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Yellowstone Wolf Directory

TheNormalGuy Offline
Wolf Enthusiast

Here are the 2017 food habits of Yellowstone Wolves

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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TheNormalGuy Offline
Wolf Enthusiast

Here are the 2018 food habits of Yellowstone Wolves

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

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TheNormalGuy Offline
Wolf Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 04-11-2020, 03:33 AM by TheNormalGuy )


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TheNormalGuy Offline
Wolf Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 04-12-2020, 04:05 AM by TheNormalGuy )

I thought it would be cool to let you guys and girls reading this thread to see in actions some of the wolves of this directory :

I will begin with a video of Leo Leckie (Youtube Channel) of 1 minute and 6 seconds.

It shows 926F or "Spitfire" 

- Past Alpha Female of Lamar Canyon (She was tragically shot in 2018 outside the park)

- Mother of Little T (Present Alpha Female of Lamar Canyon)

- Daughter of "The 06 Female" and 755M

Summary  of the video by Leo Leckie : 

"Born in April 2011 to two of Yellowstone’s most beloved wild ones, the amazing ’06 Female and 755, she has been “the” reason for the Lamar Canyon Pack’s continuing existence beyond the devastating loss of her mother in early December 2012. And such an amazing Wolf would of course come from an even richer ancestry that reaches all the way back to the restoration of wolves back into Yellowstone National Park in 1995 and the beginning of the complete and healthy ecosystem that the reintroduction of an apex predator brings.

Her mother was born in 2006 into the Agate Creek Pack to the famous alpha pair 472F and 113M, and her grandmother 472 was born in 2001 into the Druid Peak Pack to the even more famous alpha pair 21M and 42F. Her great grandfather 21M was born into the Rose Creek Pack in 1995 to the first alpha pair to leave the park’s acclimation pens earlier that year, her great great grandparents alphas 9F and 10M, the first wolves to howl and stride freely over the landscape of Yellowstone in 70 years.

926 shines bright among the fifth generation in the 23-year history of the greatest success story, the restoration of Wolves and the ecosystem in which they now live, and her daughter, Little T, is an emerging star of the sixth generation and continues her mother’s rich bloodline.

Being able to share these stories and the amazing history of Wolves while witnessing a day in their lives with my Yellowstone Wolf Tracker clients is a treasure that is truly priceless. Come join us at and experience it for yourself! — at Yellowstone National Park ."

It is always a great gift to be able to see what other people share with the community. 

Thank you Leo Leckie for posting this footage of 926F !

TheNormalGuy Offline
Wolf Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 04-12-2020, 04:18 AM by TheNormalGuy )

Here a second footage of a wolf described in this directory from Kids 4 Wolves (Youtube Channel) with a video of 2 minute and 5 seconds.

It shows 820F (Past Female Wolf of the Lamar Canyon Pack)

- Daughter of 755M and "The 06 Female"

- Sister of "Spitfire" (926F)

- She was sadly killed in 2012 by humans when she wandered out of the park.

Summary of the video as said by the poster of the video :

"Video of 820F, a yearling at the time this was recorded, a female of the Lamar Canyon Pack in Yellowstone National Park. This video was taken in August 2012 near Pebble Creek; in November, the uncle of this wolf, 754M, was shot and killed outside of the park. On December 6th, the Alpha Female and mother of this wolf, 832F (affectionately known as "06 female," as she was born in 2006) was also shot and killed. On August 24, 2012, 820F was shot and killed.
Please subscribe to our channel, like us on Facebook (Kids 4 Wolves), and follow us on Instagram and Twitter (@kids4wolves)."

Thank you for sharing this footage of 820F with the community !

TheNormalGuy Offline
Wolf Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 04-12-2020, 08:14 AM by sanjay )

Here a third footage of a wolf described in this directory from Carolyn Golba (Youtube Channel).

It lasts 13 minutes and 3 seconds. 

[align=center]It shows 1091F (Past Breeding of Wapiti Lake)

- Daughter of The Wapiti Lake White Alpha

- Grand-Daughter of the "White Lady"

No summary was given on the video description.

Thanks for sharing this footage of 1091F with the community !


TheNormalGuy Offline
Wolf Enthusiast

I got a problem with the organization of the videos in my last 3 posts.

When I made the post, I made the 3 videos to be in the center of the post.

