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Why Boars and Warthogs also eats meat ?

sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact

In general the Wild Boars, Warthogs and other member of this family are grass eating, but they also have been filmed eating meat of dead animals hunted by other carnivora. What is the main reason for this behaviour?

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chaos Offline
wildlife enthusiast

(10-10-2017, 04:25 PM)sanjay Wrote: In general the Wild Boars, Warthogs and other member of this family are grass eating, but they also have been filmed eating meat of dead animals hunted by other carnivora. What is the main reason for this behaviour?

They are omnivorous
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sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact

(10-10-2017, 07:28 PM)chaos Wrote: They are omnivorous
Agree, so the bears, but the bears are known as predators. Is there any other animal which is mainly grass eating but consume meat also ?
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Czech Republic Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

@sanjay :

Domestic pigs also are omnivorous.
Do you know the Sicilian Mafia is known to have given some (alive) betrayers to pigs. They were eaten alive by the pigs...

About one particular boss of the mafia:

In a general way, about this "custom":

In these cases, of course, the sickest are the men that gave the victims to the pigs. Sorry if this account is able to disturb some sensitive souls...
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Rishi Offline
( This post was last modified: 10-11-2017, 12:04 AM by Rishi )

Other than whales, pigs are the only omnivorous ungulate.

There distant relative, the Entelodont or hell-pigs were true omnivores. Hunting, scavenging & carrion feeding, this seven foot tall monsteris called the "Best scavenger​ of the Oligocene".

Terminator pigs: rise of the entelodonts

*This image is copyright of its original author

It eventually evolved in to a 1ton meat-bone devouring hulk called Daeodon. Size compared to a modern 200kilo capable wild-boar;

*This image is copyright of its original author

That's when is became susceptable to changes, when it became a (almost carnivorous) megafauna. Extinct by overconfidence...
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Rishi Offline
( This post was last modified: 10-11-2017, 08:30 AM by Rishi )

(10-10-2017, 10:01 PM)sanjay Wrote: Agree, so the bears, but the bears are known as predators. Is there any other animal which is mainly grass eating but consume meat also ?

Calling bears as "predators" is a gross misstatement. It's probably done because they are dangerous & have claws-canines.

*This image is copyright of its original author

Only bear to live a life of a PROPER predator are polar bears, because they have no vegetarian alternative up there.

They are followed by, guess who... the Panda. Apparently, pandas' digestive system is much more well-suited for meat than it is for their main diet, bamboo. 

The only non-veg sloth & sun bears regularly eat is termite. 

The omnivores vary in their percentage of carnivorous diet from species to species. There are vegetarian dominated regions of india where people have their pet dogs on veg. diet, simply because non-veg in not allowed in the households & the dogs are perfectly healthy.
Just google "dog's balanced diet food-pyramid"...

*This image is copyright of its original author

I'd offered street-dogs meat in Kerela travels...they like coconuts.  Ha Ha
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epaiva Offline
( This post was last modified: 10-23-2017, 04:53 PM by epaiva )

Wild boars
credits to @jaisalsujansingh @michelcoya and @pasionmorenanazaret

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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India brotherbear Offline
Grizzly Enthusiast

Entelodonts may have been more closely related to the hippopotamus and whales than to pigs. Like bears, they were omnivores which included being part-time predators. 
As for pigs eating meat; like the story told by Spalea, I remember when on the news, in the Savannah, Ga area where I was living ( 1970s or early 80s ) a man had went out to feed his hogs. Unsure what happened exactly, but the man was perhaps knocked down by the hogs, or he fell into the pen. In any case, by the time his wife decided that something was evidently wrong, the man was dead and partly eaten.
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India brotherbear Offline
Grizzly Enthusiast

Another hoofed omnivore: 
The Andrewsarchus-as-creodont theory was dealt a near-decisive blow by more recent analyses of this mammal's skull. Today, most paleontologists believe that Andrewsarchus was an artiodactyl, or even-toed mammal, which would place it in the same general family as giant prehistoric pigs like Enteledon. However, one dissenting view holds that Andrewsarchus was in fact a "whippomorph," part of the evolutionary clade that includes both modern whales and hippopotami.

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