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Lions of Sabi Sands

Ngonya Offline

(06-25-2023, 11:16 PM)Mapokser Wrote: I'm watching this video here and it's claimed the West Street Males are the fathers of the Split Rock males ( Scar & Tyson ), is this true?

I'm not an expert, but I've never read reports about, nor any kind of claims from guides... It could be just another assumption without basis in something to exalt the west street lineage, which is already the most notorious to ever step foot in sabi sand
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Hungary Lipstick2 Offline
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 06-26-2023, 01:49 AM by Lipstick2 )

(06-25-2023, 11:16 PM)Mapokser Wrote: I'm watching this video here and it's claimed the West Street Males are the fathers of the Split Rock males ( Scar & Tyson ), is this true?

Don't think so. The Split Rocks were born before the West Street Males have arrived in Sabi Sands around mid of 90's. And they were born in the western parts of SS where WSM weren't appeared it is assumed (and was at least a 4 males' coalition originally when they started their own lives). Probably it's just a wrong assumption which occured regularly by this channel. The Rollercoaster males could be their first sons/descendants most probably in SS as they were born after the WSM's arrival.
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BigLion39 Offline
Senior Member

(06-25-2023, 11:16 PM)Mapokser Wrote: I'm watching this video here and it's claimed the West Street Males are the fathers of the Split Rock males ( Scar & Tyson ), is this true?

That dude has many videos with tons of incorrect info. He has been corrected many times but fails to correct anything. He used to be a member here. He was just banned a few short months ago. His handle here was "Leo Aslan"  (I think thats the spelling of his last name?)
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Robot00 Offline
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 06-26-2023, 11:39 AM by Robot00 )

I really want to believe him on this because ive been longing for the mapogos males sons reappearance but i havent found any supporting evidence this is true. So sad on the othawa boys and these Ximhungwe (if true)

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Ttimemarti Offline
Senior Member

Is it time to make a southern pride page? 2 Strong Dominant Males the Gijima Males 3 Females 2 are pregnant I don’t think they’re 3 years old tho and 3 young cubs. Do the gijima males have names?
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lionuk Offline

"Watching the Southern Pride over the past few weeks has been exciting with the new cubs. One of the younger females is also pregnant and ready to give birth any day, which led us to think of how incredible the older Southern Pride female is. She was a first-time mother, alone with her two now older cubs. She raised them to be strong, independent hunters just as she is.

We now watch this young female about to walk the same path as her mother in giving birth for the first time and raising her cubs. She sits fearless, staring into the darkness, a new unknown adventure awaits, and we just know she will be an incredible mother too. The future of the Southern Pride is in good paws."

Note: That expectant female isn't 3 years old yet; she was born in late August 2020. Hopefully her mother will act as a mentor to help her with upcoming cubs. 

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Serbia criollo2mil Offline

(06-27-2023, 10:45 AM)Ttimemarti Wrote: Is it time to make a southern pride page? 2 Strong Dominant Males the Gijima Males 3 Females 2 are pregnant I don’t think they’re 3 years old tho and 3 young cubs. Do the gijima males have names?

No individual names. Southern SS reserves seldom name individual lions. Reserves as a whole very very seldom name individuals. Social media are usually who do that
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United States afortich Online

King S8/Imbali

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Serbia criollo2mil Offline
( This post was last modified: 06-28-2023, 06:56 AM by criollo2mil )

Londolozi Blog:  The New Male On The Block- The Skorro Young Male

Just a point of clarity,,,,I believe he was born in 2018.   The Orpen did not control the Pride until then.   Not 2017.  

Excerpt: “ Who is this Male?
A young and very impressive male known as the Skorro Breakaway Male or the Skorro Young Male. Born into and therefore originating from the Skorro Pride in the northern parts of the Timbavati Game Reserve (close to 100km north of us). From what we have been able to piece together, he was born in 2017 and is believed to have been sired by the two Orpen Males. Upon reaching maturity he left the pride alongside a slightly younger male littermate and two sisters/female littermates and one adult female. It is believed that the brother was killed by the Mbiri Males, one sister disappeared and the other along with the adult female then rejoined the Skorro Pride, leaving this male to roam south into the Sabi Sand Nature Reserve alone in search of a territory of his own.”

