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Where is the biggest bengal tigers?

Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 03-26-2017, 05:34 AM by Pantherinae )

(03-26-2017, 04:32 AM)Rishi Wrote:
(03-25-2017, 11:04 PM)Pantherinae Wrote: The 280 claim I took from a guy who had experience of watching tigers in Central India for almost three decades (28 years), it was not my statement, but it actually makes sense to me if he weighed 225 kg empty at 2,5 years (we will hopefully get that straightened up) Over exaggerating that a Central Indian tiger can be 300 kg?? I don't think so at all. A very big male lion can be 250 kg, then a very big Central Tiger can be 300 kg that I'm quite sure of.

Your "the guy" is Sharad Vats, aint it!?  Huh 
He thinks Kanha's  Bhima weighted 280kg (REALLY???!!!!!)....& that Umarpani is largest ma!e of India...

He's kinda (read: extremely) biased towards his fav. Kanha males (makes sense there, he's only human). He is no expert (wildlife photographers, no matter how skilled, don't count) & have never weighed a tiger. 
He just threw a random number...If Ustad & T3 (Panna) weighed 240kg, a tiger visibly similar shouldnt weigh much different!!!..

Well he's not really talking nonsense right there, as Bhima weighed 225 kg at the age of 2,5 years he could have reached that weight (280 kg) I assume, still without having something to compare with.... 

You're now doing the same thing you criticize him for doing by comparing Bhima to Ustad and T3 and saying they are about the same size and can't weigh much more than them only based on you're personal views, that's just the same thing he did haha. I don't have a problem with people having opinions, but it's wrong to say he's just talking nonsense, when I would assume he probably has more experience with wild tigers than you? and then go and make one yourself..
I think you and him are entitled to have one. His too are quite a valid one as he's seen several tigers all over Central India for 28 years, I don't know if he prefers Kanha tigers and gives them some extra kg's neither does I say his opinions should be written in stone, but still I can't really disagree much with him, as it makes sense that Bhima probably grew quite a bit until he reached full maturity, and Umarpani and KF was bigger than him.  
Also from my point of view they look the biggest along side the Pench males, but that is my opinion. 

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RE: Where is the biggest bengal tigers? - Pantherinae - 03-26-2017, 05:29 AM

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