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Lions of Sabi Sands

RookiePundit Offline
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(03-31-2022, 03:47 AM)WildRev Wrote: The new males are as lucky as Ubuso, with the arrival of Amahle and Eorenji and Gore's help they could have been injured or worse, one could have been caught and killed easily.

Yeah, it reminded me how Majingilanes crippled Selati by curbing their numbers right at the start. These three were more lucky (also that Ndzhenga are not Majingilanes).
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RookiePundit Offline
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(03-31-2022, 03:31 AM)Duco Ndona Wrote: The Othawas are overrated. All thIs bloodline talk makes it seem like they are superlions, but so far it didn't amount to much. Just ordinary lions doing ordinary lion stuff.
And disappearing without a trace is part of that.


I think we need to keep in mind that if both the attacks on Gore and Widenose went differently, they would be down to two. And as amateuristic as people may call it. Picking of the members one by one is a very viable strategy. So I think the Nwaswitshakas coming out on top today was more down to luck than strategy.

Them being split up among multiple prides severely played against them. Had those males ran into the prides. Things would have gotten very ugly with only Gore there for protection. And if these new males keep pressurising them in the south, forcing the Nwaswitshakas to stay there as a group. It will leave the Kambulas vulnerable again.

The next couple of weeks we will see what strategy they will take and how this will affect the various prides under their control.

The Kambula with the cubs might have more breathing room for a while.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
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( This post was last modified: 03-31-2022, 12:47 PM by Tr1x24 )

(03-31-2022, 03:31 AM)Duco Ndona Wrote: I think we need to keep in mind that if both the attacks on Gore and Widenose went differently, they would be down to two. And as amateuristic as people may call it. Picking of the members one by one is a very viable strategy. So I think the Nwaswitshakas coming out on top today was more down to luck than strategy.

Them being split up among multiple prides severely played against them. Had those males ran into the prides. Things would have gotten very ugly with only Gore there for protection. And if these new males keep pressurising them in the south, forcing the Nwaswitshakas to stay there as a group. It will leave the Kambulas vulnerable again.

Stop pls with that "N'ws are split between prides" narrative, they are not more split then any other coalitions. Lions in bigger coalitions are not always together. Mapogos where split, Majingilanes where split, Matimbas where split, Bboys where split, Selatis where split, N. Avocas where split etc.

They dont have too much prides or too big of a territory, this is normal and average for coalition of 4 males. 

Them catching Wide Nose is more of a luck to them as he is limping and cant run away, and even then they couldn't kill him in a 3 vs 1, rest of N'ws reacted very fast, which means they where close by and ready.
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WildRev Offline
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( This post was last modified: 03-31-2022, 01:20 PM by WildRev )

N'was chased 2/3 new males until Londolozi
Credit : mademoiselleaurele
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Duco Ndona Offline

I never said its impossible. But to deny it doesnt complicate things and suggesting its just as easy as protecting one pride is really burrying the head in the sand.

Afteral, this is the third group in a short time that is exploiting the fact that except for Gore, the Nwaswitshakas are spending more time at the Kambulas now. And the third conflict between them and other lions.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
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(03-31-2022, 01:18 PM)WildRev Wrote: N'was chased 2/3 new males until Londolozi
Credit : mademoiselleaurele

Wow, they chased them deeper in Sabi Sands. 

3 Young males are now scattered thru whole Sabi Sands, doesn't look good for them, as they might have hard time to regruop in unfamilliar area.

Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(03-31-2022, 01:24 PM)Duco Ndona Wrote: I never said its impossible. But to deny it doesnt complicate things and suggesting its just as easy as protecting one pride is really burrying the head in the sand.

Its not as easy as protecting 1 pride, but no 4 male coalition will control only 1 pride, especially as they already have 2 prides with cubs and no mating females. I named you all recent coalitions in Sabi Sands who controled multiple prides and some had even bigger territory then N'ws, those coalitions where also spread thru prides, thats how those coalitions work and thats the whole point of a coalition, to be able to control more prides and larger territory. 

So saying that N'ws are doing something wrong, that they are spread or idk, is false. They behave like every other bigger coalition behaves. 

(03-31-2022, 01:24 PM)Duco Ndona Wrote: Afteral, this is the third group in a short time that is exploiting the fact that except for Gore, the Nwaswitshakas are spending more time at the Kambulas now. And the third conflict between them and other lions

3rd gruop and conflict? Gore's encounter with nomadic DM at the carcass is hardly a conflict, and idk about any other conflict until this. 

Even before N'ws pushed north, nomads like Styx and Nkuhuma, PC boys, Othawa boys and Kambula boys where often seen hanging in and near their territory. 
Theres no coalition who can keep their territory clean from nomads and intruders 24/7, as these nomads keep low profile and dominant males dont even know they are there, unless they found their scent or directly see them. These youngsters made some noise and N'ws responded immidiately. 

