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N'waswitshaka males

WildRev Offline
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( This post was last modified: 11-26-2021, 05:39 PM by WildRev )


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WildRev Offline
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RookiePundit Offline
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Yeah, Ubosu accumulated so many markers how to diferentiate him from others. He has the wider nose (the original thing), his size if you have antyhing to compare is unlike Eorenji who is smaller, nor Gore who is thinner and not so filled out, blonder mane unlike Amahle (I think they are quite similar, Ubosu is maybe bit taller, but Amahle is really tanky, broad and with filled out frem, top condition evidence by his mane) Ubuso also has worn out lower right canine and his front left paw causing him to limp but the injury itself is very distinctive in how it bends almost 90 degree outwards when he puts weight on it. But he can keep up with proved by the footage of him Eorenji and Amahle running towards Avoca roaring. He however could not keep up with Eorenji in that Mala Mala footage, probably as a result of a clash with Avocas, limping heavily. Hopefully a temporary thing, however him staying back in Londolozi to mate with Kambula is a bold and risky move if his mobility is still compromised. Such a shame he won't be rewarded for it with cubs as it seems it is the infertile Kambula 6 again.
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WildRev Offline
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( This post was last modified: 11-28-2021, 03:02 AM by WildRev )

Ubuso, date unknown
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T I N O Offline

If we talk about similar appearance between the four N'waswitshaka male. Eorenji and Amahle are the two who resemblances more each-other. Thus, they're most likely littermates.
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RookiePundit Offline
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Yeah, Amahle and Eorenji resemble each other quite a lot, might have at least one parent in common, if not being actual full brothers which would mean littermates ofc. For those reasons one would hope Ubuso and to lesser extent Gore would do more than their fair share in NW's reproduction, just for the diversity of the gene pool. On the other hand the former two seem to express carrying beneficial ("strong") genes which might be better for general health of the population (especially if that would involve some kind of resistence towards bovine TB as we ate just discussing this illnes in another thread; but we will never know, obviously if such a genetic predisposition appears, hopefully individuals carrying that (if not tied to any drawbacks) would reproduce well).

And ofc while I wasn't the biggest fan of Amahle's looks at first he grew up into an impressive photogenic specimen, would be nice if among their sons, some would repeat at least some of those features (although state of the mane is influenced by genaral health condition a lot in the first place). But that is what i like about them, NWs, that each is distinctively different, not just by looks but also by temperament (Eorenji in paritcular has his grumpy side and seems to be a frontrunner never wanting to miss a fight). Not that there is anything wrong with more uniform coalitions like PC males so far or Southern Avocas for example.
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Canada Mdz123 Offline

Styx pride
Credits: Dean Wessels
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WildRev Offline
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@Mdz123 it's not the Styx pride, this picture was taken in chitwa chitwa which is northern sabi sands in the n.avocas's territory.
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Canada Mdz123 Offline

(11-30-2021, 05:24 AM)WildRev Wrote: @Mdz123 it's not the Styx pride, this picture was taken in chitwa chitwa which is northern sabi sands in the n.avocas's territory.

Thanks for the clarification.
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WildRev Offline
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( This post was last modified: 12-02-2021, 02:32 PM by WildRev )

Eorenji and kambula lioness, no date given but most likely few weeks ago

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WildRev Offline
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Gore looking good
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WildRev Offline
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'We found one of the N'waswishaka male lions shortly after leaving the lodge. He was resting underneath the shade of a small tree at first and then when it began to cool down, he started to move and called searching of the rest of his coalition.'
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WildRev Offline
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( This post was last modified: 12-03-2021, 02:11 PM by WildRev )

N'waswitshakas's sister and her cub on the 2nd; 3rd; 4th; 7th and 8th pictures,  fathers are either the n''was or the s.avocas in my opinion. 
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WildRev Offline
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( This post was last modified: 12-03-2021, 05:32 PM by WildRev )

'We followed the tracks of two male lions for quite some time, and then decided to stop for a sundowner in the hopes that as the day cooled, we might hear them vocalising and pinpoint their location... and we were not disappointed. Shortly after leaving our sundowner spot, we heard one of the N'waswishaka male lions vocalising and found him with one of his coalition calling right behind him'
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WildRev Offline
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Ubuso and Eorenji 
Photo credits @flyingliger

*This image is copyright of its original author

According to @lion_sabisands' story, it was yesterday at malamala
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