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--- Peter Broekhuijsen ---

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Working together with wild animals on ground ?

sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact

I am thinking to motivate or initiate a new thing for all of members here. From few past days I am thinking that if few of members among us can come together and build something real life thing for wild animals like Rehab center, personnel zoo (not exactly zoo), Organization dedicated to wildlife and working on field.
Believe me I have no idea what I am talking But I think we can make something on ground ? Though I may sound stupid here but It is just an Idea. This we will need people from different field, Like some of them should be financially strong to put money in this project (We will need lot of money). Some of them should be able to do proper research for stabling things such as selecting and buying land, fencing, food arrangement, vets etc... Some of them should have experience in handling wild animals and so many things...

You can say it is just a crazy Idea but I thought to discuss with all of you since we all share the same passion. I also desire to meet many of you personally and if possible work together on wild animals so that we can do what we wanted to do, living with wild animals (Isn't it ?).

I strongly believe that this idea has only 1% of taking reality and it will fail 99% time becasue many of us are not of that standard.

What do you think ? Is it possible ? If yes than WHY ? and If no than WHY ?
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Israel Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover


Really, I don't know, but the wildest ideas would never be realised if nobody thought about them before...
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United States Polar Offline
Polar Bear Enthusiast

It would be a little more possible to do so if I could travel to India and meet you, Sanjay, but I don't even have enough money to get a mortgage yet, and I am going to college in the fall. 

I think a wildlife reserve would be better instead of a zoo with vets: extremely minimal tampering is needed with wild animals, unlike zoo animals which depend on us. I like seeing animals in their natural habitat instead of within an enclosed space.

sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact

Thank you for the reply

I don't think India is good option for this type of project. I would prefer Canada or anyother country which has vast amount of unused land and not very tough rules to get licenses.
Zoo is not good idea. Better to make rescue center or private reserve.
The biggest hurdle is money. If someone will invest money in this project he will also expect a return from it. So it is not easy job even if we able to make a team for all other things

I hope at least some of us will be able to work close to wild animals in near future.
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United States Polar Offline
Polar Bear Enthusiast

Canada sounds good.

But overall, I'd like to see wild animals go their own way and not even have to interact with us humans on a daily basis.

I have worked with some domesticated pigs and cows on my dad's old farm back in Bulgaria, as well as sightseeing and physically interacting with polar bears on my PBI trip. But that's all about it when it comes to my experience with animals.
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Mexico Gamiz Offline
Lion Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 07-11-2016, 04:06 AM by Gamiz )

In Mexico exist the Black jaguar white tiger foundation, @sanjay you're going to do something like that?
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sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact

Hello @Gamiz,
I can not do that alone. To make it happen we will need a team, place, experts, investor, and licence. I am just trying to leave a possibility here if wildfact forum members  may make the thing like this with coordination in future. Since we all share the same passion for wildlife, so I thought to give it an initiative. Though I know it is highly unlikely  that this would happen.
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