But it doesn't work.

When I go in edit mode, it is in the center. 

Is there something I can do to fix this ?

sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact

Actually, aligning video is not possible just by using align button above.. since videos are inserted by different sources (youtube, vimeo etc) everyone handles it differently..
I can fix it to one option from coding either left, center or right. Since most of the people here uses left to right text format I kept the videos Left align. I will try to add this option in future.
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TheNormalGuy Offline
Wolf Enthusiast

Alright, thank you Sanjay.

I am on my phone as of now and the videos are centered.

On my laptop, they are on the left.

I appreciate your time in acknowledging the problem.

Take all the time you want. it isn’t important. I’m just a bit perfectionnist sometimes.


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TheNormalGuy Offline
Wolf Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 10-12-2020, 07:28 AM by TheNormalGuy )

Documentary of the Druid Peak Pack posted by Garrett Johnson (Youtube Channel).

It has a duration of 48 minutes and 59 seconds.

Since it is a long video, I made a quick summary of the video "for you to see what you want to see" :

The Druid Pack :

0 : 23 [21M]

0 : 34 [42F [Then Black] & 40F]

1 : 00 [Beautiful 21M]

1:43  [21M]

40F (Alpha Female of the Druid Pack) 7:47 

21M (Black Wolf) 8:32 (Stranger wolf that became the alpha male by getting over with 40F) [He became Blueish-gray with age]

8 :49 [40F, 41F & 42F] [41F is the completely black while 42F has gray muzzle] [42F became as 21M, a white wolf in her case with age.]

42F (Black wolf) (Future Alpha Female) (Sister of 40F) (Also Known as the Cinderella Wolf) 9:07  

40F Dominance over 42F (9:27)

Then one night, 40F is killed

They had 21 pups to feed.

10 :20 [21M in 2000]

11:13 Bison attacks

11:33 Massive load of wolves (that year they were 37 wolves)

12:20 Look at the number of wolves there.

13:55-14:30 Old alpha pair (42F and 21 M having the old age looks) (Their fur passed from pure black to grey) (7 years old at that time)

14:33 Here comes 113 M (Refered as the "big wolf" and he truely is)

14:58 stranger meeting and flirting with 113M (Daughters of 21M) who don't like this 16:50

20:04-22:00 21M in hunt 

26:30 The Return of the lone 113M

28:10 a pre-look at the Agate Creek Pack [472F ? & 103F ?] [Both Black]

28:28 Caught in the act of love by parents 

29:20 The formation of Agate with 6 [3 grays including 113M & 3 black [103F, 472F, and a black]

32:05 Bull ELk Stand its grounds

41:55 Grizzly kills elk calves after a chase.

TheNormalGuy Offline
Wolf Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 11-17-2020, 08:52 PM by TheNormalGuy )

Here is another documentary about the Druid Pack, this one lasting 52 minutes and 37 seconds

Here is the summary I made from the video :

2: 11 [21M & 42F]

3:09 [21M]

3:30 [42F]

11:20 302M 

11:43 [Gorgeous 42F & 21M]

13 : 03 [Gorgeous 42F & 255F i think]

14:10 again 302M, and the beginning of the End of the alpha pair of The Druid Pack (42F and 21M)

21: 00 Sloughs attack 480M ["Casanova Brother"]

21 :36 [286F]

19:21-23:20 Slough Creek Pack gain territory over Druid Pack

24:20 Male Coyote get killed by the Slough Creek Wolves

27:30 Red Fox and Jump-a-thon in the snow.

28:30 Hayden Valley Wolfs, they survive on bison in winter  [With 540F the white wolf, 541M]

36: 28 The now 4 wolf Druid Pack with 480M, 302M, 569F [Gray], 529F [Black]

43:20 Coyote Pack 

47:08 #302M

51:01 Casanova  (302M)

TheNormalGuy Offline
Wolf Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 10-15-2020, 11:09 PM by TheNormalGuy )

Here is a third documentary showcasing the famous Druid Pack of the early 2000's.

It lasts 56 minutes and 37 seconds.

"I do not own, nor do I or intend to profit from this content whatsoever. "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."

