still impressive by Ndhzengas.

Young Othawas was the first such scenario that popped in my head. However, in their case they were so young, they literally had no idea what they were doing, they saw food, and other lions and decided to join them, not knowing the danger they were actually putting themselves in, or that their actions could result in causing the Manghenis to flee, in the process. The Nwas do understand, they had an opportunity to observe the situation from afar, while the Mantimahles had no idea they were even there, and still chose to charge in. Does this mean that Nwas are stronger? Of course not, but it shows a calculated decision to confront two very large males, to take what they had, knowing full well that it may result in a fight.

Couldn't agree more, very impressive by them.
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Guillermo94 Offline
Regular Member

(11-03-2024, 09:11 PM)NLAL11 Wrote:
(11-03-2024, 08:07 PM)Mapokser Wrote: Wow, Ndhzengas chased the Mantimahles? And in Mantimahle-ish territory? ( certainly not Ndhzenga territory ).

People were hyping Mantimahle's as possibly the strongest duo where I was saying we don't know much about them and PCM were also seen in the same way until they met a strong duo.

I guess everybody may look like the strongest while dealing with nomads, reason why we should judge more based on how they interact with other dominant males.

Anyway, to think back in the day I didn't thought the Ndhzenga duo was very strong as I thought their strength was mostly in numbers and they had not had the opportunity to show how they perform in even numbers.

But here we are, they've made all Mantimahle sons run lol, from PCM to Nkhulu to Mantimahle jrs.

I actually shouldn't be surprised considering how Gijimas seems to respect them and I always thought Gijimas were the strongest.

For me it was the feeling/vibe I got from them, rather than anything they had specifically done. They gave the impression of being lions that you don't want to mess with.

But I guess the mean Mantimahtle stare didn't phase the Ndzengas. Mala Mala is prime territory, and tough to hold, and there must be a reason they've successfully held onto it for this long. I guess they've got that something that's a little harder to identify. Whatever it is, other duos seem reluctant to mess with them.

I do not understand what is hard to identify? A lot of comments I had read is the size and numbers of male lions. Ndhzenga are prime experienced lions. Also the manes the better and the nicer the manes; it can show the status of a male lion. Ndhzenga male lions have black manes and physically they look fit. Ndhzenga male lion have very black manes they look like strong male lions.

Australia Horizon Offline
Regular Member

Ndhzengas looking in pristine condition.
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Panama Mapokser Offline
( This post was last modified: 11-05-2024, 08:04 AM by Mapokser )

@NLAL11 Thing about the Ndhzengas, I think, is that they don't chicken out to anyone.

Most males will be reluctant to keep charging until they come to blows, if the other lions are also charging.

The lion instincts will be like "hey if these lions are charging at us they must be strong and dangerous, otherwise they'd be running, so I better run myself".

Even the PCM who are males that liked to act this way, charging without a second thought to intimidate the opposition, and seemed confident in a fight, being big and powerful, were like "damn they are charging back, maybe we should be more cautious here."

Ndhzengas are just way too confident, if they don't deteriorate soon and aren't unlucky to get caught alone, I find it difficult to see them getting ousted if not being outnumbered, they can remain in power until their current offspring are independent.

Still, these very bold and confident males are also the ones who usually get caught and killed. Like, if PCM or Mantimahle had held their ground until they forced a fight, then suddenly in a brawl, things would be tough against such big, strong lions.

Still these Ndhzengas probably won't abandon each other and in a 2v2, even if they get dominated in the fight, they aren't likely getting killed or badly injured. 1v1 fights between lions rarely end up with serious injuries.
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