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Your wildlife experience in India

United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 12-25-2018, 09:15 PM by Rishi )

I'm leaving today to go to India finally! I'll update sightings and expierences here and once my photos are uploaded and sorted through, I'll post them here as well. Keeping my fingers crossed for great sightings and stories.
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sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact
( This post was last modified: 04-30-2017, 11:48 AM by sanjay )

Great Pckts, I wish you good luck with tiger sighting. I hope you will write your whole trip experience here,
We are waiting, finger crossed !
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Rishi Offline

(04-29-2017, 06:44 PM)Pckts Wrote: I'm leaving today to go to India finally! I'll update sightings and expierences here and once my photos are uploaded and sorted through, I'll post them here as well. Keeping my fingers crossed for great sightings and stories.

Don't worry much about sightings.. Enjoy the visit & travel well!!!  Happy
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Roflcopters Offline
Modern Tiger Expert

Enjoy your trip pckts!
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

A quick update since I rarely get wifi.

Great shots of a sloth bear and leopard.
Saw daveado male and shots of the female 
Got some shots of the naveado male sub adult
Shots of choti Tara and her Cubs 

Couldn't spot any of the big males in touria but got amazing shots of the 3 sub adults and mother together, they're father is handsome male, in khusapar.

Info on male tiger size in pench-
BMW and raiyakassa are the same size but all males pale in comparison to Tarzan. Every guide says the same.

Next up is Kahna and I'm really hoping to snap some shots of a large male but we shall see, it's very difficult.
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 05-08-2017, 04:02 AM by Pckts )

No tiger luck in Kahna so far but I'm about to go back into mukki zone this morning then sarhi this afternoon. Kahna is massive and beautiful, very different from Tadoba and pench. 
One quick note, a group who we befriended was lucky enough to spot BMW with in a few feet then yesterday they were in the border of kisli and sarhi and saw a mating pair. It was Ronda and the mountain female (no known name) and she's big, but he dwarfed her, I saw the video. I asked about him compared to BMW since they saw both right next to the gypsy, they said ronda male absolutely dwarfs BMW as well!
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Rishi Offline
( This post was last modified: 05-08-2017, 08:11 AM by Rishi )

(05-08-2017, 04:01 AM)Pckts Wrote: No tiger luck in Kahna so far but I'm about to go back into mukki zone this morning then sarhi this afternoon. Kahna is massive and beautiful, very different from Tadoba and pench. 
One quick note, a group who we befriended was lucky enough to spot BMW with in a few feet then yesterday they were in the border of kisli and sarhi and saw a mating pair. It was Ronda and the mountain female (no known name) and she's big, but he dwarfed her, I saw the video. I asked about him compared to BMW since they saw both right next to the gypsy, they said ronda male absolutely dwarfs BMW as well!

Sounds awesome!!! But wouldn't they share atleast a few of those pics??
Maybe you could try befriending them a bit more, or show them the forum maybe...  Wicked
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United States Garfield Offline
( This post was last modified: 05-08-2017, 08:56 PM by Garfield )

(05-06-2017, 11:18 AM)Pckts Wrote: A quick update since I rarely get wifi.

Great shots of a sloth bear and leopard.
Saw daveado male and shots of the female 
Got some shots of the naveado male sub adult
Shots of choti Tara and her Cubs 

Couldn't spot any of the big males in touria but got amazing shots of the 3 sub adults and mother together, they're father is handsome male, in khusapar.

Info on male tiger size in pench-
BMW and raiyakassa are the same size but all males pale in comparison to Tarzan. Every guide says the same.

Next up is Kahna and I'm really hoping to snap some shots of a large male but we shall see, it's very difficult.

Hey bro cool, is that expensive cuz Ive never been out of the country, but yeh if you can get some pics of the Asian lions do that, cuz they gut some mad ones running amuck now all over India.
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 05-08-2017, 01:08 PM by Pckts )

I saw a ton of pics and videos from them, they've been super helpful. In Kahna you must go to the zones you paid for. I'm about to go on our next safari and had no luck in mukki again Thisbe morning but got some cool info. We're going to the area they told us to go today and if we're lucky, we'll see the same sightings.

Info on Kahna tiger size:
Bheema was larger than kingfisher
Chotta Munna is almost the same size as bheema, slightly smaller
Ronda is much larger than bheema and t1 is even larger than him.
Munna in his prime was much larger than bheema
t67 I believe, I forget how to spell his name is also massive.
Umarpani isn't seen by many so not much info on his size
All info was from guides and drivers from Kahna.

Waghdoh was larger than Munna in his prime. Same size at the shoulder but waghdoh is longer and thicker but Munna was massive as well, just goes to show how big waghdoh actually was. This comes from my personal guide who's seen both many times. Waghdoh was probably a 272kg + tiger.