- Texasbiology

Here is the summary I made of this video :

7 : 00 [The Crystal Creek Pack, Now Mollies]

2M & 3M are the small black, 4M the big black with a white patch, 5F & 6M are grays

7:02  That's 5F

10 : 07 [10M]

10 : 12 [9F]

10 : 16 [5F]

10 : 18 [5F light gray, 4M black with white, 2M i believe the other black]

10 : 33 [5F]

10 : 38 [4M]

10 : 42 [2M]

11 :26  [38M]

Original Alpha Male 38M of the Druid Pack  11:50 

40F (His mate) 12:06

42F 13:00

16:10 Death of Big #38M

16:30-20:00 A first caught on film (21M) (Get tested by 40F (Alpha female) then 42F (Beta female)

[This interaction between wolves was the first to be filmed ever, it lasted 6 hours]

22:29 [21M]

And it became the new alpha male

38:00 (coyote gets killed)

47: 00 40F and 42F


TheNormalGuy Offline
Wolf Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 04-13-2020, 12:22 AM by TheNormalGuy )

Here are other footage of Yellowstone Wolves from many people on youtube :

Here are some to subscribe to view many videos of Yellowstone Wolves :

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TheNormalGuy Offline
Wolf Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 07-13-2020, 09:50 AM by TheNormalGuy )

Biggest YNP Wolf Packs at year end  (15+) (As of 2019) :

bold = highest number for the pack 
1.    Druid Peak – 37 (2001) (26 Adults & Yearlings + 11 pups)
2.    Druid Peak – 27 (2000)
3.    Gibbon Meadows – 25 (2008)
4.    Leopold – 23 (2004)
5.    Nez Perce – 22 (2000)
6.    Rose Creek – 22 (1998)
7.    Yellowstone Delta – 22 (2007)
8.    Wapiti Lake – 21 (2017)
9.    Nez Perce – 20 (2002)
10. Swan Lake – 20 (2003)
11. Mollie’s – 19 (2011)
12. Leopold – 19 (2003)
13. Leopold – 19 (2006)
14. Wapiti Lake – 19 (2018)
15. Wapiti Lake – 19 (2019)
16. Yellowstone Delta – 19 (2004)
17. 8-Mile – 18 (2013)
18. 8-Mile – 18 (2016)
19. Junction Butte – 18 (2019)
20. Mollie’s – 18 (2016)
21. Rose Creek I & II – 18 (2000)
22. Nez Perce – 18 (2001)
23. 8-Mile – 17 (2019)
24. Agate Creek – 17 (2007)
25. Chief Joseph I & II – 17 (1998)
26. Druid Peak – 17 (2003)
27. Gibbon Meadows – 17 (2007)
28. Gibbon Meadows – 17 (2009)
29. Yellowstone Delta – 17 (2003)
30. Yellowstone Delta – 17 (2005)
31. Crystal Creek – 16 (1998)
32. Druid Peak – 16 (2007)
33. Leopold – 16 (2002)
34. Leopold – 16 (2007)
35. Mollie’s – 16 (2010)
36. Mollie’s – 16 (2015)
37. Oxbow Creek – 16 (2007)
38. Rose Creek – 16 (1999)
39. Slough Creek – 16 (2007)
40. Swan Lake – 16 (2002)
41. Yellowstone Delta – 16 (2001)
42. Yellowstone Delta – 16 (2006)
43. Blacktail Deer Plateau – 15 (2011)
44. Mollie’s – 15 (2009)
45. Nez Perce – 15 (2003)
46. Rose Creek – 15 (1997)
47. Slough Creek – 15 (2003)
48. Slough Creek – 15 (2004)
49. Slough Creek – 15 (2005)
50. Washakie – 15 (2002)

Source : Data from the Yellowstone Wolf Project Annual Reports 
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TheNormalGuy Offline
Wolf Enthusiast

Credits : Deby Dixon (Youtube Channel)

Published on Mar 4, 2016

While the Lamar Canyon pack (5 wolves) attempted to hunt a bison calf one of the adult males, Dark Black, or 992M now that he is collared, was scooped up by a bison cow's horn. The wolf was then somersaulted, with his legs and tail well above the bison's head, and then thrown to the ground where he skidded several feet before jumping up and resuming the hunt.

[992M] is also known as "Twin" and was the Alpha Male of Lamar Canyon Pack in 2017 with famous "06 Female's" daughter : 926F (Spitfire)
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