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Update on Amazon rainforest fire 2019

sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact

I think this is getting worse, Brazil government didn't take needed action. Neither the international community is much concerned about this. This issue is way bigger than any issue right now across the globe.
I request members living in South America, please keep updating us about this mishap.
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sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact

Here is a video

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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Not only did the Gov't not take the needed action, they encouraged the burning to begin with. This is a man made catastrophe as a direct result of Soy.
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sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact

I think development of Country like Brazil and India will bring major consequences and catastrophic changes in environment
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Czech Republic Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

I don't know if we must cry or laugh but:

Does each citizen make a "biologic" effort whereas each government, and of course his in this particular case, doesn't stop devastating the planet ?

No, it's tragic ! I seriously believe that from one day to the other we are going to loose everything we have: our gadgets and gimmicks (iphone, computer, internet...), but also our elementary needs and welcome to a new "Stone age", but this time onto a quite polluted planet.

And a few very deep criminals (political and oligarchical) will quietly survive.
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sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact

I don't know if this help that much, but I urge to sign in this petition

sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact

Amazon fires: Brazilian president sends army to tackle blaze after Emmanuel Macron moves to block EU-South America trade deal

Australia Richardrli Offline
Wildanimal Enthusiast

Is Bolsonaro not the main culprit in all this?

United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

(08-24-2019, 08:03 PM)Richardrli Wrote: Is Bolsonaro not the main culprit in all this?

His rederict absolutely is, he didnt light the fires himself but he told the farmers to clear out space for Soy farming which they did, burning double the amount they did the year before and causing the worst fire ever seen in the Amazon. He then said they didnt have the man power to fight the fire up until the UN wants to declare it an international emergency and now he "wants to send the army in"?
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sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact

He is a joke. People like him should be barred from international community.
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Australia Richardrli Offline
Wildanimal Enthusiast

I don't want to delve too deeply into politics, but if the Brazilian political elite (or at least this current "president") has fanciful economic ambitions for their country at the expense of their greatest natural treasure then they will be sorry in the long run. The US of A will still strong-arm Brazil into doing whatever it wishes and Brazil will have no geopolitical power to determine it's own destiny. Of course, if the Amazon truly gets screwed over then all of South America will suffer big time.
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United States Polar Offline
Polar Bear Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 08-26-2019, 01:35 AM by Polar )

On one hand, I am not surprised that such a corrupt, fascist government would even go to such lengths to do something like this just to further his own agenda. On the other hand, the Amazon is one of Earth's largest "lungs" (along with the ocean, which is also declining in oxygen production), and one would think Bolsonaro would've thought (even for a single millisecond) of the potentially-devastating, widespread effects of burning down the forests, but no.

"Sending the army in" is most likely a codeword for literally eliminating the indigenous population in the forest, and if unsuccessful, controlling them. Literal fascism right there.
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Ashutosh Offline

If you thought Amazon forest fires were bad, NASA has some terrible news from Central African jungles.

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Czech Republic Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

From an other side we don't have to forget the role of the big companies. OK we are criticizing Bolsonaro with good reason. For exemple, Macron the french president wants to help fighting the forest fires in this country, but what are doing the big french companies all over the world ? Total, responsible of the oil slicks, Ciment Lafarge which continues to work in Syria during all the conflict, having confess to have worked with the Islamic State, and so on... No matter the wars, business trade must go on.

The big companies often becoming more powerful than the states are never stopping their ravages within the third world countries. They are fiscally protected in order they can more and more increase their power of disrupt. No morality, no ethics, just a motto is ruling them "profits, benefits, rentability". The life ot the people, nations, wild nature doesn't matter at all.

Capitalism, capitalism, capitalism... Let us dare to name the scourge, Bolsonaro is just here for a short time. It's no use to revile an authoritarian Head of State and not be focused on the other. We are in front of a world plague. World plague, the only one globalism which succeeds now.

Are we able to qualify, name and criticize all the big companies working within the Amazonian forest ? And responsible of the current forest fires ?

Sorry for this thread, I know we don't have to speak politic. But criticizing Bolsonaro, because it would actually be fashionable to do it, isn't enough.
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