I'll pm you payment info but lions aren't seen outside of gir and unless you specifically go there you will not see them anywhere else in India.
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SuSpicious Offline

(05-08-2017, 01:06 PM)Pckts Wrote: I saw a ton of pics and videos from them, they've been super helpful. In Kahna you must go to the zones you paid for. I'm about to go on our next safari and had no luck in mukki again Thisbe morning but got some cool info. We're going to the area they told us to go today and if we're lucky, we'll see the same sightings.

Info on Kahna tiger size:
Bheema was larger than kingfisher
Chotta Munna is almost the same size as bheema, slightly smaller
Ronda is much larger than bheema and t1 is even larger than him.
Munna in his prime was much larger than bheema
t67 I believe, I forget how to spell his name is also massive.
Umarpani isn't seen by many so not much info on his size
All info was from guides and drivers from Kahna.

Waghdoh was larger than Munna in his prime. Same size at the shoulder but waghdoh is longer and thicker but Munna was massive as well, just goes to show how big waghdoh actually was. This comes from my personal guide who's seen both many times. Waghdoh was probably a 272kg + tiger.

I'll pm you payment info but lions aren't seen outside of gir and unless you specifically go there you will not see them anywhere else in India.
@Pckts  Lovely info. Wow this information has totally surprised me.

1. We all saw the picture of KF's dead body and he looked as large as anyone. And here if Bhima is larger than him than that's cherry on the top.
2. Munna in his prime was much larger than bheema - I am not sure about the word much here. coz that would make munna a 300 kg tiger since Bheema weighed 225 kg at 3 years old as far as i remember. anyways great info.
3. Yes we all know Waghdoh was always doubt about it.
4. Ronda, t1 and t67- can anyone please post more info about these three here. would be helpful for me
5. Umarpani not seen by many. but I don't think that's needed. That guy killed both bhima and KF. I can bet on it he is the most determined and as of now one of the biggest tiger in Kanha.
6. Chota Munna and Bheema for me were quite evenly matched anyways and so is there size.

7. Many of us have always believed that in Central India Kanha Males are the largest even after seeing the pench and tadoba males (keeping prime Waghdoh aside). Info by pckts has only helped in making this case stronger. But here is what is more exciting for me. By photographs also Kanha Males and Waghdoh looked every bit that they are. In that case I have no doubt whatsoever that in Kaziranga and Terai not few but many 280 kg+ beasts are roaming because they even dwarf kanha males both in pics and as described by people.

Also @Pckts thanks for the great info and please post any pics if possible. would be great to see some tigers from Kanha and Pench.
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sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact

Nice information Pckts,

To all other, Pckts is still in India and he has problem with internet. Once he will be back to his home, He will add images. So be patience and wait for it
His posting of africa is already one of the best thread
Look the detail of his 2 Trip
His Africa trip -
His Grand Canyon trip -

I encourage other to post their trips.
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Great news....
Ronda spotted!!!!!
I got so many shots of him plus he was roaring loud and he's a huge beautiful male.
Got word from my guide who's seen Munna many times and said Ronda and Munna are evenly matched, maybe slight edge to Munna in his prime. The driver and guide both said Ronda is about the same size as bheema or Munna. Pretty much it's  way to hard to determine who's larger in Kahna, all the males here are large. Also, matkasur male is about the same size as ronda as well, per My personal guide.
I also got a great shot of a huge male Gaur a few feet away from me.
Once I'm back in the states I'll make sure to post about each location with photos in full.
My final safari is tomorrow morning in Kahna zone, hopefully my luck continues.
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Just finished my final safari in Kahna in the Kahna zone and what a way to finish.
I spotted the absolutely massive link 8 female, sloth bear and huge guard bull.
I got some great shots of link 8.

Got a little more info on some tiger sizes as well.
Munna and katezari are both close in size and both a little larger than the Ronda male I spotted. Umarpani was spotted yesterday, we just missed him. He's a very large boy, larger than Ronda as well.
Now begins my long, long journey home. I'll update with photos and stories once I'm back and settled.
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United States Garfield Offline

(05-09-2017, 10:16 AM)Pckts Wrote: Just finished my final safari in Kahna in the Kahna zone and what a way to finish.
I spotted the absolutely massive link 8 female, sloth bear and huge guard bull.
I got some great shots of link 8.

Got a little more info on some tiger sizes as well.
Munna and katezari are both close in size and both a little larger than the Ronda male I spotted. Umarpani was spotted yesterday, we just missed him. He's a very large boy, larger than Ronda as well.
Now begins my long, long journey home. I'll update with photos and stories once I'm back and settled.

Dis is sweet dude keep ita up, would be great to see the pics, Ida becareful tho, cuz u never no when one of these beast might lunge outa a thicket or something and hall some ppl down.  U see any of these sloth bears fight any tigers, would be cool, ask some natives there maybe they seen somthin.
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Rishi Offline
( This post was last modified: 05-09-2017, 06:42 PM by Rishi )

My cousin intends go go to Kanha in June..Plz suggest which range has been doing good this year.
(Poor sod never had a proper close-up sighting, i don't really wanna see him disappointed this time too)
Also is morning&evening safari on same day allowed in same zone..??
Thnx in advance.
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