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Tonpa Offline

Sand River Pride
  • Two separate sightings of members of this pride were had on the last day of the month. One lioness with one small cub were south of Charleston Rock, while two lionesses from this pride were south of Trollip’s Camp. With the arrival of the Nkuhlu males in the southern parts of the area this pride has been splintered up with reports of the fractured pride all over Toulon and southern Charleston. The Nkuhlu males have also killed a few lions with their arrival. However, at this stage it is still unclear if these were from the Sand River Pride or the Styx Pride. 
Tsalala/Marthly Pride
  • The Marthly lioness has kept a low profile this month and was only seen once resting in the Manyeleti River at Kigelia Crossing on the 12th 
Torchwood Pride (Breakaway?)
  • Four females and seven cubs from this pride and two of the males from the Kruger moved south from Clarendon (30 April) to Fourways open area on the 1st. This was the last confirmed sighting of these lions. However, two other groupings of lions were viewed in eastern MalaMala and Flockfield later in the month that we were unable to identify with certainty. There is always the possibility these lions could be from this pride, but the compositions don’t match what we have come accustomed to seeing. 
Black Dam Males
  • The Black Dam males have been spending a fair amount of time in the northern parts of MalaMala and have often been seen around the Molwathi river mating with one of the Kambula lionesses.
Unknown Pride A -  2 adult lionesses and three male cubs (± 1 YEAR 6 MONTHS)
  • A small pride of lions comprising of two adult lionesses, one older lioness and one younger and three young males from two litters around 18 months old appeared around Paddy’s Pools this month. On the 9th they were west of Paddy’s Pools where they chased the Ottawa pack of Cape hunting dogs that walked into them unexpectantly. The Island female was also in the area and its unknown whether the lions had treed her, and she took the gap when the lions were occupied in chasing the Cape hunting dogs. The second sighting of these lions was on the 19th when they were south of Paddy’s Pools. Although we only recorded two sightings of this pride it is more than likely they spent more time in this area after an influx of prey species into this area after a green flush of grass after burning in this area. Initially it was thought this was the Fourways pride. However, these lions were very relaxed with our presence and the Fourways Pride is understandably weary at first.
Unknown Pride B - 4 adult females and four cubs (± 5 MONTHS)
  • This pride was found on a giraffe kill south of the Kapen River west of the KNP break on the 24th. The pride had come from Paddy’s Pools, and they had been joined by a male. The lions fed on the giraffe until the 28th. At first it was thought these were the lions that had been seen around Paddy’s Pools Compiled by the Rangers of MalaMala Game Reserve previously. However, they were weary of our presence, the three young males were not present and after better views of the lionesses they were not the same lions. The weary behaviour of these lions is more in line with what we are used to with the Fourways pride. 
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Korea, Republic of veritas Offline

For two months, I started a new business and was too busy. I came to the forum after a long time and read all the pages. 

Thanks to all the forum members who post info!

 What I was most worried about was the Ottawa girls and Tumbella Scorro. 

Fortunately they seem to be still alive but I'm still unsure if they've become a duo with NK.

 Is Tumbella currently in Sabi Sands?

I hope Tumbella and NK become a duo with strong solidarity. Is there any chance that the new Skorro (Oppen's son?) will join and become a union of three?

 I don't want the descendants of Old Skorro, the father of Tumbella, the legendary hunter, to die. 

Of course, nature is cold, but...

NK lived such a harsh life. I'm sorry NK lost all their partners. Please pray that they will move to areas where competition is not fierce and settle anew.

Thank you, friends!!?
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Korea, Republic of veritas Offline
( This post was last modified: 06-29-2023, 01:15 AM by veritas )

(06-29-2023, 12:25 AM)veritas Wrote: If this post needs to be moved to another forum, please do so. I just saw a picture of Tumbela Skorro JR on Facebook.

I share it here.

ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡㅡ 

For two months, I started a new business and was too busy. I came to the forum after a long time and read all the pages. 

Thanks to all the forum members who post info!

 What I was most worried about was the Ottawa girls and Tumbella Scorro. 

Fortunately they seem to be still alive but I'm still unsure if they've become a duo with NK.

 Is Tumbella currently in Sabi Sands?

I hope Tumbella and NK become a duo with strong solidarity. Is there any chance that the new Skorro (Oppen's son?) will join and become a union of three?

 I don't want the descendants of Old Skorro, the father of Tumbella, the legendary hunter, to die. 

Of course, nature is cold, but...

NK lived such a harsh life. I'm sorry NK lost all their partners. Please pray that they will move to areas where competition is not fierce and settle anew.

Thank you, friends!!?

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Poland Potato Offline

(06-29-2023, 12:24 AM)Tonpa Wrote: Sand River Pride
I though with this report we will get to know which lionesses has been killed by Nkhulu males, but it seems it is still not clear and probably we will have to wait for next month Mala Mala raport.
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Poland Potato Offline

(06-29-2023, 12:25 AM)veritas Wrote:  Is Tumbella currently in Sabi Sands?
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

Tumbela and NK still together :

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