Males are not patroling 24/7 in search for intruders, they actually have others stuff to do like mating, hunting, eating and sleeping.
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Duco Ndona Offline

If they regroup there, Londolozi should give them plenty of choices if it comes to prides and rival groups.

On the east, they can try the Mangheni and PCmales, if they are around. 
In the north they can take on the Avocas and Nkuhuma and Talamaties. 
And in the west, they can go for the Kambulas. Even though that would put them again in a conflict with the Nwas. I dont think they know they rule a pride there aswell.
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Duco Ndona Offline

(03-31-2022, 01:56 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(03-31-2022, 01:24 PM)Duco Ndona Wrote: I never said its impossible. But to deny it doesnt complicate things and suggesting its just as easy as protecting one pride is really burrying the head in the sand.

Its not as easy as protecting 1 pride, but no 4 male coalition will control only 1 pride, especially as they already have 2 prides with cubs and no mating females. I named you all recent coalitions in Sabi Sands who controled multiple prides and some had even bigger territory then N'ws, those coalitions where also spread thru prides, thats how those coalitions work and thats the whole point of a coalition, to be able to control more prides and larger territory. 

So saying that N'ws are doing something wrong, that they are spread or idk, is false. They behave like every other bigger coalition behaves. 

(03-31-2022, 01:24 PM)Duco Ndona Wrote: Afteral, this is the third group in a short time that is exploiting the fact that except for Gore, the Nwaswitshakas are spending more time at the Kambulas now. And the third conflict between them and other lions

3rd gruop and conflict? Gore's encounter with nomadic DM at the carcass is hardly a conflict, and idk about any other conflict until this. 

Even before N'ws pushed north, nomads like Styx and Nkuhuma, PC boys, Othawa boys and Kambula boys where often seen hanging in and near their territory. 
Theres no coalition who can keep their territory clean from nomads and intruders 24/7, as these nomads keep low profile and dominant males dont even know they are there, unless they found their scent or directly see them. These youngsters made some noise and N'ws responded immidiately. 

Males are not patroling 24/7 in search for intruders, they actually have others stuff to do like mating, hunting, eating and sleeping.

True, but those groups typically kept their head low. What we are seeing now is them being openly harassed by such groups. What these nomadic lions saw is that until yesterday, it was mostly a lone male guarding in the region. And they took their chances.

Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor
( This post was last modified: 03-31-2022, 10:35 PM by Tr1x24 )

Throwback to Styx young male, sired by Rollercoaster males, his sister is still alive in Styx pride today, she is 14 yrs old :

When we look about Styx pride males legacy, they where really unucky in the past 15 - 20 yrs or so, with only 1 male reaching to being territorial male, which is Long Mane Styx, who also had tough life himself.

Is there any info if Styx pride had some young males before Rollercoaster era, in early 2000s and 90s?
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United Kingdom Mabingilane Offline
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( This post was last modified: 03-31-2022, 11:38 PM by Mabingilane )

(03-31-2022, 10:27 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote: When we look about Styx pride males legacy, they where really unucky in the past 15 - 20 yrs or so, with only 1 male reaching to being territorial male, which is Long Mane Styx, who also had tough life himself.

Is there any info if Styx pride had some young males before Rollercoaster era, in early 2000s and 90s?

This young male was my favorite young male at the time. To see him survive through takeovers and the mapogos etc was so scary. 
If he survived to adulthood, he would have been a beast! 

He went through some hideous injuries and was so tenacious against fully grown males like Scarnose while trying to feed. We used to call him "Mr Styx" back in the day. 

Him, Sizananis and Shaka Junior were the first young males i learned about that made me realize how tough young sub adult males have it. 

Great find!
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

Folks on instagram are saying that 2 new young males reunited after yesterday's chase by OE and Amahle thru Londolozi, and based on todays morning sighting and report from Sabi Sabi, N'ws pushed them further south. So 2 N'ws where chasing them from MalaMala, thru Londolozi and all the way back to Sabi Sabi and south, thats insane. 

Not sure where is 3rd young male, who was seen with WideNose, he prob kept low profile and is trying to locate his 2 brothers.
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Poland Potato Offline

(04-01-2022, 12:27 AM)Tr1x24 Wrote: Not sure where is 3rd young male, who was seen with WideNose
Wasn't the intial raport saying that 2 were chassed west into Londolozi and one to the south? They should be on the way to reunite.
(04-01-2022, 12:27 AM)Tr1x24 Wrote: he prob kept low profile and is trying to locate his 2 brothers.

Even at the Mala Mala's video when he was recorded with Wide Nose pursuing him he was contact calling.
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Canada Mdz123 Offline

Nkuhuma pride
Posted by Elephant Plains

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sik94 Offline

Had a weird dream last night. The three intruders killed Mohawk and the Mhangeni's beat one of the PCs within an inch of death, and you're all having a meltdown how all this happened. Haha
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